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With the implementation of the racist and illogical Affirmative Action and B.E.E. laws in South Africa, making it law that even PRIVATELY OWNED businesses must reflect the demographic of the country - even demanding quotas for black shareholders in said businesses - and with the increasing marginalisation of Afrikaans in the ever plummeting South African schooling system, how long can their nation survive?

Afrikaans landmarks are being renamed and their history is being rewritten. That, coupled with laws that are designed to keep a sizable portion of their demographic in constant poverty, have the same goal - to eventually wipe all memory of their existence from a land that has been their home for centuries.

Am I wrong?

2006-10-03 20:03:35 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

tiisetsemo - for what? Asking an uncomfortable question?

2006-10-03 20:35:55 · update #1

orion - thanks for the articulate, reasoned answer.
I agree, Afrikaners will flourish in countries other than South Africa ie: civilized countries, but I see little long term hope for their future in a country that has been their home since 1652, if I remember my South African history correctly.

Mind you, I see little hope for people, of any race or ethnicity, in what used to be South Africa
AIDS x Crime x 40% unemployment + Land Reform (theft) = poverty, starvation and ultimately death.

2006-10-03 21:48:48 · update #2

Joyce F - as usual you have everything wrong, including your basic premise.

Nobody is entitled to land by virtue of birth. Look how well that policy has worked in Zimbabwe - another violent, racist dictatorship you undoubtetly support.
That policy, so called land reform, which is headed your way, has created history's first man-made famine, also headed your way, so I hope you're not a big eater.

Your bigoted dislike of the Afrikaner is palpable, but as much as the thugs you adore so much in the ANC would like to demonize them, it is a fact that under their government, blacks in South Africa had the best living standards on the entire continent.

The Afrikaner's terrible legacy - apartheid - is now a useful and pragmatic tool in the hands of the ANC monsters you support with such passion, as it is used to divert blame and attention from their savage corruption.

2006-10-04 00:19:17 · update #3

Jorge S - the brainwashed, bigoted peanut gallery weighs in. Why don't you and Joyce F go on vacation together?

2006-10-04 06:19:35 · update #4

sonskyn - klein meisiekind, ek weet ek is reg.

2006-10-04 06:20:56 · update #5

tay jen 1 - if your entire history and culture was being obliterated, how proud would you be?

2006-10-04 06:22:45 · update #6

liefie - en bly daar. Dis ook JOU land.

2006-10-04 06:24:51 · update #7

orion - very well said. This 'Joyce F' is clearly a bigot and a racist lapdog that grovels at the feet of her ANC masters.

2006-10-04 06:34:50 · update #8

Alf - I've said it before - the great equalizer in all this is AIDS.

2006-10-04 06:51:30 · update #9

dWali - another 'Proud South African'. What exactly are you proud of? You live in a country BUILT by your ancestors, that was GIVEN to a bunch of violent Marxist revolutionaries in 1994, and that under their mismanagement has turned into a crime and plague infested paradise, that tolerates white people, at best.
Your country's allies are now Cuba, China, Zimbabwe - matter of fact, any totalitarian regime that imprisons its own citizens, and like those countrys, has been turned into a one party dictatorship.

Every Afrikaans landmark and city is being renamed, as your Afrikaans heritage is slowly and meticulously wiped from the slate of history.
Your black government holds your Afrikaans minority in murderous contempt, and my advice to you is to wake up, because according to them, YOU are the problem.

This you're proud of? No, my friend, you're desparately holding onto a past that doesn't exist anymore, and a future filled with false hope.

2006-10-05 01:25:43 · update #10

Anria - I think you're 100% correct in your assessment of the Afrikaner's will to survive, and I think that in one form or another, Afrikaners will flourish somewhere on the planet, but your people are finished on the continent of Africa.
Thirty years from now, the Afrikaans nation in South Africa will only exist in ANC history books.

2006-10-05 01:31:21 · update #11

Cichlid - AIDS is the equalizer. And faster than you think.

2006-10-05 12:34:14 · update #12

desperately - I hate it when I misspell a word.

2006-10-05 17:25:55 · update #13

loving resistance fighter - a deluded man lives in unreality (that's a little proverb of my own). Oh, and why am I wrong?

2006-10-06 01:21:55 · update #14

loving resistance fighter - finally something other than the too-cute-for-words little proverbs and one liners without substance that you usually post.
You are a master of circumlocution, but little of what you say has any substance

At no point did anyone raise the level of depravity in SA to genocide, but now that you mention it, would the murder of more than 1 000 boer farmers and their families, simply because of who they are, qualify, or doesn't that fit in with your definition?

