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punishment. Just a slap on the wrist for committing the FELONY OF PERJURY. Mark Foley goes and commits a horrible criminal act as well but he immedately resigns his post. Mark Foley will likely face jail time fro his dirty deed. But Clinton will never be properly punished for committing his crime. Why the double standard? Besides, it has not been proved that Foley even molested a teenage page yet. It is likely he did, but we just do not know for sure since it is too soon in the investigation.

Either way, he is a very sick man. And Bill Clinton is in complete denial he did anything wrong as well. If you ask me that is a sign of mental illness.

Bill Clinton also did absolutely nothing to get Bin Laden before 911 during his 8 long years as President. The presidential archives have already proven it to be true.

Liberals are dangerous. They need to be put down hard at election time. Teach them a lesson they will never forget.

2006-10-03 12:52:46 · 19 answers · asked by maddog 5 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I always knew there were millions of idiots (liberals) in the world. I bet before the 7 days are over to answer this question at least 10 % of them will answer or try to answer my question.

All i can say is OY VEY!!!!!

2006-10-03 13:28:30 · update #1

I always knew there were millions of idiots (liberals) in the world. I bet before the 7 days are over to answer this question at least 10 % of them will answer or try to answer my question.

All i can say is OY VEY!!!!!

2006-10-03 13:29:25 · update #2

it does not matter if Monica was of legal age of consent. The office of president is one that stands fro high moral values and always has. Clinton went ahead and violated that sacred rule over and over countless times during the 8 long yrs of his presidency. Liberals see nothing wrong with the fact that Clinton was elected to RUN THE COUNTRY not use his power to grope women and intimidate them into giving him sexual favors. Some women will say I have given many many men lots of blowjobs in the past.....does that fact make me a slut? Well, yes it indeed does. A ******* is REAL SEX. If a woman sucks a mans penis and he has an orgasm from that because IT FEELS GOOD then it is sex. We should not even be debating this fact since it is so elementary. Before James Carville came up with the EXCUSE that "he has a right to a personal life". Just about all the liberals were ready to throw Bill Clinton out on his ***.

2006-10-04 04:04:48 · update #3

James Carville could only come up with a LAME and very SHALLOW EXCUSE fro Bill Clintons offensive actions. However, because during the Clinton years the country was "dumbed down" to such an extent. People began to accept LAME excuses for bad behavior from everyone not just Bill Clinton. Lame is LOUSY, this world needs MORE SUBSTANCE and LESS SPIN from EVERYONE not just politicians. Think for a minute, how often have you caught someone you know lying about something they are guilty of doing. What is their answer 100% of the time these days? Not me, I didn't do it. Now think of the kid eating chocolate chip cookies with chocolate stains around his mouth. His mother asking him if he ate all the cookies in the cookie jar.
Now think of the stain on the famous blue dress and Bill Clintons outrageous lie. Get the picture?

end of story

2006-10-04 04:11:18 · update #4

19 answers

I don't care if your Dem's or Republicans, or liberals or conservative, if you get involved in this sick twisted stuff
you are a disgrace to your office and should resign and stand
trial. No excuses, no compassion. Hang em Hang em High

2006-10-03 13:00:51 · answer #1 · answered by Rick D 3 · 4 1

Oh you poor, misguided sap.

1. How many people really go to jail/prison for perjury? Now, how many RICH people do?

2. Last check, Monica Lewinski was well above the legal age of consent in EVERY state in the union.

3. Why did Mark Foley resign? Because for the last 8 years, the Republicans have stated and campaigned on the platform of "moral superiority". And Mr. Foley was an avid "advocate" of children and child's rights (alterior motives???).

4. Double standard? How about spending MORE to "investigate" a man for lying about having sex with someone other than his wife (how many men would do the same thing if in the same position) than was spent on investigating the deaths of over 3,000 innocent people in the most devistating act on our soil? How is THAT for "double standard"? What does that tell me? Republicans care more about who you're screwing than who is killing you.

5. And so what if he molested the boys or not? He was rather inappropriate, and he committed sexual harassment! So whether he did anything or not, he did something!

6. Did Bill Clinton do anything wrong? Yes, he did. And did he pay the price? Well, the man can never practice law - he lost his BAR status due to the perjury. So did he really go "unpunished"? And what did he do otherwise? Had sex with a consenting - and willing - adult female.

7. OBL? See books about the time by Richard Clark. He will tell you that Clinton hit a wall of Republicans telling him that he was trying to divert attention away from the sex scandal. So again, the Republicans found his sexual habits more important than the deaths of American Citizens. Presidential archives also prove this. . .

8. Liberals may be dangerous, but who is involved in a war over lies? And who is molesting our nations children while claiming the "moral high road"??

