I really didn't look at it that way but I think you are on to something. I thought he was looking for his five minutes of fame. Hmmmmmm???
2006-10-04 14:31:55
answer #1
answered by copswife93 4
No, I don't think that was his reason for confessing. Remember, he was living free and undetected in Asia. He fled there to escape warrants for child porno in California. But he was teaching in Asia and no one knew about his past, till that journalism professor in Colorado told the cops about some of Karr's weird emails about JonBenet.
Karr, being the sick pedophile that he is, knows deepdown that he is a small, worthless, poinltess man who never gets noticed by anyone. Thus he needs and craves attention. Byt since he is such a wimp, adults don't give him any, thus he builds his life around kids, in order to make him feel more worthy, (Hence his vocation as a teacher.) He may actually be delusional enough to really believe he killed JonBenet, but I doubt it. I think he's just a manipulator. And maybe the guilt over all his past peophilia finally got the best of his conscience and he decided to pay his dues.
He is now standing trial in California for the five counts of child pornography that he skipped the country for.
I'm guessing he'll do about 4-5 years in a minimum-security pen. He'll of course have to be put in PC (protective custody) the entire time, because pedophiles (called "short eyes" in the convict world) are at the bottom of the food chain in a prison.
2006-10-04 21:39:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
He spent all his cash making arrangements for a sex change but chickened out.But there was no refunds and he was stranded so he cooked up this story about the murder of JonBenet as a way to get back into the USA.So our tax money brought him back to the states.Once back he knew that physical evidence would acquit him even if he was picked up by other authorities for other problems.
2006-10-04 21:57:54
answer #3
answered by blakree 7
He did it to get a free ride back to America. Anglos and Europeans can't work in Thailand without all kinds of permits.
2006-10-04 21:50:59
answer #4
answered by nursesr4evr 7
No one knows. My guess is that he's a sick individual and in his sick way wanted to be in his glory as sick as that may be, his 15 minutes, if you will.
EDIT* I think drummerboy(see below) has a good point as well.
2006-10-04 21:32:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous