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I am looking at trapping some minnows for an aquarium.

2006-10-05 05:20:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Fish

5 answers

I would suggest making several of them however.

2006-10-05 07:23:56 · answer #1 · answered by iceni 7 · 0 0

My dad has a minnow net - don't know if he bought it or made it. The net has pretty small holes (smaller than on a net you'd use when catching trout) is about 4 feet across & is attached to 2 wooden poles on each side of the net (kind of like wooden broom handles). He & my brother would catch minnows for fishing bait in a small stream- 1 would be on 1 side of the net holding the ends of the handles & the other would be on the other side. (The wooden handles made it sturdy, so I imagine you could do this solo if need be.) They'd put it in the water where they saw minnows swimming around & wait a little bit & then each lift up their handles & see what they caught. Hope this is the type of info you're looking for....

2006-10-05 05:35:08 · answer #2 · answered by Quarter Midget Mom 5 · 0 0

Get some small meshed cage wire and make a cylindar about 8 to 10 inchs in diameter. Close off one end and make a funnel with the wire leading into the cylinder at the other end. The hole at the end of the funnel should be about the size of a Quarter. Put the trap in shallow water laying on it's side, the minnows can swin in the funnel and can't swim out.

2006-10-05 05:33:30 · answer #3 · answered by Benjo 2 · 0 0

You can buy minnow traps pretty cheap at most sporting good stores

2006-10-05 05:53:22 · answer #4 · answered by eastern_mountain_outdoors 4 · 0 0

benjos brother the cheapest way is to take about a 2ltr coke bottle an cut the end with the nozzle and tape it inside out the edges with duck tape then punch some holes smaller than 1/4" maybe with a nail so that when you pull it out the water most the water drains out this works helps to put bread are turtel/fish food in it

click here for end result:...


2006-10-05 06:38:30 · answer #5 · answered by brent 2 · 0 0

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