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For religions, it's "There's a god". For horoscopes, I don't know. So tell me.

2006-10-03 13:55:14 · 29 answers · asked by Coffee-Infused Insomniac 1 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

The Magi were astrologers? PROVE IT. Oh, don't give me the "follow the star" crap. It's crap.

2006-10-03 14:02:10 · update #1

29 answers

OK I'll prove it to you right now it's true: You're a Capricorn, right?

Science snubs astrology just like doctors snub herbal doctors. It doesn't mean one's better than the other, but one could be the better way.
Astrology has existed even before the times of the Pharaohs, which gives wise insight into ones life and incidents.
Even farmers use the phases of the moon (a form of astrology) when to harvest and such.
Just read one good book on someone who knows what they're talking about, and you'll see.

2006-10-03 16:29:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

A correctly cast Horoscope read by a well versed astrologer can tell what you can expect in future or any other aspect of life which you have a problem. For this the recorded time of birth along with date of birth and the latitude and longitude of the place of birth are a must. A horoscope is time based Chart. Time varies vastly over the earth. Zodiacal signs by themselves have certain qualities but these qualities are common to 1/12 of humanity. Individual horoscope is like the home where you live . What is available inside it and not is a totally different thing. all houses even when they look same from outside yet are different depending on the occupant. so is a birth horoscope. even in this age there are some great astrologers exist in this world. They have astonishing talent hence they are in heavy demand by the V VIP's who boast that they don't believe in astrology

2006-10-04 05:53:30 · answer #2 · answered by Brahmanda 7 · 2 1

I don't think most people "believe in" horoscopes the same as they do in a religion, or a faith, or God. Astrology is not equal to a religion.

It's a diversion, and it is uncanny, and very interesting, how the puzzles pieces fit together. It may or may not be totally correct, but that depends upon who is studying it.
It's not a science, because it is much more complicated than that.

Most people who pooh-pooh astrology simply haven't read very much about it. There is much more to it than just the sun sign that you may read in the paper every day.

The Bible (if you're a believer) tells us that God placed the stars in the heavens for the signs. The Magi who came to see the Baby Jesus were astrologers! That's how they knew where and when to look!! It's only been during the past 500 years or so that we were told not to "believe in" astrology.


2006-10-03 21:01:05 · answer #3 · answered by mia2kl2002 7 · 3 1

To read only one's Sun sign, ( Newspaper, Horoscope ) is to use
Astrology in it's weakest form. So to think people can be accurate with a newspaper horoscope, would only be right, about 1/12th of the time. To use a complete Astrological chart of the exact time, and location of birth, is absolutely always constent.

Why, because the stars are not fake, they are real. We're dealing with the planets here, and planets are real. I've seen them. So have you. NASA's even got snapshots. Planets are so "real" in fact , that they follow real orbits, consistent enough to put into mathematical tables. Planets don't need you or me to "believe" in them, and I think it's safe to say they won't disappear, even if we reclassify ( Pluto ) them.

I'm not going to try to convince you to believe in astrology, you can feel free to continue believing--or disbelieving in whatever you like, belief is not required. Astrology is a system (communication) a perfectly logical system that's often described as equal parts "science" and art. Whatever you call it , it works. Honest.

So it's not about believing. It's about (communication) understanding. About drawing parallels between the movements of planets in our universe and conduction's down here--and that's not a new concept. It's called seasons, and gardeners have been working with them for years. Well, astrologers are gardeners, too. They just use all the planets, Sun and the Moon too, when they plant seeds.

If you have an open mind, and want to learn a brand knew way to describe everything you already know (communicate) in a language that will fascinate, befuddle, educate, and enlighten you. Then go to astro.com enter you exact info, and explore for yourself, and other peoples too, a new language. I base most of my life, on honest, open communication. Remember beliefe is not required, honesty is.

The Magi, not too good at biblical stuff, but I do know the concept of the birth of Christ. Astrologers were around thousands of years before Christ. I believe the bible say's God created the Heavens and earth? So to say God, wouldn't know that three "Astrologers", would be the only so called "Royalty" to bring gifts of respect and good tiding's to his only Son, would be kind off sacreligious, wouldn't it?

Peace & Love

2006-10-03 23:16:53 · answer #4 · answered by Pablo 3 · 1 1

Astrology raises a lot of questions about how it works.

Example: Modern casters say it's crucial to know date, time, and location of birth. We now have GPS (thanks science) and atomic clocks that we did not have before. But what time is the right time? Local time with or without daylight savings time? Greenwich Mean Time? In the huge country of China though it spans four time zones it uses only one. That like saying New York time is the same as L.A. time. For a long time Canada did not record time of birth just the date. Take a look at a world time zone map and see for yourself. http://aa.usno.navy.mil/faq/docs/world_t...

