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Alot of people actually dont know what they are doing and saying, they simply enjoy it for no reason.

2006-10-03 23:52:55 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

15 answers

People will always make fun of the president. Personally when Regan was in the White house I loved the man, but I did a wicked impersonation of him. Still can. It was just funny.

Attacking the president. Well people do have a right of free speech. I say exercise it how ever you please. Is it a good idea? Not always.

When you disagree it's not a bad thing. Lively debate will increase us all. Tell me where I or the president goes wrong and we can all learn something. But just flat out ugly trash talk; well that is an other matter. Far too often people have nothing to say and far too much time to say it in. They will bash the president or his ideas with no firm knowledge on the topic.

But in the end is it unpatriotic. I don't think so. The President is a man, not the country. I love my country, I know that America is and idea and an ideal. No matter where I roam I hold a part of it with me. Against that the slings, arrows and barbed words of the ill informed can do nothing.

Say what you will, words are simply noise.

My land is great and my pride well founded. Saying something against a leader may cause a chat or two, but it will never cause a true patriot to falter.

2006-10-04 00:09:24 · answer #1 · answered by Crzypvt 4 · 2 1

It is one thing to voice your opinions, but some people just go SO overboard with it. I've been extremely resentful of a lot of the "Bush Bashing" because I'm a native Texan, and so much of what they say gets twisted into stereotypcial BS. "He's this way because he's from Texas" type crap. "He sounds so dumb when he talks" (He sounds a lot like MY FATHER, who just happens to be a brilliant man).

But there is so much more to it than that too. I support Bush not only because I voted for him, but would support him even if I didn't because the majority of the people in this country did vote for him. And once the decision has been made, everyone needs to quit working at cross-purposes and get on with taking care of our COUNTRY. The best way for a president to be able to do that is if ALL the people stand behind him and show a strong unified front to the rest of the world.

The president of our country (any) is the figurehead, and main symbol of our country to the rest of the world. I totally believe that as long as these very vocal idiots keep sounding like they hate America via the president, we will only continue to invite more hate-spewing terrorists to our front door again. There are PROPER ways to voice your opinion, mainly by going to vote. My family doesn't take our disputes out to the grocery store with us, we keep it at home and out of the public eye. I believe the US citizens should have the same kind of respect for our country.

Yes, you as an American have the right to free speech. But as an American, you also have the responsibility to help keep our country strong. Just because you are merely exercising your rights, it doesn't make you patriotic to abuse those rights.

2006-10-04 07:12:47 · answer #2 · answered by DangerMom 3 · 0 2

No, it's called "free speech."
When a U.S. president (or other elected official such as Sen. Foley (R - Ped.) tarnishes the office, it is the right - no, the obligation of the people to speak up.

One president had inappropriate relations with an intern. Another lied to get us into a brand-new Vietnam and is riding roughshod over the Constitution and the Geneva Convention. If Americans do not speak out against these outrages...then who will?

2006-10-04 07:07:07 · answer #3 · answered by keepsondancing 5 · 2 2

Since we're fortunate enough to have free speech in this country (for now, anyway) I think expressing opinions about your leader (whether president, senator, mayor, etc.) is completely acceptable. Yes, some people might take things too far, but I don't foresee that changing anytime soon. And then again, sometimes you just have to laugh at the ridiculous reality.

2006-10-04 07:06:17 · answer #4 · answered by livesimply 3 · 2 2

I consider those acts unpatriotic, and ignorant. It is OK to disagree with the President. But, in time of war, don't create a media spectacle.
If someone does not agree with any policy, he should write, email, or call the President.
The media circus gives aid and comfort to the enemy.

2006-10-04 06:57:10 · answer #5 · answered by regerugged 7 · 2 2

There are a lot of moronic koolaid drinkers out there that actually believe they are under a dictator. I would like to move them to Iran so they can experience first hand what a dictatorship truly is.

2006-10-04 07:05:33 · answer #6 · answered by Colorado 5 · 2 1

I consider it to be very patriotic. Our ancestors fought for this freedom and others. It would be unpatriotic to be fearful of what you may say or think. The first time I see or hear of someone punished by the government for not agreeing with them, I'm moving to Australia.

2006-10-04 07:03:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Yes it is unpatriotic, you get to voice your feeling at the ballot box,
It does give comfort to the enemy, just listen to the terrorist leaders, and they sound, like the House minority leader,Harry Reid, so you go figure it out.

2006-10-04 07:06:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

It gets old, some people can't come up with an original thought, so they just repeat rhetoric!

2006-10-04 06:57:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Of course not! It is your own opinion and beliefs. If you think the president sucks then no one will stop you from hating him. You have your reasons to dislike him

2006-10-04 07:01:00 · answer #10 · answered by Darkangel10x 1 · 1 2

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