Great play on words.
The initial FBI report is that there is NO CRIME, but they are continuing to investigate who knew what and when, particularly looking to see if foley was being blackmailed by some democrat controlled entities.
I think this one is going to come back and bite the socialists on the butt, which of course is only right since they sat on the knowledge for almost a year. Purely a political hatchet job and it could have been handled like they did with their pedophiles.
2006-10-05 04:16:35
answer #1
answered by rmagedon 6
Did you say the same about Clinton? Hasert will resign before Friday if he does not then he is foolish. We are now looking into the use of Bush and Foley as the Republicans spokesperson in the November election. They represent your party well. We would like to see Bush debate Kerry, since Bush is your best thinker and decider and "it's such hard work". hey, what happen to the "compassionate conservative" Bush said he would be? What happened to the "great uniter" Bush said he would be. A full 57 percent now give Bush a bad job approval only 37 percent give him support. Democrats are also winning the House in 11 out of 15 races.
2006-10-04 18:28:27
answer #2
answered by jl_jack09 6
There is a story here and it is that the Democratic leadership knew about the IM's years ago and did not bring it to the attention of the Speaker of the house.They intentionally let it continue until just now.Then have the nerve to call for th resignation of Hastert.
What they did not count on was Foley resigning and Hastert turning it over to the FBI.They thought they could smear and then deal with it in the ethics committee,well they won't get to.
2006-10-04 18:41:46
answer #3
answered by Tommy G. 5
Really, I agree about Foley him self but I notice one senior aid is saying he told the leadership the guy should be checked up on 3 years ago. Now that is a story, not a dead horse.
2006-10-04 18:19:39
answer #4
answered by madjer21755 5
No, they shouldn't have to. Some of the Conservative talking heads are still defending him. The right-wingers at the America's Most Wanted message boards are still defending him because he protected their kids.
2006-10-04 18:17:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The Democratic leadership knew about this for months, and chose to wait, endangering the welfare of a minor.
Several news outlets reportedly had access to this information but chose to sat on it, becoming a party to a felony.
Teachers and child care workers are obligated to report SUSPECTED abuse to the police by law, signed by people who are playing politics instead of doing what they demand others do. If the teachers don't report suspected abuse immediately they can be fired or go to jail.
Its time for our representatives to congress to remember they are not above the same law they force us to obey.
This whole story is an example of the pot calling the kettle black.
2006-10-04 18:23:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
you wish it would go away and you could go back to gay bashing and war mongering .
By the way Bush got the clause removed from the torture bill that woud require that it not be applied to american citizens .
This is what was coverded up by the presses narrow focus on foley and the traggic killings in an Amish community .
2006-10-04 18:26:55
answer #7
answered by playtoofast 6
If Foley joined the Democrat Party, he would be an instant hero.
He could run for office and win in any Blue State.
2006-10-04 18:18:40
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
What a shameless way of covering a comrade.
You are more interested in moving on, so that you can start your mantra of nice republicans again.
Man you republicans are slick.
2006-10-04 18:18:05
answer #9
answered by apollo 2
No I like it when they ***** cause if they ***** all they have to do is look in the mirror and they will see a reflection of the Clinton days.
2006-10-04 18:18:17
answer #10
answered by Anonymous