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12 answers

Why do Raider and Bronco fans find each other so annoying when they all love the same sport? Why do Catholics/Christians sometimes find Muslims annoying when they both believe in One God but just call it different names? Etc, etc. We are all fundamentally the same. It is human nature to draw lines and think of people on the other side as more different than they actually are. Democrats and Republicans are alike in more ways than they are different yet the feeling is that a line had to be drawn somewhere. The mistake is not only in how much value they placed on the line drawn, but the presumption that one need exist at all.

They find each other so annoying because they have hate in their hearts--hate caused by the frustration of their Will to Power by members of the other party--and would rather alienate others than work to bridge the gap. They would rather have each side take up arms and go to "war" to determine a victor than try to win together. Partisan politics are tearing this country apart politically and that is just how the corporations who fund both sides want it.

Allow me a small tangent: If there were no parties people could run as individuals, would not have to conform their ideals to that of the party, and would be accountable for accepting money from certain sources and taking excessive priveledges while in office--none of which happens now. The partisan system actually removes accountability because whenever an accusation is levelled at someone from one party the first thing they point out is "But the other party does it too!"

Back to the question. Bottom line: they see each other not as "someone who has different values than me" but "the enemy" and you see that all across the board. Each party really does think the other one is scum. There was a Republican-Democtrat softball league for members of Congress and the Republicans ceeded from it because they could not even stand to play softball together. That is how far gone partisanship is these days.

Great question. Explore it further and you will realize it is the parties and the process that breeds this misplaced negativity. I long for the day when a man runs on his own merits and people judge him against the opponent issue by issue instad of the way they do it now where they vote along party lines with no thought given to the issues whatsoever.

Maybe it is easier for people to just have "fast food politics" so they can free their mind to more entertaining things, though the side effects are severe. It is easier to spew hatred and be divisive than to try to find a way to bring people together.... and the way the system is only serves to breed more of the same, so with all the frustration boiling, partisan people take it out on the other party in exaggerated terms simply because there is so much to vent!

2006-10-03 22:23:34 · answer #1 · answered by Royce 2 · 2 0

They are not only on opposite ends of the spectrum in most of their political beliefs, they aren't even looking at the same world--or perhaps I should say, they have a very different way of looking at the world. They each have a different "mindset." The total difference in mindset makes it very difficult to find common ground and makes arguments and disagreements inevitable.

Just to give you one example of how the difference in mindset operates--take the issue of education. Both the conversatives and the liberals, for example, are convinced the present educational system is a mess. But the conservatives think it's a mess because (1) we've taken God out of the schools and (2) we aren't emphasizing the 3 R's enough and (3) there isn't enough discipline in the schools. The liberals think it's a mess because (1) the kids aren't really being taught to think independently and engage in reasoning (2) science textbooks and classes are being ruined by teaching "Intelligent design" and other unproven fringe scientific theories and (3) not enough money is being spent on education.

They just don't look at things the same. And because they feel passionately about their beliefs, trying to have a conversation or interact with people whose opinions are so different from theirs is annoying and frustrating to them.

2006-10-03 21:57:46 · answer #2 · answered by kim v 2 · 4 0

In a by gone era, most politicians--both Republican and Democrat, were moderates. They were not as many liberals and conservatives in congress as there are now. Issues raised during the last 30 years or so like abortion and gay rights have had people making political decisions based on moral issues. As a result, liberals and conservatives became the majority and force moderates out of the congress.
Moderates can see value in both sides of the arguement, as well as the downsides to both as well. We will not see that balance until moderates return to the legislation.

2006-10-04 00:38:24 · answer #3 · answered by Overt Operative 6 · 0 0

It would be easy to say because we are at opposite ends of the spectrum and are passionate in our views. But I don't think that is the case I think it is because as a society......as a culture.....we have become almost uncivilized,

I will soon be 65. Back in the '50s or early '60s we debated ideas sometimes with passion but always with civility. Today if you honestly disagree with someone you are going to get labled. It seems people are lazy and don't want to debate ideas for debate requires thought and work. So many people find themselves coming up on the short end of the debate ....they realize they can not hold their own with ideas. So they figure if they can just attached a "bad lable" to the other person then they can just dismiss their competing ideas.

And that is exactly what is happening on the national scene. I am a conservative Republican. I am really tired of being called a hate monger, a homophobe, mean spirited, right wing zealot but it is not going to change so I just keep on keeping on. I would rather people listen to my intellect and please don't tell me I have none. My IQ is higher than Bill and Hillary's.

Unfortunately the Republicans have fallen into the same trap and constant lable opponents with bad names and I am sure they dislike them as much as I do.

Enough of my verbage. THANKS

2006-10-03 22:10:09 · answer #4 · answered by barrettins 3 · 3 0

I wish I knew.

I find both the FAR-left and the FAR-right annoying. Excepting Ann Coulter. I like her.

I like Kim V's answer except for one thing: I'm a moderate conservative. I don't believe that we need to put God back in schools. However, if children are not being taught morals at home by their PARENTS, perhaps it would be a good idea to reinforce morals at school. Simple ones, like: Stealing is wrong, killing people is wrong (unless it's in self-defense), respect your parents, respect your elders, try to understand and respect the people you disagree with, et cetera.
I also don't think that evolution should be taught as FACT because much of it HAS been disproven, and scientists are finding evidence of intelligent design. Therefore, both theories should be taught. Allow the children to make up their own minds. When only one side is taught, it's the same thing as indoctrination. The purpose of our schools is NOT to indoctrinate our children, but to TEACH them.

2006-10-03 21:55:17 · answer #5 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 0 0

We hate each other because we both genuinely can't believe that any thinking person could believe or think what the other side does.
I'm a conservative.

2006-10-03 22:05:21 · answer #6 · answered by inzaratha 6 · 0 0

A Lady had this to say 7 minutes ago.
"wish I knew.
I find both the FAR-left and the FAR-right annoying. Excepting Ann Coulter. I like her. "
I have to agree with her------the far left is pure sleaze and the far right is rather intense.------sure hope we can one day unite as Americans in a common cause-----and I sure hope that happens BEFORE a major catastrophe.
Ann Coulter happens to be my role model!

2006-10-03 22:10:48 · answer #7 · answered by EZMZ 7 · 1 1

Conservatives want to rule the planet, and liberals know that, so they see each other as mortal enemies.

2006-10-03 21:41:41 · answer #8 · answered by backinbowl 6 · 0 1

because liberals lie and refuse to see anything simple
they (liberals) have no morals and are without conviction,they stand for nothing but perverse behavior and would do or say anything to run the country.

2006-10-03 21:42:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because they are on opposite ends of the spectrum and both are very passionate about their beliefs.

2006-10-03 21:35:58 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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