It depends on what your willing to do to confront her about it... It depends on if she is the vilolent type, or if she is all talk... If she is violent it is best to stay away from her, but if she is all talk i think you should confront her about it...
2006-10-03 16:44:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You could try calling her names back. Usually these people use offensive moves like this because they have low self-esteem, and if you can attack them back it can often have an effect.
Another option, if you think you're up to it, is to ignore her as much as possible, and when she does try to attack you, just act superior and contemptuous. If you're lucky, she'll get annoyed with you and stop doing it.
2006-10-03 16:44:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
not much really.. what will happen is that she'll soon find herself without many friends. and those friends will soon realize that when they're not around, she'll 'throw them under the bus' (i.e. talk about them, trash them, etc.)
two things will have to happen before she changes... the first is she's going to have to realize or wonder 'why no one wants to be around me' and secondly, someone will have to be brave enough and close enough to tell her 'stop talking about people, nobody likes you...'
these two events will almost have to be simultaneous for her to change.
good luck...
2006-10-03 16:46:29
answer #3
answered by Mark B 2
you should find a way to get her into see the school counselor. She is either going to be a comedian when she grows up are she has low self esteem. If she is your friend talk to her if not talk to your counselor for her.
2006-10-03 16:45:01
answer #4
answered by lQQking 1
She'll get hers in the end. Just ignore her gossip and continue to live being the good person that you are.
What goes around, comes around.
2006-10-03 16:44:04
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
just like in harold and kumar,"in the end the universe tends to unfold as it should,"
2006-10-03 16:57:06
answer #6
answered by Queech 4
tell the teacher.
Or beat the **** out of her.
2006-10-03 16:43:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous