I am open to learning about other people's beliefs; that is why I am here.
I am not going to convert to another's belief system, nor try to convert anyone to mine.
I think I have been pretty nice and respectful, but I got a nasty email just the same.
2006-10-04 11:37:22
answer #1
answered by Chickyn in a Handbasket 6
I'm not of a religion, though looking for one and leaning to Catholicism, and something of a conservative democrat.
Why some people do this, insult and belittle others of different beliefs, I will never understand and never condone. As far as my personal beliefs stand, if you are a genuinely good person, you will go to whatever heaven you believe in. I think everyone has the right and the God-given free will to decide their own beliefs, both religiously and politically.
Try not to take these people's words to heart. You sound like a good person and as long as you hold your ground, you'll come out the better person. If they insult you, insult them back or walk away. Remember to never go into a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent, smile like you know something they wouldn't want you to, and that they rarely if ever know anything that should truly hurt you.
2006-10-04 18:42:19
answer #2
answered by Suraya 3
I love Y!A because I get to talk with people that don't agree with me. I have so fully convinced myself of my own beliefs that I sincerely doubt that you will be able to make me disbelieve. I am open to hearing other peoples beliefs though, and if you disagree with me I will attempt to figure out a solid argument for my side of the case. I am a Christian for many reasons.
1) I have had real life experience with God.
2) I am not the only one I know who has.
3) Christianity can accurately predict and explain the state of the world
4) There is no science that disproves God, and their is a great deal of it that I believe supports his existence, although there are many who would debate this with me.(Debate is a good thing.)
5) Because of the historical accuracy of the Bible.
6) Because anything that can last 2000 years was not started because some criminal was crucifed on Golgotha.
I believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven, and that if you are nto saved you will go to hell. I do not say this because I hate you , but because I believe it to be true. I would rejoice if I found out that you had been saved and were now on the path to heaven.
You have the right to your own opinion, and you are not going to hell because yours is bad or wrong, but because all, including you and me, have sinned, and have fallen short of the glory of God (and heaven, so humanity is condemned to hell) Salvation is free to all through Jesus, and cannot be withheld by others.
2006-10-04 18:50:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Each person is raised with a unique perspective and world view. While I respect the humanity in each person, I no longer tolerate or respect all belief systems.* I used to be a moderate/politically correct, in regards to my views of other religions. My beliefs are very liberal. I like "reconciling" or gay-welcoming churches. I believe God made gay people gay.
I think people feel very comfortable from the anonymity of their computers and their assumed identifications. They call people names much more readily than they would say them to someone's face. They don't know the person on the other end, who in return doesn't know them. The same idea holds true with road rage. Most people wouldn't go berserk except within the safety of a vehicle. (I've been called names here too. My favorite was "commie." Heck, and I thought the Cold War was over.)
There's an excellent and controversial speaker/writer named Sam Harris who suggests that religious belief imperils civilization. Here's a link to a speech by him:
Harris doesn't agree with my former moderate, "politically correct" stance. One problem with moderation, "as Harris observes, it is absurd to imagine that we can continue to respect everyone's drastically conflicting religious beliefs equally. He points out that the claim to know the absolute truth is inherent in almost every belief system. Moreover, any religion that claims that all other belief systems are false and heretical, cannot foster genuine acceptance or tolerance of religious diversity. Instead, Harris asserts that the very notion that we should be free to believe whatever we please, has to be jettisoned the moment we comprehend that beliefs are simply actions waiting to happen."
*Live and let live sounds nice in theory, but in practice it ain't so pretty. (Again, Harris helped me see the light.) Consider those who think that the US is the Great Satan, and I'm an infidel. In no way do I respect or value that.
2006-10-04 19:43:47
answer #4
answered by away team 4
I, myself, am open to other people's beliefs. I also believe in God. I think that without a firm belief of some great entity out there, we as humans would probably feel so alone. It's incredible how vast the universe is and thinking that there is nothing out there but open space gives me the willies. Then when I think of something great being out there- heaven, God- then I feel more relaxed and happy. "There are as many beliefs out there as there are people" so I would think that the obvious thing to do would be to be tolerant of everybody's belief because everybody's belief differs one way or another. Tolerance should be widely practiced because this closed-mindedness is getting us nowhere.
To be frank, I believe religion was just created as a way of comforting us and also uniting us as well as disciplining us. If we had nothing we could relate to with each other, imagine how hectic things may have been. If we had no form of hierarchy then...well...we'd all be equal and disrespectful to each other and it would be a mess.
2006-10-04 18:50:30
answer #5
answered by Pete 2
I am a Christian. I believe Jesus is the son of God and forgave my sins by dying for me. I also believe he raised from the dead and will return again one day. I know it the Christian faith sounds odd to alot of people. We get ridiculed for believing this. I believe this not because someone else told me to, or because of "brain washing" but because I had a personal experience where I felt God touch my heart with the truth. When I tell people this it is hard for them to understand and it's hard for me to explain. It would be like trying to tell a blind man what the color red is. If they have never seen it....how can they understand it? Not that i'm calling anyone who doesn't beleive the same as me blind, that's just the best way to describe the situation. I do listen to others beliefs. Alot of my friends come from different beliefs, and that's okay by me. I keep an open mind and hope that other people do to. = )
2006-10-04 18:37:30
answer #6
answered by CuriosityKilledtheCat 2
Although I am now a Christian, I can understand people who don't believe and feel quite comfortable about it. I was an atheist myself until I was thirty. I listen to them without condemning or judging, what ever their beliefs. I have an number of acquaintances who are republicans, and one who believes that homosexuals are child molesters, but I know nothing I say will change them, so what's the point in getting upset and nasty about it?
2006-10-04 18:37:27
answer #7
answered by The Gadfly 5
I believe that everyone has their own way in life... it is pointless to try and bully people into your beliefs because they will only resist, and you will only weaken your cause further.
the only way one should influence another in terms of belief should be living through example. if people see that you and your beliefs are having a positive effect on others, they will be drawn to seek out further info for their own interest, not to keep someone else happy/ quiet.
and then you can live a happy and fulfilling life. you know that while you are not bullying people to agree with you, you are always willing to offer your time and help if someone comes to you looking for answers. that is the only way to be happy.
2006-10-04 18:39:34
answer #8
answered by Lucy Goosey 3
I am. I'm pantheistic. I believe that everyone has the right to believe whatever works for them...without trying to shove it down anyone else's throats. I hate when someone says that their religion and beliefs are the only right one. That is so arrogantly ignorant. There is only one god and we will all answer to it...regardless what we are taught to believe.
2006-10-04 18:42:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I believe In Jesus Christ and I speak about him when asked,let me tell you that the Bible says love Is not rude and as christians we should not be rude.
On the other hand the Bible says to know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
I like your question and I hope I answered In a manner that you understand.
2006-10-04 18:37:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous