The main ore of tin is cassiterite. Tin dioxide. Tin is a surprisingly rare metal. It is most often found as stream tin in the gravels of a few river systems in Malaysia (a.k.a. as Malaya. has extensive tin deposits.) Alluvial placer tin is very heavy and is let behind with magnetic iron oxide and trace gold particles, in the pan or sluice gate beds and riffles. Tin (cassiterite) is also mined in a few lode deposits, world-wide, mainly in Boivia, China, Russia Thailand and Indonesia. Another former and another major ancient source was the Cornwall district of South West England. The lode cassiterite ore is found in granitic rock deposits. The cassiterite & gangue rock mixture is usually treated with hydrochloric acid in order to convert the gangue minerals to their chlorides. Those cholrides are contacted with water and the tin oxide remains. (tin stone) is roasted in blast furnaces to reduce it to the metal. The oxide is driven off by carbon monoxide srtipping off the oxide of tin and becomic carbon dioxide which gasses off. . The remaining reduced tin metal is purified by electrolysis or chemical partition. Another major source of tin is that which is recovered from scrap tin plated steel and other used tin metal..
Hope that suplied the information you needed
Doc. Dan.
2006-10-04 17:11:25
answer #1
answered by Dan S 6
easy they get it in rock form although its in rock form it is still a powder from there i dont know how they press it into sheets sorry
2006-10-05 00:08:45
answer #2
answered by mustang_rws 4