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please get it through your skulls that Clinton or his policies was by no means the reason for the economic boom in the 90's.
"Bill Clinton has had to face a world vastly different from the one his predecessors knew. The end of the Cold War has left the United States in a position of unprecedented preponderance. America's economy is 40 percent larger than that of its nearest rival, and its defense spending equals that of the next six countries combined. Four of these six countries are close U.S. allies, so America's advantage is even larger than these figures suggest. The United States leads the world in higher education, scientific research, and advanced technology (especially information technologies), which will make it hard for other states to catch up quickly. This extraordinary position of power will endure well into this century.

2006-10-03 13:36:20 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

America's unrivaled strategic position has several important but paradoxical implications for the conduct of foreign policy. First, U.S. preponderance gives it tremendous freedom of action. Because the United States is so secure and has such a large surplus of economic and military power, its leaders can pursue objectives that no other state would contemplate. This situation stands in marked contrast to the Cold War, when the Soviet threat gave U.S. leaders a clear set of priorities and imposed discipline on the conduct of foreign policy. But with the Soviet Union gone, U.S. leaders can pursue a wide range of goals without worrying very much about how others will respond.


2006-10-03 13:36:43 · update #1

Why do you guys still believe he is responsible for the economic boom in the 90's?

2006-10-03 13:41:38 · update #2

Spoken like a true republican hater? wtf??? Do you believe anything else besides CNN?

2006-10-03 13:43:37 · update #3

man, you people are all idiots! I have never once said in this question, that Bush was my man, that he is the reason for any economic growth, and recession, Gosh, you guys don't understand much, well, most of you don't. Hey, i used to like Clinton, until i did some research and realized he was just a walking liar

2006-10-03 13:58:01 · update #4

Has anyone brought up an opposing view without attacking something they think i may believe in? No, um ok

2006-10-03 14:03:07 · update #5

19 answers

Ok, I will try one time to show you the truth, Clinton raised the tax on the very rich, he turned around and invested that money into infrastructure and that created jobs. These people with money in their pocket bought things, that created more jobs and more spending. The result was a booming economy where even the rich got richer because people bought things that the rich made. Cars, boats. ect. This is called consumer driven economics and it works. The repuglicans practice supply side economics and it never has worked, not for Reagan, not for Hoover, not for nobody, it always results in a recession, if it wasn't for an unjust and illegal war we would be in a deep recession right now. We are actually in a recession it is just not as bad as it would have been because of the war.

2006-10-03 13:48:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

Most liberals appear to believe that the day one steps into office until the day they leave all switches are controlled by them. I've yet to see the president hire or fire a single non government employee.

Government employees' don't create wealth. They create/implement policy & tax/spend others created wealth. Those policies can influence others likely hood to create wealth.

Clinton/Gore was lucky to have .com economy to happen on their watch. They did nothing to conceive, create, enable, or even foster its expansion. Also the foundations of the Enron debocle & the Global Crossing bankruptcy happened on their watch. They deserve neither the credit or the blame for either. Both were grounded on the Internet.

The problem in this century will be how do we replace the dwindling fossil fuels economically. It took The world over 100 years to consume the 1st 1/2 of the world's supply. More are coming to the well & we have more toys that require energy to be used. Renewable Energy can't compete with the energy that produced it at the time it was produced! Both sides of the aisle have been informed of the problem as well as a possible solution. Both sides have chosen to ignore the solution.

2006-10-03 21:12:11 · answer #2 · answered by viablerenewables 7 · 0 1

So either you are off your meds or the short bus didn't pick you up for school today.

Now what is your question?

Oh yes "Will" for you I would if you were in LA.

It still amazes me that NeoCon children have not figured out that Clinton was a Right Wing Internationalist. Not a Demo or a Repub. He was backed by International Agra Business and throughout his presidency he worked to expand International business.

America has not had a Democrat in office since Lyndon Johnson.
Even Carter was a Southern Right leaning conservative.

Stop Polly parroting the Corporate agenda News, and research where your country is really going.

Go big Red Go

2006-10-03 20:56:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

If you really believe your statement, then why does your hero George W. go to the press every time there's the least positive bit of economic news and claim credit? He gets credit for the economic climate but Clinton doesn't?

No one person, presidents included, can "control" the economy -- it's far too large and complicated. However, presidents can and do have control over the environment in which the US economy operates by their taxation policies, business regulations, the way they conduct foreign affairs (which can help or hurt foreign trade), and many other ways.

Clinton took office with the huge deficit left by Reagan and Bush Sr. in place, with low job growth, low productivity, and low consumer confidence. Eight years later, the deficit had been erased, the US budget was running a surplus, US exports were at an all-time high, real income for US workers was at its highest level ever, and the stock market was enjoying record high levels. While he didn't DO these things himself (except reduce the deficit and run a surplus, since the president DOES control the US budget), his policies and actions made these gains possible.

On the other hand, now it's six years later: US productivity is down, exports are down, we went from a budget surplus to the biggest deficit in US history, US workers' real income is down, and the stock market just now caught up to where it was six years ago. The only companies whose profits have matched or exceeded those of the 90's have been oil companies and defense contractors. While Bush didn't personally cause all of those things (except the record deficit, since the president DOES control the US budget), his policies and actions have led to the economic decline.

2006-10-03 20:50:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Let's not forget that by the time Clinton was in office, the republicans already had gained control of congress.

Speaking of which, people also need to understand that while the president does have some special powers, the true power in our government is Congress. No bill can become law without them. Some bills can become law without the president's approval (2/3 vote). Most military actions must have congressional approval. The biggest power the president actually has is appointing supreme court justices, as they are there for life (or until they step down).

2006-10-03 20:43:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I agree with the majority of your points. With a few exceptions. One being he US no longer leads the world in higher education. Education in Europe and Japan has caught up with the US, simply because their secondary education is much stronger than ours.As far as Clinton, the chief failure of his administration was not getting national health care through Congress.

2006-10-03 20:47:14 · answer #6 · answered by mac 7 · 2 1

In the US the effect the president has on the economy is som minute that it's nothing that could cause a boom. The boom SHOULD BE ATTRIBUTED to Vice President Al Gore, because he "took the intiative in creating the internet."

Clinton sold out the US when the Chinese bought MIRV secrets for campaign donations to the DNC.

2006-10-03 20:38:47 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

The unintentional comedy in your """question""" lies in the fact that Neocons cannot let go of Clinton, even after he has been out of office almost 6 years, SPECIFICALLY because they know the high regard the average citizen had and has for him.

They hate him, demonize him, splutter and rage, specifically because he was the last president beloved world-wide and domestically, and he was -- GASP! -- a Liberal Democrat.

You small of spirit, small of mind cons will never ever get over it. It is eating you alive. It's like Rush Limbaugh bought your souls for a nickel. You don't even see it. LMAO!!!!!

2006-10-03 20:49:20 · answer #8 · answered by martino 5 · 2 3

Last I heard the EU was almost as large economically as the US, and the Euro is replacing the Dollar as the currency of choice.

Where's the argument to support your belief? How can you argue something you state no case for?

2006-10-03 20:41:39 · answer #9 · answered by notme 5 · 2 5

Spoken like a true Republican hater.

2006-10-03 20:41:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

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