Say "Hi" and complement him on something unusual. Smile a lot and keep eye contact. Try to remember that he's probably nervous too and start a conversation about something that you have in common.
2006-10-04 13:52:24
answer #1
answered by SedaCanela 3
Say you must be the mother of his first born son in order to usher in the third antichrist for a new apocalyptic age of death and sorrow. Then ask if he likes you.
2006-10-04 20:53:28
answer #2
answered by brzrxor 2
Walk up to him sometime and just say "hey, what's up?" and continue the conversation. Begin to see what he likes and become his friend, then start complimenting him on his looks and all. Then, later on when you still like him, ask him out.
2006-10-04 21:11:56
answer #3
answered by animegirl769z 2
say hi um Ive been having feelings for u and i don't know if u do to me but if u do here is my number call me when u get a chance to, make eye contact if he do sent stop starring he likes u or if ya have long conversations he defiantly likes u.
2006-10-04 20:56:56
answer #4
answered by max v 1
Say hello and try to talk about something he has an interest in. Look at his body language. If he looks nervous I'll be he likes you.
2006-10-04 20:52:25
answer #5
answered by shakopcool 3
well im a guy so maybe i could help u out a little bit. what you can do is walk up to him and sya ohh i like your **** or shoes or hair then just start talkin to him
2006-10-04 20:52:07
answer #6
answered by King Henry 2
Find a moral guy.
Spend time with him doing things you both like.
Pray and see what happens.
2006-10-04 20:53:40
answer #7
answered by robert p 7
go and talk to him,or maybe you can tell some one to go up to him and just ask him if he likes anyone or if he is with any body
2006-10-04 20:53:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
say "i like you"
2006-10-04 20:52:41
answer #9
answered by Regina P 2