Hex is simply a different way to look at data.
Decimal is base 10 - the number system we are used to, with digits 0..9.
Hexadecimal is base 16, with digits 0..F (0..9 then A..F). Hex is useful because each hex character represents 4 bits, so two hex digits together can be used to represent a byte.
By the way, the word is hexadecimal, no spaces.
2006-10-04 01:13:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A hexadecimal editor opens a 'binary' file. In one side of the editor, it displays the binary in hexadecimal digits (0-9 and A-F). On the other side it displays what this hexidecimal digit represents in ASCII with 2 ASCII characters.
The purpoase of a hexadecimal editor is to change the individual bytes or bits in the file. The file is in 'binary' not a text file so it cannot be read by a normal text editor like notepad, word, etc.
2006-10-08 07:19:04
answer #2
answered by Mark aka jack573 7
it quite literally allows you to edit the actual bytes of a file. The file could be anything, but is usually used for code.
2006-10-04 09:03:36
answer #3
answered by justme 7
even i dont know what is it please send me full details
2006-10-04 08:27:54
answer #4
answered by ch_nagarajind 3