Friend of my mother was attacked by some creature near was something between man and some beast..but I wouldn't say werewolf..
2006-10-04 13:21:49
answer #1
answered by vall 3
It was on the evening of 9/10/01, and I could not sleep at all.
I was extremely agitated with millions of thoughts streaming through my head. I could not relax so I tried to zone out on bad programming and infomercials.
I had been hearing voices in my head for months -- I thought I was a schizo. The voices weren't coherent however. It is was more like a crowd of people talking over each other. And the sound was not a happy sound. It was dark and threatening. If I stopped to listen, all I could hear were mumbling voices. I tried to drown out this noise as often as I could (as you can imagine). I tried to grapple with the possibility that my mental health was teetering on the edge.
I fell asleep on the couch around 4 am Pacific Time (around 7 am Eastern Time). Flight 11 crashed into the north tower at 8:46:30 a.m.
I was woken up around 7:30 by my husband, after all the horror across the continent had occurred. He said "Turn on the TV." To which I replied, "Nooooooooo". I seemed to know something was horribly wrong, even before I saw the evidence.
Of course, I was sorry I had ever gotten out of bed. The hardest part was going to work.
It was only later that day that I realized that the mumbling noise was gone. Months of hearing these voices in my head, and then in less than 24 hours, they disappeared.
They voices haven't returned, yet.
2006-10-04 05:58:57
answer #2
answered by grizgirrl 2
More like super instincts. When I was in eighth grade, I envisioned how my mom would die, down to who was there, and the weather.. It happened exactly that way. When I was 21 I envisioned a man whom I loved more than all else, The scene in my head played out exactly. Im currently married to him and have been together for over 3 years and am still completely happy with him. I have learned through the years to trust my instincts because they are usually right... in fact, they've never been wrong.
2006-10-04 05:29:45
answer #3
answered by Angel Eve 6
My mom took a picture of our cat sleeping on the carpet in my bedroom when it was dark, and when she got the film developed there was a girl around the age of 5 standing in a white night gown by the window in my bedroom. My sister was 15 at the time and I was 17, there was no one else in the house but us three. The girl was surounded by white light and her nightgown looked very old like from around the turn of the century. Our house isnt very old but maybe it was built over something that was?
2006-10-04 05:31:17
answer #4
answered by Sam 2
I was once hospitalized and I was in a very bad situation. My family was away and I was all alone.
A total stranger came to me and gave me a book in relation to a philosophy I was studying at the time. He knew who I was. He was for sure an angel. He kept me company most of the time. I never saw him again but this is the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me not to mention so many other things.
2006-10-05 04:08:33
answer #5
answered by Lonelyplanet 4
My cousins lived in a haunted house. I was walking upstairs talking to my cousin that was up there. I heard her pull out and shut one of the drawers in the chest of drawers. When I got up there, no one was any where to be found! They had all kinds of weird things happen to them voices, people looking out windows stuff like that. One time, I brought my dog over and she sat and growled at the attic door and wouldn't budge from that spot. That house gave me the creeps!
2006-10-04 05:31:35
answer #6
answered by Ha Ha Charade You Are................... 4
I was sitting at home one halloween night. Everyone had gone out and I was left alone. Things seemed rather normal but at the same time something didn't feel right.
I got up to get a glass of water and I could hear someone whisper. The whisper itself was inaudble and I disregarded it. I went back to watching tv and the floor itself started making creeking noises. I looked at the floorboards and I could see the boards bending as though someone was walking there. I blinked and went back to watching tv.
I thought to myself, 'That was weird.' and shook my head. Several minutes passed and I heard that bloody whisper again. It sounded like the same voice but now it was louder.
I felt like I wasn't alone. I had this impression that there was something on the wall behind me. Smiling.
'Great... I freaking hate Mexican show downs." I said to myself.
The whole room filled with laughter.
I felt something crawl to my shoulder and I jumped up off the couch. Of course nothing was there. I was hoping this was a joke. I slowly walked to the tv and turned it off.
Turning the tv off. I paused. This slow laughter filled the room. I whipped around and saw a man in a robe. His face was concealed in darkness. He said my name which was odd. I asked, 'How do you know my name???' He laughed even harder.
I saw a little plastic cross sitting on the shelf next to me. I grabbed it and threw it at him. I watched his eyes follow it as it bounced off his chest. He roared into a belly ache laughing at me. I thought it would work.
Now he was just making fun of me howling and laughing at the same time. I wasn't impressed anymore. Before, I felt afraid but now I was just insulted. That was my best attempt at banishing a demon and he was laughing at me.
I stupidly said, 'Is that the best you can do.' and it got kinda got a lil angry. He raised his arms and the I felt this intense light began to glow from his left hand. He lowered it at me and I don't remember what happened afterwards.
I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. I went to the can and felt grateful. At least it was my head hurting and not my butt.
2006-10-04 06:27:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
My farther died abroad.The night is body was sent back to England,while in bed,my wife and i heard a knock on our bedroom window.The next morning we had a phone call from the undertaker to say is body had been sent back safely the night before.
2006-10-04 05:55:13
answer #8
answered by shelford555 2
Something happens to me everyday, but it's too long to get into, But I do have empathy, I can tune into peoples emotions, as if I was going through the trials they are.
2006-10-04 06:22:35
answer #9
answered by danksprite420 6
no but i wish
2006-10-04 05:26:58
answer #10
answered by blondie331209 2