Count on it. If there is a way to blame something on someone else, they'll find it. They especially love anything they can blame gays for. It's like crack to them. They are already trying to blame 'gay' assistants for not giving information to the speaker...even though that's already been disproved. It should be interesting to see what shameful way they spin this and how they worm out of their responsibility. If the posts on here are any indication, they find someway to blame the democrats too.
2006-10-04 15:26:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Only if the Democrats continue to help. Let's make this a huge scandal, even though he's already gone. Let's talk about him like he's a pedophile, although the IMer was legal age of consent and reciprocating quite graphically in speech. After all, it's all about the upcoming election.
2006-10-04 22:23:34
answer #2
answered by MEL T 7
If the Democrats were worried about "protecting the children", why did they hold onto the information until they thought it could help them politically instead of outing Foley long ago?
2006-10-04 22:27:26
answer #3
answered by Faeldaz M 4
Libs are already doing. Some funny stuff!
2006-10-04 22:39:22
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No, but I'm sure they will spin it many ways before it's over.
2006-10-04 22:29:16
answer #5
answered by oohhbother 7
libs sure do love sheep What besides male on male love is that the next best thing? Sheep on lib love? Libs are the expert in both feilds
2006-10-04 22:25:53
answer #6
answered by Anonymous