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2006-10-04 15:25:52 · 28 answers · asked by jennilaine777 4 in Politics & Government Politics

28 answers

i am liberal because i do not like imperialist policies of the super cop in this unipolar world, the USA and its running dog, the UK. i am liberal because, i think rationally and do not subscribe to dogmatic tenets of religion. i am liberal because, i believe women hold up half of the sky and there should be no gender bias,economic, social, political inequalities in the world.

2006-10-04 21:44:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 14 1

I'm a liberal, and when Stanitruk asked a similar question, whether or not liberalism is healthy for society, here's what I said.

Without liberals, we'd still be living in a time period when the only people who had rights in American society were educated white males. I think it's healthier for society to be fiscally conservative, which the current conservative Republican President is not, and liberal on most social issues. I abhor what modern-day social conservatism has allowed itself to become in the last 25 years, as reflected by people like Rush Limbaugh, William Bennett, Jerry Falwell, Pat Buchanan, Pat Robertson, Sean Hannity and others on the far right. I think there is an awful lot of hatred towards change and progess motivating a lot of what they do.

Twelve years ago, the Republican party was the party of small government, tax cuts, and staying out of your life. That's how they won control of Congress in 1994. Now, the Republican party is the party of war, war, and more war, intruding into people's private lives, and silencing those who oppose them. We need more liberals to restore the balance of political power now. And moderate Republicans need to be listened to also.

That's why I'm an independent who will vote Democratic this year.

2006-10-05 09:32:41 · answer #2 · answered by smoke16507 3 · 1 0

I'm neither one of those. I don't limit myself with titles. If I were to call myself anything, It would be a constitutionalist. I believe the constitution should be left alone to do what it is supposed to do but it has been twisted and distorted. The more laws we make, the more we break. I believe the supreme court has too much power. They are the ones that have distorted our beloved constitution. This country was meant to be free. Not a country restrained by too many laws. They rely too much on the law of probability. Conservatives are greedy, power hungry, selfish and over zealous. Liberals just want to throw caution to the wind and do anything that they want to even if it is a slap in the face to God almighty. Why does everything have to be left or right? Why can't we have a leader that's straight down the middle and honest with everyone. I'm somewhat conservative and somewhat Liberal so I guess you can call me a moderate.

2006-10-04 23:04:06 · answer #3 · answered by renaissance man 3 · 0 0

A true liberal.

I want to erase the books and start over overnight. I don't think thing are being done in the best way possible. There is definitely room for improvement. But like the conservatives I like strict constructionalism and broad strokes so I would prefer to do the whole job all over again instead of just fixing a little thing here and a little thing there and hoping all the patches hold together. But, flat out I am not satisfied with the way things are. Too little gets done and too much is spent to do nothing.

2006-10-04 23:26:01 · answer #4 · answered by LORD Z 7 · 2 0

I am a Libertarian which means I'm a social liberal and a fiscally/economically conservative. It's the best of both worlds. We want to make Govt. so small that you will NEVER have career politicans in Washington ever again which will put scumbag lobbyist and corruption out of govt. business forever. We also believe in a strong military for Defensive Purposes Only which means there would never be another Iraq war. We believe in the Constitution, free trade, and low taxes for everyone.

2006-10-04 22:36:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Neither and both.

For example, I have a hard time regulating the right of two consenting adults to do whatever they want to each other's bodies, let alone to enter into a domestic union with one another (and I think "Marriage" should be left to religious institutions entirely; they can decide), when we have leaders in BOTH major parties who can't even suppress their attractions to adolescents!
I say legalize, regulate (control quality and sell to adults only), and tax all illegal drugs. Make temporary legal residence easier for aspiring immigrants, give THEM the national ID before you ever think of giving it to citizens, lower their minimum wage if that's what it takes for the corporate elite to agree to legalize, regulate and tax them!

I think the First Amendment is of extreme importance. Though both major parties want to undermine it in different ways, it needs to be held as SACRED.

The Second Amendment is a good way to gauge a politician's view of YOU as either a productive and responsible citizen, or part of an unruly mob to be ruled and lorded over. Not to mention the example set by countries like Mexico and Britain, where criminals know they can act with impunity, because only criminals have guns!

I also have a problem with lots of the economic regulation going on here, welfare, and the high tax burden on families. If twenty percent of the people in the U.S. control eighty percent of the wealth, couldn't the poorer 80% be spared federal taxes pretty much entirely?

2006-10-04 22:27:50 · answer #6 · answered by A Box of Signs 4 · 1 0

I'm a liberal because I identify with mainstream american viewpoints. I'm a union electrician who has a stake in every election from city to Fed. because all the rights for labor our brothers and sister fought and died for in the past can be wiped away with the stroke of the wrong politicians pen. It's that simple reality that keeps me informed about what's what and who's who in our government. You cant let some idiot decide laws that will directly affect your abillity to put food on the table. Also, I don't identify with the wealthy, corporations, pharmacueticals, bible thumpers, war mongers, deciders, shooters, or globalists.

2006-10-04 22:42:14 · answer #7 · answered by scottyurb 5 · 2 0

I am conservative because I believe government is a "necessary evil." I think the least government is the best.

I'm not laissez faire, but only because I think the world has gotten too big to trust the market-place with things like safety... I think it took Ford way too long to recall the Pinto, for example (and I'm not a mechanic)...

I'm not in favor of Tort reform, because I believe in juries...

I'm not in favor of our current public educational system, because it produces stupid juries...

I don't think government should legislate morality, pay for anyone to have an abortion, give special treatment to anyone, or tax me so someone else doesn't have to work...

I am in favor of a strong military, because that ensures peace...

2006-10-04 23:04:56 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

I'm a conservative. I'd like to keep the traditions that
have made this Country great throughout history.
1. Liberals don't teach history, they're making a new one.
2. Liberals love that political correctness junk.
3. Democrats are linking with anarchist groups.
4. Democrats make fun of accidental shootings (Cheney)
5. Cindy Sheehan is a Liberal (egads)
6. The ACLU bunch is Liberal.
7. Liberals believe in scraping innocent babies out of
mother's wombs in pieces. (sickening)
8. Liberals don't want to fight for this country or freedom
9. Jane Fonda (Hanoi Jane) is a huge Liberal
l0. Liberals are anti-American (if not, they have a poor way
of proving it)
11.Democrats voted down English being our offical language.
12.Liberals think it's okay to burn the American flag.
13.Liberals want to condone gay marriage, which will send
families (as we have know them) down the tube.
14.There's much more I could put down, but don't want to
ramble on and on like some ofyou guys do.

2006-10-04 22:54:52 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Most would call me a liberal, but I'm actually a Progressive Democrat and proud of it. The Democratic party has always helped the working class and the underpriveledged. The Republicans or as they are now known as, the NeoCons, have always been for big greedy corporations and they only want to help themselves.

More importantly, I am a Christian. Christ gave us the "Golden Rule."

Therefore, since the NeoCons lust to lock people up indefinitely, for any reason they whim to, in some kennel-like torture chambers, they have spent trillions of American tax dollars building all around the world, this is exactly what should happen to the NeoCons.

The NeoCons also believe in a permanent war economy, and perpetual war.

Whenever the NeoCons are in office there is either war or a depression and it always takes a Democrat to end their wars and to end their depressions.

You are witnessing the Nazification of America!

Thank you Beach Bum,

You make a lot of sense. Don't listen to folks who have squandered their ability to think for themselves.

Ojos Verdes,

It was Bush that threw the UN inspectors out of Iraq because they were telling Bush that Iraq had no weopons of mass destruction, so that he could rush in half-****** and commit murder on thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians including women and children in HIS "Shock & Awe" Campaign!

Get your facts straignt before you spread misconseptions..

2006-10-04 22:36:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I am generally conservative, ecumenically and I believe in a small, lassaiz faire government.

Socially I would be considered liberal because I believe the government does not have a business in the lives of it's citizens. The government should protect it's citizens, but not legislate morality or restrict their civil freedoms.

2006-10-04 22:41:35 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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