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17 answers

You do not need medicines to come out of depression. Medicines put you to sleep. Please follow the method given below.

Please go to a park nearby your place in the morning when the dew is fresh. Walk on the grass barefoot. The chill will move throughout your body upto the brain. This cools down and relaxes the brain.

After walking for 5 minutes sit on the grass facing east. The raising sun's rays will you a pleasant feeling. With the little finger of the right hand close the left nostril and with the thumb the right nostril. Take off the little finger inhale the breath slowly and then close. Hold the breath for a few seconds and let it out through the right nostril. Now do it other way. Practice this for five minutes. This will improve your blood circulation and purify the blood with the oxygen taken in through the breathing exercise.

Then close your eyes to that extent that you can see the end of your nose. Think of your family deity for five minutes. This is called meditation.

When you sit on the grass, sit with the folded legs in a comfortable position.

The above will relieve you of your depression in a few days.

2006-10-03 19:34:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Their are many prescription antidepressants on the market. The problem is finding the one that works for you and doesn't cause side effects that you can't deal with. For men, many antidepressants wipe out their ability to perform sexually. I'm not too sure if most cause this problem for women, however studies have shown Wellbutrin to actually increase sex drive in women, esp. older women. Most physicians prescribe an antidepressant that contains Seritonin re-uptake inhibitators. I recently heard that a newer version was out, so you might ask your physican some details about it. Clonipin has been used to help with anxiety in patients with depression who won't take antidepressants but can manage it if they can just take the edge of their anxiety. What ever you do, you need to be proactive in you disease process by seeking help, esp. if you realize your thought processes are telling you to think bad thinks like harming yourself or others. Even while taking meds, you should keep a diary and analyze your thoughts to make sure your not going off into left field because some people do kill themselves and others while on certain medications. Second, study and learn to live, cope and rule your disease or it will rule you. Hope I helped, good luck and don't be afraid to call a help hotline if you start thinking bad things. Last but certainly not last. If your ever in a situation where your thinking of doing harm to yourself or others, stop and make a promise to hang in there for two or three days and get help and if by then, if things aren't better, then promise to try to hold off for a few more days. I promise it works because depression is a up and down "mood swing kinda thing" so by then your mood will have swung back up and you won't want to do these things. There is hope coming so hang in there.

2006-10-03 19:34:58 · answer #2 · answered by White Knight 3 · 0 0

Want to go to the doctor? That would be best. See a psychiatrist who actually listens to what you have to say.

NOTE: Psychiatrist, and not psychologist. Psychiatrists are the ones who will actually want to issue medicine. Psychologists are there to listen, and refer you to someone for medicine.

Depression, bi-polar disorder, and other mental illnesses are very different. I've taken about seven different meds for mental 'issues' in the past few months. If your dr. doesn't seem to pay much attention, or starts writing a prescription within a few minutes of the first visit, find another one.

My dr. thought I was depressed. I actually have a VERY VERY VERY mild form of bi-polar disorder. I am on a mood stabilizer and they're still experimenting with my ADD meds but I feel a lot more... stable.

Effexor XR was given for my depression. Didn't seem too helpful.

Keppra is a widely acclaimed medicine. Works great for me!

Good luck.

EDIT: Whoever said anything about simply ignoring your problem and occupying yourself with fruits and veggies is very naiive when it comes to mental health. Do NOT let anyone take lightly how you feel. YOU are the best person who can understand what is going on inside YOUR head. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, whether it is your doctor, your friends and family, or simple users who are completely unqualified on Y! Answers to give any advice. The best advice any of us will be able to give is to GO SEE A DOCTOR. We can't be held responsible for your actions, nor can we say what's best for you. Good luck.

2006-10-03 19:12:21 · answer #3 · answered by Frederick 3 · 1 0

First see a REALLY GOOD psychiatrist. If your depression is severe, the Dr. will prescribe an appropriate dose of an anti-depressant. Some people suffer depression all their lives, but live normal ones with the aid of these medications. If your depression is not TOO severe (but how would you know?) try St. John's Wart - its an all natural homeopathic med. which you can get at any reputable pharmacy. Good luck to you - and whether or not you feel like it - S M I L E !!!! It will improve your face value.

2006-10-03 19:13:41 · answer #4 · answered by CJ 2 · 0 1

Honey, only your physician can advise you of safe medication for depression or any other medical/mental problem. A history needs to be taken, as to the extend of your depression, also any allergies, or adverse reactions from medications taken in the past. Would be happy to be supportive of your depressive therapy any way I can, however your question should be addressed to your doctor, or mental health facility. To many life threatening possibilities, for people to experiment with here on Yahoo, also what medication works for one person may not work for another. Feel free to email me at ponyexpress_delivery@yahoo.com would be happy to help you look for appreciate doctor and therapy. Best of luck to you.

2006-10-03 19:13:01 · answer #5 · answered by Strawberry Pony 5 · 2 0

In my opinion medicine is bad idea to overcome depression.Try to be enjoy with friends ,go for movie ,play with dogs,go for a date then naturally u will over come depression.

2006-10-03 19:35:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's not good to use medicine to come out of depression.
The only way get off it is to change yourself,by staying relaxed and not thinking of bad things,which may hurt you.If possible try yoga as the results of it are found to be good till now.Get wells soon.

2006-10-03 19:20:24 · answer #7 · answered by vinnu_313 1 · 0 1

Yeah, St John's Wort is now sold in Costco and Sam's Club, as is SAM-e, but I swear by my acupuncturist and her herbal formulae which are devised specifically for each patient (not a set form like a pill or packaged powder) - got me off prozac, which was practically free with my insurance, but felt like an addiction. Chinese medicine deals with the whole picture, mind/body/psyche!

2006-10-03 19:11:56 · answer #8 · answered by Russell L 2 · 0 1

Read good jokes which are bound to make you laugh.
No PJs please and depressing novels ( novels with a sad ending) are strictly no-no. Though there are medicines to cure depression (haloperidol, imipramine etc.) you shouldn't use them unless they are prescribed by your doc. They can be harmfull. Sometimes you go into even more depression after consuming them.
Get Well Soon................

2006-10-03 21:01:55 · answer #9 · answered by indian 2 · 0 0

never use anti depression meds without prescription due to the side effects of these meds. if you say that you have depression means what you have is just blue mood ! do what makes you feel good .

2006-10-03 19:08:45 · answer #10 · answered by DRALLERGY 1 · 0 0

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