Because we are the party of "do as I say not as I do"!
And that's final!!!!
2006-10-04 14:15:49
answer #1
answered by ? 3
A lot of these people are brought up in families that pretend that everything is just perfect in their world. They never actually have a conversation with their children to even know what's really going on in their lives. Every independent thought, word and deed is stifled at a very young age. When these people become adults, they go out into the real world, take a drink and the emotional dam that has held back those repressed feelings just breaks. There are some really sick conservative Republicans out there. All hiding under a rock, handing out judgment on other people's lives and praying that no one ever finds out their dirty little secrets.
2006-10-05 06:09:11
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You really are not very intelligent. Do you think you can lump everyone is a party together? Republicans are more conservative that the Democrats. We do believe more in family values, whether you believe it or not. It is really a sad day when we are no longer just Americans. We are divided into Conservatives and Liberals. We do not have to worry about the terrorists taking us down. We are destructing ourselves from within.
2006-10-04 21:29:49
answer #3
answered by ginaforu5448 5
That's funny you didn't seem that stupid?
I'm a DEM, and am very enlightened person. I listen to all sides and form an opinion on my values. I have faults, just as does everyone else. But you have shown a fault in your thought and others that reply to your question. You only value when you find a fault in someone and that's it you don't see or hear anything else. We are Americans in the UNITED STATES the greatest Country in the World and its our in-differences that keep us strong, DON'T FORGET THAT!
2006-10-04 21:29:13
answer #4
answered by tc_an_american 7
It is heart-breaking indeed, when we find out that someone we have respected and listened to, turns out to be human, after all. It's devastating when we find out a church pastor, who we loved so dearly, has actually sinned somewhere along the way. It is almost unbearable when we grow up and find out that one of our parents, who guided us along the righteous path, has actually committed a sin way back there.
Nevertheless, the message remains good, and it is the right message: Family values are all that matters; family is truly everything. I pity Rush for his bad habit, but it makes his message no less true.
Foley is another matter altogether. I doubt that he even knows what family values are. Somehow, God will handle the matter; that one is too much for me.
2006-10-04 21:24:35
answer #5
answered by doot 2
As long as they eventually proclaim Jesus saved them, all is right with their world.
The moment Mark Foley proclaims Jesus as his savior, all will be forgiven.
Too bad for all the young lives and minds Foley messed with,...they don't have the same option...
2006-10-04 21:30:28
answer #6
answered by navymom 5
Why do Liberals make such broad generalizations that only got to prove they're ignorance and alienation from society...
2006-10-04 22:02:17
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I didnt know you took drugs with foley, is that how he got you to agree to that should start a website called bashersrus
2006-10-04 21:16:04
answer #8
answered by lost&confused 5
Had an affair in office? Taken drugs? Look no further than our last president... he goes by the name of Clinton and his horrendous wife is now my senator.
2006-10-04 21:22:20
answer #9
answered by nygiantsnyyanks 1
Funny to watch the hypocrisy, isn't it? Sad thing is that Democrats will do the same sh*t once they get elected...
...This is what a duocracy gets you. Enjoy.
2006-10-04 21:21:31
answer #10
answered by The ~Muffin~ Man 6
Good question. Being at war is not a good family value especially for the families we are killing, and the families that are being destroyed over here. So back to your question I think both parties are trying to get votes anyway they can.
2006-10-04 21:20:56
answer #11
answered by Bleed Valve 1