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I am very interested in these subjects and was hoping someone could offer some insight into their history and /or philosophies?

2006-10-03 21:32:01 · 5 answers · asked by punk bitch piece of shit 3 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

5 answers

Leaving aside all the myths and legends, you should checkout



2006-10-03 21:43:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

If you would really like to delve into the connections, you should look for books and articles from the Beverly Hall Corporation (www.soul.org). Also, an excellent source book to read that is more widely available is "The Hiram Key" (http://www.amazon.com/Hiram-Key-Pharaohs-Freemasonry-Discovery/dp/1931412758)

Good luck on your journeys, and I hope you find what you're looking for.

2006-10-03 21:44:56 · answer #2 · answered by SuccessSeeker 2 · 0 0

According to my knowlrdge they are the same Knights Templar, Rosicrucian's, prior of sion, freemasons. these are organisations who think they have a right to dictate human civilisation.... they think they hold the answers to civilisation sustenance...

in him with him through him


2006-10-03 21:58:43 · answer #3 · answered by Mancub 1 · 0 2

lol cant tell its conspiracy i cant belive in them their like greek myth.im interested too.have read the Davinci code?

2006-10-03 21:34:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The Templar Knights were an order of fighting monks that guarded Solomon's temple in Jerusalem from about 997 A.D. There's has been plenty of malarky written about them throughout the years. Movies like "National Treasure" and "The Davinci Code" will further fuel these myths. There does seem to be some kind of connection to the Templars and Scottish Rite Masonry. The graves of the Templars, excavated in the 1980's, have Masonic markings on them. After King Phillip decided to liquidate the Templars, some fled to a Scottish Earl, who gavce them protection. Scottish Rite Masonry and it's cousins are probably some kind of roamticized and greatly embellished form of their rituals. Rather than be the holders of some great "secret", the Templars became heretics who defected to Gnosticism or possibly Islam. Some of the Templars fled to Moorish (Muslim) King Phillip of France was indebted to the Templars for the equivalent of Billions of dollars in today's money, which explains why he would want to kill them, which he did in 1314 A.D. Some of the Templars managed to escape.

At this time the Pope was nothing more than a puppett of the French King (the Vatican had been usurped and the Pope's HQ was now in France). This is why the Pope went along with it. It may also have been because the Pope was afraid the Templars heresy would spread, such as by putting a Gnostic as head of the Church, or convert the West to Islam, if the Islamic theory is true.

Like many things occultic,the Rosicrucians started as a hoax. In 1615 a political tract appeared in Germany called "Fama Fraternis". Historians who examined the book in our times have said the book is clearly a political tract written in the form of a satire. The book deals with a certain “Christian Rozenkruts (Christian Rose Cross)” who is supposedly the founder of the order. The pamphlets author gives an unblievable tale of finding Rozenkruts’s body in a tonb in a perfect state. The tomb was lit with “ever burning lamps” that never went out. Among other miraculous discoveries the Rosicrucians supposedly discovered were the “philosopher’s stone”...a mythical substance that supposedly can enable the possesor to turn lead into gold and give immortality!

Eventually the author of these tracts came forward and identified himself as Valentine Andrea, a Lutheran minister who was making fun of occultists,but the legend had been launched.
Even though the tract was meant to mock people who believed in alchemy, several people who read the tract took it seriously! People began to earnestly look for this Rosicrucian Order. Some were willing to oblige the seekers. There are numerous police records of the scam that took people’s money in exchange for the hope of joining this order.

The largest Rosicrucian Order today is the “Ancient Mystical Order of the Rosy Cross” based out of San Jose, California. Some close rivals include the “Rosicrucian Fellowship” in Oceanside, California, the “Builders of the Adytum”, and the “Rosicrucian Society” of New York (which claims the orders founder was Jesus Christ reincarnated as a woman).
Each Rosicrucian Society considers itself the only “real” Rosicrucian order, and the rest are fakes. Like the Freemasons, they claim they helped build Solomon’s Temple. Most offer mail order or internet courses in the occult and it is possible to be a member without ever leaving one’s home as long as the membership dues are paid.

The lesser known Rosicrucian Fellowship was founded by a Max Van Grass. Grass later changed his name to Max Hiendel (not much of an improvement) after a trip to Germany where Hieldel claims he was intiated into the Rosicrucian Order. Heindels system seems to be nothing more than Blavatsky’s Theosophy word for word. The order boasts it doesn’t sell it’s lessons like those aful AMORC Rosicrucians, but gives them away instead. The catch 22 is you have to by the order’s books to take the courses. The 3 courses they offer are an astrology course, a (very innacurate) occult Bible course, and a “philosophy” course, which is really just Theosophy. Expect to spend a couple hundred bucks on the books for these courses, but what a coincidence, the order just happens to sell them all.

