As a Republican, I find solace in actually doing something with my day-to-day life, like working and being a dad and husband. Liberals, on the other hand, get so invloved in things that are untouchable (think Cindy Sheehan), that they waste their time 'feeling' like they are making an impact, when in reality they are just venting and drumming up support from people that already think the same way.
If you live in the real world, you live in a small world. I can only 'really' influence so many people, and I don't hold any illusions that someone 1000 miles away gives a hoot about what I think or do.
If you live in a fantasy world, you imagine that you are making a difference by talking loud and making a scene (again, think Cindy Sheehan). Protestors, by and large, have a much higher sense of self-importance than those who just vote quietly. Why do you think Republicans don't protest? Because they're wimps? Hell, no... it's because they know that the only people that would care are other Republicans, and there's no point in trying to convince them, is there? So instead, Republicans work their butts off to stay off welfare, and still get out and vote in droves.
I am proud to be a strong player in my little community. I put my trust in my elected officials to take care of the rest of the world. We citizens are the worst backseat drivers when it comes to politics. Cindy Sheehan should run for political office if she really thinks she represents a portion of the population (sorry to keep using her as an example... she just seems so pathetic, though).
2006-10-04 16:54:23
answer #1
answered by envision_man 2
Its a small world ,trying to convince everyone that they are in danger of a meek little turd carrying a big bomb,theatening our life ,and our family,Meaning the terrorists,for you people with a little mind!
2006-10-04 15:40:48
answer #2
answered by 4 strings 7
you wouldn't be talking trash outside of this country, you'd be shot.
seriously, did you ever take a history class?
2006-10-04 16:05:43
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think a Republicans world is the same size as everyone elses. And no one, republican or not, can speak their mind in a communist/dictator country if that is what you are referring to.
2006-10-04 15:26:09
answer #4
answered by Squawkers 4
It's so small because all they think about is how to get more money .. money money money. They can never have enough. Including the Bush family. Good Luck! :)
2006-10-04 15:31:19
answer #5
answered by tysavage2001 6
They stil live in the days when the Earth was th flat.
2006-10-04 15:28:30
answer #6
answered by Mister2-15-2 7
republicans suck like 3 dollar whores,they are vampires and will suck every penny you have out of your wallet
2006-10-04 15:27:35
answer #7
answered by redneckwoodman 6
Stop talking out your a s s!
2006-10-04 15:26:21
answer #8
answered by Jeff F 4
to match libs brains to keep things fair
2006-10-04 15:26:44
answer #9
answered by Anonymous