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If you have relatives waiting to get in, don't answer, cuz youre biased. What is the point in having immigration? People say they do work natives don't want, and I agree for the most part, but that means that there is something internal that is amiss and our values, our willingness to do hard physical labor, need to be reinforced. You dont bring in outsiders, you fix the people inside. Immigration just for immigration sake is no reason. "Weve always been a nation of immigrants" doesn't make sense either, a company doesn't hire more people than it needs, if it takes 7 to run a business, you don't hire 13 just for no reason. Weve got 300 million, why not work with the people already here?

2006-10-03 18:24:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

8 answers

No, people should have the same chance now that they did for centuries. I don't agree with illegal immigration, but if they go through the proper and legal steps, why should we cut off what is still the American dream? If there had not been immigration, this country would exist as mostly uninhabited, many inventions and ideas would never have been formed, the other countries would have been so overloaded that who knows what would have happened. And - I guarantee you came from immigrants somewhere in your bloodline if you are American, as do I and 99% of Americans. The majority of legal immigrants are here because they no longer wanted to live in an oppressed situation or they wanted a better life for their children. Some were for political reasons, some were afraid for their lives. We have an ex-Bosnian family living next door, and they became US citizens last year after going through the proper procedures. They are wonderful people, hard working, honest, and have struggled for 6 years to learn the language and fit in. They went through living in a tiny efficiency apartment with one child, to a bit larger one, to 3 years ago buying a modest home. Their daughter was born on Christmas Day 3 years ago, and they are so grateful not to wake up to bombs and gunfire all the time - fearing for their lives for years. You may not appreciate people different than yourself, but I have actually met many immigrants, and most are individuals struggling and working hard to become Americans. If people here want to take on some of the jobs that are hard to handle or that are "beneath" some people, go for it. Appreciate what you have and give it the best you've got, so you are not so jealous of the immigrants who come here, work 12-18 hours daily, and achieve the dream that you might be wanting but not working towards as hard.

2006-10-03 18:40:42 · answer #1 · answered by still learning at 56 5 · 0 0

Immigration helps to expand ideas and business. Let's say that the employment rate reaches 98%. At that point, it become very difficult to find qualified workers--or workers in general for your company. The situation worsens if you have just started a business. Of course, the immigrants you would need would depend on the language barriers and the training they have already had. So, if you stop immigration entirely, you could have business problems. Also, with welfare programs like Social Security, which will probably fail due to the baby boomer generation, the more people in the US paying Social Security, the merrier...until the bubble pops.

2006-10-03 18:30:42 · answer #2 · answered by TomServo 3 · 1 0

It is not a matter of simply "stopping immigration." In terms of controlled and intentional immigration...yes I agree. Why do we have recruit thousands of nurses from places like the Phillipines and other countries when we could just improve programs here and give jobs to U.S. Citizens? Why do we bring in so many engineers and scientists that are foreign? Some major research universities (and I speak from experience) actually have major contracts with universities in Asia. This is all immigration. But if you are talking about people wanting to come here for a better life, then that is their perrogative. If they survive it is obviously up to them, but it is necessary for some people to come here. Political prisoners, refugees, ect... all have a strong desire and arguably need to come here. Also there is the issues of poverty in certain countries which entices people to want to come and work. This is a different kind of immigration. There are of course pros and cons, but in my opinion, the saying, "We've always been a nation of immigrants" DOES make sense (applied to this scenario). It is ridiculous, and hypocritical to criticize Mexicans and other Latin Americans for coming here. They are called derrogatory names, yet they are hardworking and just want a better life. People forget that both the Irish and Italians went through this exact same thing. This nation started out as a nation of immigrants...the British coming for a better life. It is just a cycle and people should respect each other.

2006-10-03 18:33:36 · answer #3 · answered by Nicole83 2 · 0 0

If you could find a job that paid better in a city that was a couple hundred miles away but in the same country would you feel you've done something wrong to move to that city and take that job?
It's certain that wherever you might be going to is going to have unemployed people so is it wrong to leave your town to go looking for work and thereby deprive the residents of that city the opportunity to be employed?

Generally laws are put in place to protect some interest. Many laws such as strict prohibitions against murder and rape have widespread support because most people have an interest in the prevention of those activities. Other laws such as America's "Jim Crow" laws or the even harsher segregation laws of Apartheid South Africa are eventually repealed because eventually the interests which are protected by them lose popular support.
The immigration laws are a balance between protecting the welfare of citizens and the welfare of non-citizens. The importance of those two conditions to those who make the laws determines how strict or lenient they will be.
Laws preventing immigration help preserve the equilibriums in both society and economics that a nation has preventing sudden floods of immigrants from upsetting the status quo and providing stability.
Laws allowing immigration acknowledges that all people are born equal and deserving of the same opportunities to opportunity to succeed regardless of the location in which they entered the world.
As a final note I would point out that it would never be possible to stop all immigration. While it may be possible to make all immigration illegal I would say that I would not support such a measure in my country. I am inspired by the words carved at the feet of the Statue of Liberty.

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles.
From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!"” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

2006-10-03 19:03:14 · answer #4 · answered by dullorb 3 · 0 0

Immigration is blessing for America and not a curse. Immigrants are mostly the bright ones from their home countries. With out choosing by US government they work for USA and make a name for them and the country. They are an asset only.

2006-10-03 18:41:18 · answer #5 · answered by Rammohan 4 · 0 0

certain supply up immigration now for a minimum of 10 years, till we get our living house so as. I went to my interior of sight gp round a month in the past and became instructed i'd could wait 3 weeks for an appointment, it truly is due fullyyt to immigration. My mum is ill and its an same for her 3 ******* weeks. in case you bypass to well being facility Its all foreigners. you could't get a house because ******* Asians have were given all of them to living house their 10 good households. I seeth with rage after I walk round Manchester presently it really is a Hodge podge of differing cultures and identities and has change into very secular contained in the technique. yet another component that receives me is our churches being became into ******* mosques, it really is a travesty in Itself, not in any respect recommendations the detest preaching that is going on in a number of them, **** the infidels is basically the message. i'm ill and uninterested in immigrants. Polish, African, Asian, center jap, variety your own scrappy international places out earlier you come back and destroy what our united states of america is. only too many coming over, immigration should be capped no matter if it really is to artwork and it hasn't been. I recommend 330,000 internet this 12 months already that all of us learn about its horrendous. each and every time I see a school room information tale on the files it really is ninety % black/Asian with some white youthful ones contained in the nook. it really is disgusting what starting to be a member of the ecu union has carried out, and for that we could thank Tony ******* cuntfaced Blair, who in my e book must be shot for what he has carried out to our united states of america.

2016-11-26 01:52:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Controlled immigration is good for the country.

2006-10-03 20:49:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No we shouldn't. Good Luck! :)

2006-10-03 18:26:11 · answer #8 · answered by tysavage2001 6 · 1 0

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