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If you have two children one is a performer and the other a non performer , do you think it's o.k. for the parent to give money or gifts to the one who is always performing and none to the other? wouldn't that build animosity between both child? I believe it's wrong ...do you?

2006-10-04 11:55:56 · 3 answers · asked by kerri 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

3 answers

Both children should be awarded but possibly for different things. Let the children know exactly what they are being awarded for.

2006-10-04 12:00:07 · answer #1 · answered by Viv 1 · 1 0

No not if the other child can also do well in school. If the other child is not doing well because of learning difficulties then the other child should be rewarded for doing their best. I strongly believe in rewarding my children for doing their best. It takes a lot of effort to do the work and do your best. For some children it takes a little more effort. You must know what each child is capable of doing and treat accordingly, so no one feels left out. You cannot compare the two against one another or then there will be animosity. If one of the children is doing badly just because they choose not to do the work well why would you reward bad behavior and lack of responsibility?

2006-10-04 12:38:44 · answer #2 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

Performer as in a gifted child? Yes, of course. Good grades and hard work should always be rewarded, it gives students something to work for. Parents should not give awards for grades if one child is significantly more gifted than the other, it only works to build jealousy.

2006-10-04 12:00:30 · answer #3 · answered by reverenceofme 6 · 1 0

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