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i keep eating rubbish all the time, and i just carn,t seem to help it, i am everso tired and just keep eating choclate crisps and and smoking fags as well i just want to stop.

2006-10-04 10:17:41 · 12 answers · asked by guysmithdenise 3 in Health General Health Care Other - General Health Care

12 answers

The rubbish is making you tired. Whenever you feel the urge to eat something, try eating fruit instead. You can cut up the pieces of fruit and freeze them. So, when you feel peckish, reach for the frozen fruit so they are like sweets and last longer but much healthier. But more important, you need will power.

2006-10-04 10:25:47 · answer #1 · answered by m00nlight1ng 2 · 1 0

All the above advice is good, I'd like to add a couple of new ideas:

1. Stop buying it, if it's not in the house, you can't eat it
2. Only ever eat at the table. Try not to eat on the sofa and NEVER eat in bed.
3. Start a journal. Every time you feel like eating something which you know your body does not need, step away from the food, walk towards the book and pen. Write down what you're feeling. Why? You're filling an emotional need, which is usually where the craving for unecessary food comes from, and after you've poured out a page or two, you will have forgotten the hunger

4. Alternatively, or if the journal idea feels wrong, jump up and do a little something. Put some washing in the machine, clean your teeth, empty the rubbish, sew a button on which has fallen off, just a small task which is not eating or smoking. When I gave up smoking I tried only to do things where I never smoked. I never smoked in the bath, so I was having 2 and 3 baths a day !

When you do stop smoking (you will, you sound motivated) the increase in your self esteem is f***ing magic. It's still one of the things I'm most proud of. So instead saying to yourself all the time "I mustn't do this or eat that" concentrate on doing little things which will improve your life and take your mind off eating and smoking.

And take care of yourself - pretend you are your own child and don't feed yourself anything you wouldn't feed to a beloved child

2006-10-08 04:33:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am a sucker for crisps and chocolate. I have recently started to eat healthier and get fit. To replace the crisps I have started making my own suing sweet potato. I slice really thin slices of sweet potato, drizzle a little cooking oil over them and then bake then in a hot oven. They are delicious and much healthier than a bag of crisps.

To replace chocolate I buy yoghurts. They are just as sweet as chocolate and there are plenty of healthy living yoghurts availiable.

As for smoking (not being a smoker myself), you could try boiled sweets. Every time you crave a *** eat a sweet instead. Also, think of a food you hate, like twiglets or similar then when you crave a *** eat some of the food you hate. You will learn that having a *** means doing something you hate and wean yourself off.

2006-10-04 10:25:48 · answer #3 · answered by ktsemail 2 · 0 0

Go to a doctor or nutritionist and see what they can do for you.

Start eating some fruits and veggies every day. You'll have more energy.

It's hard to change habits that you've had for a really long time, so instead of thinking it will happen overnight, realize that it may take a few tries. Try to cut down on your chocolate intake instead of just stopping altogether, if stopping cold turkey doesn't work for you. The same goes with your cigarettes.

Also, you can try chewing stop-smoking gum and using a nicotine patch to help you stop smoking.

2006-10-04 10:24:15 · answer #4 · answered by K 4 · 1 0

I think a good start is you are aware of not eating healthy food and you want to do something about it !!!!
I suggest you go and see your GP and he will refer you to a Dietitian who will explain the sort of foods you should eat, depending on your age and also because you smoke. Smoking depletes most of the Vit.C, so you could take supplementary Vit C now. Your tiredness may be due to being anaemic or due to an underactive thyroid. Just make an appointment with your GP and I am sure you will get some help. Good Luck.

2006-10-04 10:25:49 · answer #5 · answered by biggi 4 · 1 0

lazy carb junkie? I have the same problem.
Dont stop all together, just limit the types/amounts you have.
So far this week I have had no pizza, no choccie but 1 bag of crisps (amazing for me)
Its quick and eazy when your rushing about, thats one reason why we do it. Take time to make a proper meal, sit at a table and enjoy it, makes all the diference.
There is no easy way. But you'll feel loads better, less tired and sluggish. (I havent quite moved on to kicking the fags yet, one thing at a time) lol

2006-10-04 10:26:51 · answer #6 · answered by thebear 4 · 1 0

Sorry, only way to beat this is cold turkey. We all have little vices so don't beat yourself up. I like fry-ups and beer, but I (try) and keep them as treats now and again.

You feel crap because of your diet and the cigs. Chill out, try some new foods, cook for your friends,open some wine have fun with your meals. It does not always need to be Pizza Hut.

Eating chocolate and crisps is not a bad thing, but eating them all the time is.

2006-10-04 10:28:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Basically you're displaying classic addication sysmptoms. When I am in a fase of eating rubbish I always find it's the initial step of eating healthier which is the hardest becasue you're body is going through withdrawl of sugar and all the other stuff so it craves it. The only thing is shear will power once the toxins start leaving your body it will get easier - you can do it! :o)

2006-10-04 23:03:55 · answer #8 · answered by Frog Girl 1 · 0 0

I'm not sure I can offer much help, but I'm so glad to see it'snot just me! Chocolate is my weakness, also things like pringles or biscuits if I get my hands on them.
Something I've tried recently is chewing on gum when I feel like eating, I go through a few packs a week but it's cheaper than all that junk food! It's not cut it out but significantly decreased the amount of crap I'm eating!

2006-10-04 10:22:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just make sure they r out of reach...overtime the less you eat the less you WANT to eat as your stomach will shrink. Use gum or patches for the fags.

2006-10-04 10:24:06 · answer #10 · answered by Luke D 2 · 1 0

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