This also leads to asking how did the ancients do the castings? Guessing? They had no accurate clocks, time zones, accurate birth records (a lot of the population did not know what year let alone birthdays) or the concept of a round world. Few could read or write. Only five planets were known. Living day to day was a struggle for most. So what would their need be for astrology? Which kind? There is a lot of types of astrology.

Astrology and the such was a way to make money off other people as it is now. There is no such thing psychic abilities, if there was it would have been proved a long time ago.

2006-10-03 21:22:44 · answer #5 · answered by Chaine de lumière 7 · 0 3

I have been recently interested in astrology, and I find that it more explains your inner character than pridicting. Though if you have a "accurate" birth chart than I have found that people who are more advanced in astrology can, by using where planets are now compared to where they were at birth and where in the birth chart they are, can make some preditions quite accrately.

I think that most people don't believe horoscopes, like the ones in newspapers, magazines, and on the internet, because they are a general horoscope based on the sun sign. Your horoscope, even daily, is based on more than your sun sign. It is based on where all the planets are placed in your birth chart and how they relate to eachother and the other signs. You would probably believe in horoscopes more if you had one done on your own birth chart and one on the planets today and how they relate to the planets in your birth chart.

I was always intrigued about how the people who wrote horoscopes decided what was in each so I decided to learn about astology and how it worked.

2006-10-03 21:55:56 · answer #6 · answered by pinkrose1_1999 1 · 3 1

I think many believe a horoscope if it seems applicable to the kind of day they are having or situation. Most religious zealots, (though I'm not one) see interpreting the stars as witchcraft and against religious in doctrines. I think ,many are situational, as I even check mine from time to time, for entertainment value, if it measures up to my existing circumstances, then I cheer for it's validity, if it doesn't I dismiss it entirely as idiotic. It's all in the person who reads it and chooses to believe or disbelieve.

In my opinion, anyone putting to much faith into anything, that allows something else or someone to determine or decide for themselves the fate or outcome of a situation is weak minded, and easily persuaded regardless of written words in some newspaper or online. However, desperation and hope are easy factors to fall upon when we want some positive outcome or some claim to an otherwise unexplained act when it occurs, almost like being superstitious. Ex: a black cat crosses our path and we get a flat tire coincidentally... one might say that it just occurred, regardless of superstition, another might say it's a result... it's all up to belief in it all..

I just have fun reading them, to amuse myself, and find another interesting bit of read for about 30 seconds, and move on.

2006-10-03 21:10:08 · answer #7 · answered by Manatee 5 · 1 2

I believe that you can't get to Father without going though the Son. I believe in the Trinity the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Horoscopes are fun and they relate to people that's all. Blessings

2006-10-04 00:56:06 · answer #8 · answered by datalov3 2 · 0 2

Number 1, a good astrologer. Number 2, read your Bible. And then there's Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, Nostradmus, Abraham Lincoln, George Washinton, Thomas Jefferson, Edgar Cayce, Evangeline Adams vs. people of the state of New York - who was tried for "fortune telling" and won, by the way, because she was given a chart to do, which turned out to be one of the judge's children) and was so incredibly accurate the judge dismissed the case. So, any of those names familiar to you? If not, I can name more, 'cause the list goes on and on. Presidents. monarchs, yada, yada, yada. As Rockefeller said, (who made his fortune by the way by consulting his astrologer, "Astrology is not for millionaires. It is for billionaires." And Einstein said, "Do not speak to me of astrolology. For I have studied it; you have not." So, unless you are attempting to compare yourself to the likes of the above mentioned, you've got a pretty weak case. I'm not going to bore you with all the Bible quotations about how to everything there is a season and how he gave us the stars to guide us. Why do you think Nostradamus did what he did? He, along with other famous people, set out to debunk astrology. Ever hear of Ptolemy?, and his Tetrabiblos? Give a "real astrologer" your time, date and place, and they will scare the snot out of you with their accuracy. It's nothing like website astrology where all "Geminis are....yada, yada." And for what it's worth, the "church" decided astrology was a no no because they didn't want the common people to have access to it. If you ever visit the Vatican, you will see the entire zodaic tiled in the floor. The ancients kept the secret knowledge to themselves. Only the rich or important were allowed the privilege of consulting astrologers. Hitler sent all the astrolgers in Germany to the gas chambers that refused to work with him.. What does that tell you? The US, in turn, got their own astrologers. And that's the only reason we beat him at his own game. Because many of those astrolgers fled to America and worked for the US government. One of whom, was my teacher. So as Einstein said, "Do not speak to me of astrology. For I have studied it, you have not!"

2006-10-03 22:36:32 · answer #9 · answered by mhiaa 7 · 1 2

I don't know. Why do we think the sky is blue? No really people see that their horoscopes and their daily lives line up through coincidence and just like to believe it's true. It's easy to apply general descriptions to things if we're LOOKING for them. Or maybe they have a psychological disorder accompanied by a little deer named Micheal Jordan that tells them to lick various SUVs...

2006-10-03 21:55:06 · answer #10 · answered by catattack 1 · 0 3

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