You name some of the exact same factors that I do ie; your inept so-called police force, but so what? Doesn't change the reality on the ground

There has indeed been advanced corruption across the globe, for some of the reasons you state - the world is not a pretty place - but then we get back to a point of yours (mine first) - an effective police force to deal with it

I live in New York, that now, due to Rudy Guiliani's effective POLICING, is one of the safest big cities in the world

2006-10-06 16:26:34 · update #15

There is no question, that by sheer numbers, there's more crime in the USA, but we have many, many more people.

Crunch the numbers and PER CAPITA, South Africa's crime level is akin to a war zone. And the nature of this EVERYDAY crime is monstrous and sometimes beyond belief.

You, and others, who don't know any better, do no one any good by trying to whitewash the issue by telling everyone that it's just as bad over here in the USA.

It isn't. Not even close.

If it was, ask yourself this question - why are people literally dying to get into America, and leaving in their droves from South Africa. Or trying to.

2006-10-06 16:37:02 · update #16

Have a nice day.

2006-10-06 16:41:31 · update #17

17 answers

Ek dink jy is reg en dit breek my hart. Ek het uit SA getrek in 1998 want daar was nie een van my pelle oor wat nie gerape, beroof of geskiet was nie. Ek stem saam met jou dat onder die Afrikaanse regering die swartes die beste kwaliteit van lewe gehad het. Toe Mandela inkom in 1990 het hulle probleme begin. Ek hoop steeds dat al die Afrikaners kan terug keer na SA in die toekoms nadat VIGS sy werk gedoen het.

2006-10-05 12:18:46 · answer #1 · answered by Cichlid 2 · 2 6

Hiya Brad, please don't get on you're high horse, but I went to an English school (despite being half Afrikaans myself).
One day our teacher had the latest Government census figure with her, and she asked us: "Which are the two languages spoken by the most people as a mother tongue in SA", everyone including me, replied English, we where stunned when she said, Zulu, followed shortly by Afrikaans. English was only 5th on the list.
Even here in London, there is a Afrikaans newspaper, called "Die Stem",(check out www.diestem.co.uk) which to me simply implies, that if Afrikaners have trouble in SA, they will simply pack up and leave for somewhere else.
Also, having grown up with half the family being Afrikaans, I can tell you, Afrikaners put a lot of pressure on their children to keep the language and culture alive (if you even dare mix one English slang word into you're Afrikaans in front of elders, you will get corrected immediately)
Yes, the government isn't always dealing fairly with white people, and the Afrikaner doesn't have the power that he had during apartheid, but where there's a will, there's a way, and I think we shouldn't under estimate Afrikaners.

2006-10-05 05:47:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anria A 5 · 1 0

Afrikaans is getting more and more popular overseas - because it's the youngest official language in the world.. and the only European Langauge on African soil. There will also be an Afrikaans-Chinese dictionary very soon. Ek praat Afrikaans en ek's trots daarop! Afrikaans is flourishing! Well, the ANC is not really promoting any of the indegenous languages... so it's up to us to praat meer Afrikaans :)

2006-10-05 12:06:49 · answer #3 · answered by Malan 3 · 4 0

Afrikaners are flourishing. Afrikaans is flourishing, although here it is not only due to the efforts of Afrikaners, but rather of all Afrikaans-speaking people (coloureds especially and some black groups, such as the San and Nama, who now 99% speak Afrikaans as their home language, courtesy of Apartheid's language policies).

The names of places changing:
it is not removing the Afrikaner's history, it is restoring the old (pre-white settlement) place names, which were DESTROYED by the Apartheid government in an attempt to (and here I quote you) "wipe all memory of their existence from a land that has been their home for centuries", except they were cultures many more centuries older than the existence of the Afrikaner. What is happening now is a restorative effort. Afrikaners should be happy they are not required to wash the feet of every person their previous policies harmed.

If Afrikaners will flourish more in what you call it: "civilized" countries, and do not want to contribute to this country, they are free to leave. But they should quit their whining about their culture and affirmative action. It was afterall THEIR policies that created the fall-out of what is happening now and what is forced to happen now.

They are NOT a nation on their own, they are a tribal group. South Africa as a whole is a NATION. The good of the NATION as a whole is more important than a previous-oppressor's needs to "flourish".