AMORC publishes about 3 dozen books for sale with catchy titles (for boring books) like Mental Poisoning, The Secret Teachings of Jesus, Mastering the Cycles of Fate. Lewis, like Heindel, borrowed a lot of ideas from Blavatsky, including the idea that he was in telepathic communication with a being called Coot Hoomi. Lewis decided to spell it Khuthumi to make it look more Egyptian.

Lewis claims Rosicrucianism came to America with the early settlers. The introductory pamphlet, The Mastery of Life even shows an early settler’s village and claims it is “a Rosicrucian settlement”. In reality, the settlement was that of Quakers, not Rosicrucians. The booklet also quotes several famous people - - from Benjamin Franklyn to Socrates - -and indicates they were Rosicrucians (but they weren’t). Like Wiccans, Freemasons, and Neopagans, Rosicrucians created a fake history for themselves. Also like these groups, they claim to teach how to develop occult powers. Psychometry, telepathy, astral projection, and spirit communuication are some of the powers they claim to teach.

This order claims it goes all the way back to the Babylonian Mystery schools and shows a Tower of Babel on their literature. One wonders how exactly they can be a “Christian Mystery School” if this were the case. In the order’s magazine, Heindel wrote an article that said that Rosicrucians worship “the Solar Logos”, or in other words, they worship the Sun. AMORC also seems to entertain the idea of sun worship, and at one time offered rose insence for sale in their catalog with the note that in ancient Egypt incense was offered at morning noon and evening to “the sun god”. Amenhotep was a proponent of sun worship whom Lewis called “the Son of the Sun”.

The “AMORC” group claims it has been in existence for thousands of years (which of course it can’t prove), claiming the Egyptian Pharo Amonhotep IV was it’s founder. Members keep an altar in their home with busts of Amonhotep and Nefertiti on their altars along with an alchemical cross. It's hardly a "Christian Mystery School" as they claim.

The real founder of this order wasn’t an Egyptian Pharo, but rather a marketing genius named H. Spencer Lewis. Lewis started the order in 1903 with a press conference claiming the order had resurfaced after 108 years of dormancy, and “proved” his powers by changing lead into gold (by slight of hand no doubt). The bar Lewis claimed was gold was allowed to be passed around for the reporters to examine. Of course, the expirement has never been duplicated since. Thanks to this publicity stunt and massive advertisement in newspapers and magazines, AMORC quickly grabbed many followers (no doubt hoping they too could change lead into gold), egar to plunk down a few dollars each month for monthly pamphlets supposedly giving secrets of the occult. The order has a grade system similar to Freemasonry. Grades 1-8 can be earned through mail order study. Grades 9 10 and 11 are called the “Illuminati” and the members of these levels are said to meet out of the body on the astral plane. This is the cleverest gimick of all, making members think they can be part of the legendary Illuminati! But of course, invitaions are given “on the astral plane” by members who can travel out of their body. Since no Rosicrucian can really travel out of their body (also called “Astral Projection”), the last three degrees exist only in the minds of deluded Rosicrucians!

The groups success didn’t go unoticed by Rosicrucians of rival groups who didn’t like it one bit. R.Swineburn Clymer sued Spencer in court and revealed some very big skeletons in his closet. One of these skeletons was Aleister Crowley! It seems the “Ascended Master” that supposedly intiated Lewis was none other than Crowley, who “initated” Lewis in a ritual that took placed behind closed doors for 3 days (and knowing Crowley, probably involved gay sex and drugs). Clymer seemed to think Spencer only spent 1 day and not the whole three days for the ritual. Clymer also found inconstancies in Spencer’s story, and later published them in a book detailing the trial. Even though Clymer didn’t get the dough he was hoping to get from AMORC through his lawsuit, he did succeed in embarassing his rival.

Clymer was no schoolboy himself. A look at Clymer’s writings reveals some pretty unflattering things he himself believed and taught: “Jesus was born of Gentile parents through whose veins flowed Aryan blood" according to Clymer and smacks of the Nazism that would come a few decades later.

Regardless of the Rosicrucian group, NONE of them conforms to what is taught about Jesus in the Bible. Clearly the Bible says Jesus was born of Jewish parents. Jesus taught He was the only way to Heaven, not that there were many different ways. No where did Jesus teach all religoins were true or that all religious writings were equal. No were is there any record that Jesus retired to a monastery. AMORC has never offered to reveal these mysterious manuscripts that contain all these revelations...which is understandable since they don't really exist!

The Rosicrucians are fakes and fruads! If they want people to think otherwise, let them change lead into gold under cheat proof conditions. If they can change lead into gold, why do they need your money every month? If the members of their “Illuminati” level meet by traveling out of their bodies at will as they claim, let them prove it. Lets set up a test: Have them astrally project and describe the contents of a locked room under cheat proof conditions. Why didn’t they use their “gifts” of mental powers or the “science” of astology to forsee the World Trade Towers/Petagon/Flight 19 attack on 9-11-2001?

Because they are fakes.

2006-10-04 01:34:55 · answer #5 · answered by The Notorious Doctor Zoom Zoom 6 · 3 0

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