Recently I applied to open a bank account and the information bank officer coughed in my face without putting her hand over her face I was caught unawares and quickled flapped my bank brochure up and down to create a 'wind' and told her she should stay at home, she proudly told me said has accummilated all these 'sick' days up! I have have spent the last week, with high fevers/vomiting and now secondary infection to my chest! If someone hit me with their fist out of the blue in the middle of the street, that is assault! whats the difference? Ive spent a week in bed and feel weak and leaving to live overseas 20th Oct, I am cancelling trip as cant get out of my leased house in time due to this horrendous illness. So, why do people think they have the right to cough in your face (I also had this happen last year in the supermarket whilst reaching for a food item), no time to protect myself.....if our flu virus gets any worse we could be looking at death by %$#@8selfish!!!
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mee cat puuurfect
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