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I hope every democrat in America votes this upcoming election, as I'm sure you all know whoever gets voted in the Senate this election will be a major determining factor as to who will become president next election.

2006-10-04 17:05:27 · 7 answers · asked by Tammy C 3 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

7 answers

For the most part Republicans and Big Business are like a whorehouse on the outskirts of Vegas. They are in bed together all the time and paying for it as they go. Anyone that denys this is ignorant. The biggest industries that support the Republicans are Oil, Defense, Pharmeceuticals, Health Care and Insurance. There are a lot more as well. This is why they are so powerful.....But these corperations don't give a crap about the average American....they only think about profits and will outsource and cut labor and benefits in a NY minute!!!

Jeff from above you are dead wrong...do some research yourself....it is about 88% big oil from Republicans and 22% from Democrats. Lets get real!!!!

2006-10-04 17:17:28 · answer #1 · answered by dharmabear 3 · 1 1

The Bush Administration is calling out all of their favors to get the oil companies to give up a few billions in profits and lower gas prices in order for Republicans to win elections. Just remember that Republicans also gave the oil companies a free ride amounting to $9 billion in profits last year. (And remember, it's not just the oil companies bankrolling the Bush Administration, it's all major corporations, including pharmaceutical companies).

Since Republicans control the phony voting machines, public outcry will be needed to change things. Get going.

2006-10-05 00:22:26 · answer #2 · answered by Reba K 6 · 2 0

The FACT is that major corporations, including the oil companies, typically donate about equally to BOTH major parties.

Billionaire George Soros and many Hollywood actors (typically liberal, but not all) support the Democrat party exclusively.

2006-10-05 00:21:08 · answer #3 · answered by senior citizen 5 · 0 1

Actually, if you would do a little research, you would find out that the major oil companies (not "companys") pretty much donate equally to both parties. They like to hedge their bets.

2006-10-05 00:17:15 · answer #4 · answered by Jeff F 4 · 1 1

Yes I'm sure all Democrats will vote and vote often.

2006-10-05 00:10:46 · answer #5 · answered by gizzardout 3 · 1 0

NO. An absurd question if ever there was one.

2006-10-05 00:22:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

no. all republican candidates are rich, and thus have more money to spend.

2006-10-05 00:06:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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