The government has grossly mismanaged Social Security, but I wouldn't write it off until it's gone. The government is going to have to fix and fund Social Security, they have taken too much money from workers and employers to try and just screw the people at the end of the line. And, it's not like it allows old people to live the life of Reilly or that it's their fault that inflation has run rampant for many of the years it's been in existence.
2006-10-04 03:00:32
answer #1
answered by Scott K 7
Well then generation x should stop being so concerned with buying disgusting monsterous homes they dont need, stop spending ridiculous amounts of money on bullshit they dont need.
They should realize that life isnt fair and that social security doesnt benefit the rich. This generation X should instead of wasting money save that money so that when they retire they will have something to retire with and not look to the government to be their god damn nurse maid and take care of them from the cradle to the grave. Some people in this country are rich and some people are not.Some people will get to be rich and some people will never be rich and thats just how it is. Accept it, put down your 4 dollar coffee and stick that money in a savings account. The rich didnt get that way by spending frivoulously and accumlating credit card debt at an alarming rate.
Ok in response to that.I dont care that you are paying into a fund that you wont use.First of all you dont know for sure that it wont be there.It can be fixed.Second of all I just really dont care.I pay taxes that go to support school when I dont have kids.Is that fair? No but I still have to do it. Third you arent paying to rich old people living well they got that way by saving money try it.
Yeah its expensive to live, I live in a wicked expensive state but I still dont expect the government to support me, nor do I have any problem paying social security taxes.
2006-10-04 10:03:49
answer #2
answered by stephaniemariewalksonwater 5
This is the problem with government run programs. What we need is VOLUNTARY private accounts. We as individuals need to take personal responsibility for our own retirement.
BTW, it was done in Galveston, TX 25 years ago. The returns are 2-3 times Social Security. What you can do to fix the system is give 2/3 of the money we currently pay into the system. Take the other 1/3 and pay for the current liabilities. This would double the returns of the current program for young people.
Also, remove all income taxes for investment. Problem solved quickly.
2006-10-04 10:16:55
answer #3
answered by Chainsaw 6
Those old people paid into Social Security, too. The boomers paid a surplus every year - and it was taken to prop up general revenue so false Tax cuts could be handed out to voters.
Social security is a safety net. This country goes through a depression, recession, or panic about every 50 years. Property values fall, foreclosures increase, employment sinks, some banks fail, some companies go bankrupt...
people who saved their whole life for retirement have their saving lost just when they are too old to earn it back.
The dire projections about shortfalls in Social Security are VERY forward projections. Even small demographic changes in the way Boomers retire compared to the current generations of retirees can make a huge difference in the outcome.
The old-fashioned word for retiree during an economic downturn is 'pauper'.
2006-10-04 10:04:05
answer #4
answered by oohhbother 7
not very fair, however, should you need SS before you retire (permanent disability, loss of a spouse, etc...) it will be there. It was never meant as a retirement plan, but more like emergency insurance. Most baby boomers will not receive benefits fully, or for the full time. Most baby boomers have supplemental retirement plans that will pay the bulk of their expenses. But as a gen x myself, many things have been unfair to us, for the simple fact that we are the smallest generation. I find it way more unfair that I pay more taxes than married people with children, and my property taxes go to fund schools for kids I don't have.
2006-10-04 09:58:46
answer #5
answered by hichefheidi 6
So now it is only rich old people that draw social security???
You are offf the deep end.
Funny... my grandmother draws SS and has been poor all of her life. Funny, of the wealthy 'retired' people in my neighborhood (and there are a few), NONE of them rely on SS, rather they rely on their own personal retirement funds that THEY set up for themselves...
Granted SS needs a complete revamp and most probably thru privatization.... but to say it favors the rich is preposterous
Typical young lib and their 'gimme gimme gimme' attitude because they thing they are owed something by society... face it... YOU are the only one responsible for YOU
2006-10-04 09:57:50
answer #6
answered by DiamondDave 5
Very simple, go out on the street and make some noise. The government is scre*ing everyone including your generation. Get out and vote. The way this country is headed your generation is going to get hit hard so start getting involved before it's too late.
2006-10-04 10:09:26
answer #7
answered by Thomas S 4
I see that you want your s.s. that you work hard to pay your taxes for just like everyone else does,the problem is that it is a socialist program. It needed to be privatized a long time ago,if it had the gov. would not have been able to abuse it and it would have been able to grow and grow. Democrats can't stand the thought of not being in control of your money they stood in the way of this issue last year.So help yourself by voting republican. By the way did you know that the congress does get their own form of privatized social security? If they are entitled to it why not you or me?
2006-10-04 11:51:56
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Vote republican.We need 60 votes in the senate to change SS or the Democrats filibuster.
2006-10-04 09:58:03
answer #9
answered by Tommy G. 5
right again
also most of the working poor won't make it to age 70
anyway. we are too poor and too sick and no healthcare
the rich have a win win situation here
2006-10-04 10:00:37
answer #10
answered by Enigma 6