2006-10-04 06:51:29 · answer #4 · answered by Joyce F 2 · 4 4

Can they really ever wipe out the memories I have of the country where I grew up. I am proudly_southafrica and Afrikaans. They can rename landmarks, change the names of our cities. I for once think our Afrikaans speaking ppl is so sticking together trying to save Afrikaans. Just look at the culture we starting. Even english people start listening to our music. They can try and wipe our memories - but just like my father taught me bout where he grew up and what it was like (and that was not SA) so I will teach my kids bout South Africa and our great language and our history. And I will keep on talking Afrikaans to my kids. For me Tswane will always be Pretoria and Tlokwe always Potchefstroom.

2006-10-04 04:55:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

“A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends”

Proverbs 16:28

Oh, and yes you're wrong.

You being the man who knows everything about South Africa and the world should be able to see why you're wrong without any pointers from me.

Bernard Crick wrote about the fallacy inherent in an attitude like yours in "In Defence Of Politics" and CS Lewis names it Bulverism in his "First and Seciond Things".

These are greater men than you and your cohort Alf so what can you do with with your "ek weet alles" mindset to change the situation in South Africa?

There is no criticial reasoning in your questions and no consideration of the entire spectrum encompassing the problem, only that which suites you as is evidenced by the same tone carried in all your questions about South Africa. Jan Lamprecht and Neil Watson are not the best sources of information about South Africa as their views are unbalanced and highly subjective.

According to Genocide Watch there are 8 stages to genocide (can be found here : http://www.genocidewatch.org/8stages.htm )

Neil Watson had contacted the president of this organisation and he was due to arrive in South Africa to assess our genocide claim.

Compare the list of the 8 stages objectively and then tell me we have a genocide here. A lot of it sounds more like our previous apartheid government than the current government.

Then if you have more time to do more research have a look here to see what the other causes of violence in South Africa are besides the government non-action you and others are keen to harp on: http://www.iss.co.za/Pubs/Papers/49/Paper49.html

Then have a look at our oppressive history and tie the two up. If you find that hard to do you should have a look at the last item on that list of genocide stages - denial.

More educated people who have actually spent years researching and studying sources other than africancrisis and Google searches. Factor in the the proven links to crime of poverty, marginalisation, de-humanization, oppression, an emerging democracy, high incidences of single parent families, uemployment and anger and you have a pretty explosive situation.

Add in the general permissiveness of a society where nothing is taboo and everything is allowed (locally and globally) which has factored quite heavily in the cultural collapse across the entire world.

A general trend has seen an increase in violence not only on South Africa but across the world. in Our Culture, What's Left Of It by Theodore Dalrymple he highlights the increase in violence across the world and Rob Weatherill, in Cultural Collapse, published as far back as 1992 notes the same.

That crime may seem less severe in other countries merely points to an effective police force not a decrease in crime. Take for examply France, who in the time Our Culture, What's Left Of It was published, and which is commented on in the book, saw an almost 45% increase in crime to 4 million reported crimes in 2005.

This illustrates that there is a general rise in depravity across the globe, not just South Africa. The South Africa government is too inept to cover it up or deal with it yet whereas other global players have already perfected their coping/policing mechanisms over time. A while back you even posted a link for a country crime comparison chart where the USA was 1st and South Africa 2nd - in the world.

What then about crime in the country you so gladly call your home now? Is crime in your country acceptable. There is no acceptable crime statistic and to propose such a thing is perverse. If you are so vocal about South Africa then you ought to be as vocal about crime in every country.

2006-10-06 04:25:56 · answer #6 · answered by Ni Ten Ichi Ryu 4 · 4 2

Interesting that you pose a good question and get one decent answer. Others have only threats to offer or racist abuse from that genetic detritus admirably dealt with by Orion.
A leopard does not change it's spots and the ANC previously and currently in it's documents has made no secret of the fact that it does not want White people in South Africa. The AIDS ridden Peter Mokaba ( dead fortunately) was infamous for his singing of Kill the Boer- Kill the Whites but he was not alone. On youtube for all the World to see the great Mandela accompanied by Red Ronnie Kasrils and others can be seen leading the masses in the same song. Then there is also the infamous One Settler-One Bullet.
The Afrikaaner bears the brunt of their hatred through their dominance of previous Governments and so the children will pay for the sins of their Fathers. ANC Politicians never cease to mention the "previous apartheid regime" in their speech or the "struggle" to get some credibility and so it will never go away. Already 1000's of Farmers (mostly Afrikaaners) have been murdered in their homes but it is the level of brutality and torture they have had to endure that smacks of racism and revenge. The renaming of Cities and landmarks is often premised by reference to previous Afrikaaners and now these places often bear the names of Marxist Communist.At least one of them,Johan Rupert, has had the guts to stand up and confront the ANC with the lawlessness that pervades South Africa. Others,unfortunately, like one on this site sink into denial and behave like obsequious parasites in the hope that they will avoid the persecution. The Afrikaaner is too proud to allow his heritage and culture to die out completely and I am of the opinion that whilst it may diminish the ANC will never eradicate it.
There is a new disease in South Africa-XDR ( extremely drug resistant) Tuberculosis which has already killed a few people in Natal. It is caused by those suffering from TB failing to complete the course of anti-biotics and unsanitary living conditions ( squatter camps). AIDS sufferers are particularly at risk but so are the Public at large as TB is easily transmitted. It has caused the WHO to get involved and given the lack of medical care and expertise in SA it may well cause a new pandemic for SA to deal with. They are being low key at the moment with reporting which is all the more reason to be suspicious and worried.

