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i am 27 years old and taking a buyout from ford motor co. how can i get the most out of money?

2006-10-03 20:34:10 · 13 answers · asked by PAUL9999 2 in Business & Finance Investing

13 answers

Pay off your debts. Put away an emergency fund. Invest in mutual funds with a 5 year track record.

Visit http://www.daveramsey.com/

2006-10-03 20:42:41 · answer #1 · answered by TLWOLFf 4 · 0 0

Buy a duplex in Charlotte, NC or somewhere else urban and up and coming...they are going for about $40,000 in some parts and you can have enough income from rentals to pay the mortgage, plus some income for yourself. After a few years, the equity in the house when you go to sell it should be pretty decent return.

Also put some money in some stocks, and stash some away for a rainy day. Also pay off any credit cards/loans that are sucking interest out of your pocket.

CONGRATS on the cash.

2006-10-03 20:44:05 · answer #2 · answered by Tara B 2 · 0 0

Best advice you've ever had, besides giving the 70k to me.
If you want to keep it as simple as possible and you don't know anything about investing. Use Vanguard. They are the best conservative investment company you can ever use. Excellent ethical track record, lowest cost, and highly reputable. (no I don't work for Vanguard, I wish I did)
If your looking to put a large chunk, or all of it away for retirement use the Lifestratagy funds (doesn't adjust automatically as you age)
or the Target Retirement Funds (does adjust automatically as you age).
You can put the whole chunk in there and you will be WELL diversified. This is the simplest way to do it, with out hiring a con artist (financial advisor).
Pick up a book called "Mutual Funds for Dummies" by Eric Tyson (no my name is not Eric Tyson). It paid for itself over and over again hundreds of times for me.
You absolutely need to learn about "Asset Allocation". Here is a rule of thumb method to get you started:

Steer away from get rich overnight schemes and don't choose a fund that advertises itself all over the place: Prudential cons,
Sued for 600 million
Merrill Lynch cons, sued for 100 million:

Welcome to the world of investing
(its not as scary as it seems)

2006-10-03 21:51:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is an amazing OPPORTUNITY. You won't be disappointed! I wasn't -
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2006-10-06 00:21:33 · answer #4 · answered by thebaldchemist 3 · 0 0

Invest it wisely!! You could put it into a managed share account, invest in strong, reliable shares and stocks or even go halves with someone in some property.

2006-10-03 20:41:50 · answer #5 · answered by moroaero 2 · 0 0

try to analyze the viability and profitablity as will as marketability of you investment. if you think it a win, win situation go for it. but.. .if its a win loss situation i rather suggest you... to quit. dont gamble into invest that could give you a break even income or to put you in a loss, loss situation. my suggestion is for you to buy some govt.treasurer bill. theres i should say you are on the win win situations. good luck.

2006-10-03 20:46:43 · answer #6 · answered by pick p 2 · 0 0

15k in a tax free muni
15k in a cd
15k in vanguard 500 fund
10k towards - 2k in IRA for next 5 years, leave unapplied funds in Money Market
5k in medium risk stocks
10k for either fun, car, house improvement, rental, etc.

2006-10-03 20:39:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

invest it in long term bonds so after 10-15 years... that 5 digit number multiplies into a 7 digit one adn i will hopefully get 4 digits out of it cuz it was my idea ;) hahaha :P but ya iinvest it in a long term note... or bonds

2006-10-03 20:43:58 · answer #8 · answered by fAhAd 3 · 0 0

give some to the needy do you want my email address?

put half in savings it accumalates great interest.... dont put all in stocks maybe 5-10 grand... and yeah cars are great but can you live in them? if you put a down payment on a house... its an investment. what ever you do... remember

Me... :)

2006-10-03 20:43:40 · answer #9 · answered by thought 4 · 0 0

Well you already paid tax on it once. Don't do it again by investing and paying fees and more taxes. Hide it in a safe deposit box. Never pay tax on the same money more than once.

2006-10-03 20:38:08 · answer #10 · answered by Johnathan 2 · 0 1

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