2006-10-04 13:43:50 · answer #7 · answered by Alf Garnett 3 · 2 4

I am a PROUD WHITE AFRIKANER. My nation will survive as part of the South African rainbow nation. We do not need protection by laws. My language and my culture is string enough. My nation (Afrikaner) also includes a few coloureds.

We are OF africa, and will be here forever. (Unlike Brad we do not leave the country and criticise from outside. We are part of the solution, not part of the problem.)

2006-10-05 04:16:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

I think that this is a valid question and considerable thought needs to be given to it.

I believe that in contrary to being an "endangered species", Afikaners and indeed Afrikaans are in fact flourishing.
In fact, out of all the national languages of SA, it is Afrikaners that are attempting to conserve their language the most.
One merely has to look at the numerous festivals that take place all over the country which promote Afrikaans culture and music.
Afrikaners have created their own TV shows (and in fact whole channels such as KykNet and MK89 on DSTV), newspapers, radio stations and even clothing (there have been a surge of fun and cool Afrikaans t-shirts that have come out)

It is quite obviously true that certain laws have marginalised white speaking citizens of SA and this has resulted in a large exodus of people to other lands. However, if you look at where large amounts of people have settled (Perth, London...), you will see that Afrikaans is thriving in those places. Even though those people are not living in SA anymore, they have established their culture and language in their new adopted countries. There is even an Afrikaans church that started up in London.

Afrikaners are a proud and passionate people who care dearly about their culture and as a result will not easily allow that to die out despite outside attempts to do precisely that. They will continue to teach their history and culture to their children.

It is debatable whether in the decades to come, there will be Afrikaners in SA (or white people in general given that the white population is dropping radically), I'm sure however that Afrikaans will still exist somewhere in the world.


"Joyce F", you seem to be filled with unquestionable detestation of the Afrikaner. One has to question why? Perhaps you are just following in your parent's footsteps of hatred?

Your comment that Afrikaners should be thankful that they don't "have to wash the feet" of others is laughable. You are quite clearly a racist and should consider doing your own research before blantantly believing what is thrust before you.

You go on to further mention that Afrikaners must "stop whining". That's a bit of a genralisation don't you think? You seem to believe that it is only Afrikaners that are complaining about the levels of crime? You are clearly not living amongst real South Africans (of all races and languages).
Whether people live in Clifton or in a township, they are worried about the current crime situation. The fact that many township people actively dish out mob justice on murderers and rapists merely serves to illustrate this point.
And furthermore, since we are in a democracy, people have a constitutional right to voice their concerns. That is in fact what many people fought for in the struggle. Whether white people, balck people or blue people is in charge is beyond the point.

You also mention that it is apartheids policies causing the fall-outs and the cause for most of the problems today.
Please rather try to come up with something original rather than once again just spewing out what you hear.

Perhaps the Afrikaner can blame the English for their actions. (which is happening in a similar vein today against the Afrikaner)It was afterall the English that were the original creators of the concentration camp. Their brutal and barbaric practices on Afrikaans women and children were disgusting to say the least. So perhaps it could be said that apartheid was clearly a legacy of the English policies?

In future, rather keep your clear intolerance of others to yourself.
You have yourself a nice day now...

2006-10-04 04:33:40 · answer #9 · answered by orion 3 · 2 5

I agree with Joyce. If they don't like it, they can leave, good riddance to bad rubbish. Those who want to be here, are welcome (my father is Afrikaner, my mother half Afrikaner, half Portuguese, I consider myself first and foremost a South African and I am raising my children the same way, by the way their mother is a Afrikaanse nooi), the rest can just voertsek.

The type of new Afrikaner is Ryk Neethling. He and others like him are what makes the Afrikaner worthwhile.

2006-10-04 07:39:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Whoo!! Not where I came from!! Sheesh, it was as if the English were more endangered!! But ya, that was home!!

2006-10-04 07:20:10 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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