2006-10-03 13:21:47 · answer #2 · answered by volleyballchick (cowards block) 7 · 4 2

I guess to a republican all BJs are equal whether with innocent minors, gay or adult hetero. it is all the same. no BJs ever anytime by anyone. presidents and politicians are NOT allowed to have any sex at all. even with consenting adult of opposite gender.
( minors cannot give consent)

this is a bi-partisan issue.
Please try to be fair and balanced and realize the difference. besides Clinton is not running for anything and this is not political battle between democrats and republicans.

it is about a young boy(s) and girl(s) that we send to washington to learn about politics and we trust the congress to protect them, not molest them and then turn a blind eye or cover up the deeds or delay inquiry for selfish reasons. it could just as easily be a democrat and everyone would be angry. there probably are more congressmen doing this and some democrats among them so what! Inot about Clinton for Gods sake. get real. it is about the kids and the crime, not the political party that the criminal belongs to. that is just a distraction.
maybe we can prevent some more of this from happening or discover some that did if we all act promptly and properly and expect our congress to do the same, both republican and democrat. maybe the democrats are worse. if so, lets find out. nobody will ever know if we try to cover this up to save the republican party from another huge victory if the victory is based upon falseness and lies and cover-up. Honest republicans want to prevail because they are the best, not just the best liars. If they win by lies, what sort of government can we get. it will not be any betetr than a bunch of lying democrats. liars are liars and they have no place in congress. Certainly it is good to root out all child molesters of any sexual preference and political stripe. this is a bi-partisan issue. It is not about bin laden or Monika lewinsky or the political parties. it is about safety for our kids.

2006-10-03 13:14:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Jesus I think ill go turn my self in now. I must have broken the oral sex with a consenting adult , law like a thousand times.. I didn't know having sex with an adult female was a crime.. Nor did I think it was any-ones business other then the 2 adults. It never ever should have gone to a Grand jury.. Can you imagine everyone who has ever had oral sex winding up in front of a grand jury?? Because Mr Clinton is President he is supposed to be a Puritan as well ??

I seem to remember a never ending harassment of Mr Clinton by A one Kennith Star I mean it was a relentless persecution.. Everything the man did, he was looking over his shoulder. I don't ever remember hearing that someone hounded Mr Foley but maybe it was so blatant that it came out on its own.. I don't think some Democrat was hounding Mr Foley like Star did Clinton so who really goes looking to dig up dirt.??

Ill bet if Mr Bush had a well funded investigative team working against him for half his Presidency it wouldn't be long before the S-h-i-t starts to come out on him too ..

2006-10-03 13:24:24 · answer #4 · answered by Shawn S 3 · 3 2

some Bill Clinton lies: July 1991: Question: "Have you ever used Marijuana or any illegal drugs?" Answer: "I've never broken any drug law." - Arkansas Gazette, July 24th, 1991, p. 8B
Asked this 3 times, on 3 separate occasions, by 3 different interviewers, your Great White Hope repeated this claim. Until faced with irrefutable proof, that is.

Then he said:

March 29th, 1992: "I've never broken a state law. But when I was in England I experimented with marijuana a time or two..."

Later, in that same interview, "No one has ever asked me that question point-blank."

- The New York Times, March 30th, 1992, p.A15.
On Sept. 8,1992, Bill Clinton said, "The only people who will pay more income taxes are the wealthiest 2 percent, those living in households making over $200,000 a year."

In response to a Bush-Quayle ad that people with incomes of as little as $36,000 would pay more taxes under the Clinton plan, Bill Clinton said on Oct. 1, 1992, "It's a disgrace to the American people that the president (Bush) of the United States would make a claim that is so baseless, that is so without foundation, so shameless in its attempt to get votes under false pretenses."

Yet the NY TIMES in the analysis of Clinton's budget wrote, "There are tax increases for every family making more than $20,000 a year!"

"While Clinton continued to defend his middle-class tax cut publicly, he privately expressed the view to his advisers that it was intellectually dishonest." (The Agenda, by Bob Woodward, p. 31)

2006-10-03 13:06:25 · answer #5 · answered by jerry4_fun 2 · 1 2

Have you looked at the statistics carefully, I remember reading that the majority of democrats in S.Carolina were Black, as far as I know most people in non urban areas of the south are republicans now because the dems are liberal, Therefore I expect that most of the white voters will make believe they are dems and vote for Obama in the primary so that the dems will get a candidate that is unelectable. (they will vote 4 the republican in november). Maybe they were talking about the 9out of 10 white real democrats who will vote for native son John Edwards.

2016-03-27 03:55:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Two Presidents, The first president initiates a bloody, costly, unending war on false premises and approves covert policies of illegal detentions, kangaroo courts, extraordinary renditions, torture and warrentless wire-tappings of thousands of Americans. The second president lies about hooking up with an intern. QUESTION - Which one should be impeached? Which one should be supported? Which one should be trashed and thrown away? By the way, Clinton's intern was of the age of consent and by no means a child.

2006-10-03 13:52:27 · answer #7 · answered by iknowtruthismine 7 · 2 2

Monica was NOT a minor and Clinton certainly did NOT get away with it. He was impeached if you'll remember.

And I'd LOVE to see proof of the presidential archives that prove he did nothing about Bin Laden.

2006-10-03 13:02:21 · answer #8 · answered by laura_ghill 3 · 2 2

Where are these liberals. Republicans have the House, Senate, Presidency and most of the Supreme Court, the liberals have no power. How are you going to put them down?

I think you do not want us to look it what is going on. Divert attention away from the incompetent Republicans.

2006-10-03 12:58:44 · answer #9 · answered by Ned 3 · 1 2

It's not agains't the law to have oral sex in the White House! I am sure it has been done many times before by many different people!!

The Repob Leaders knew for over a year and did nothing, nor did foley! It wasn't until the media got a hold of his e-mail!

You are a liar about Clinton and 9/11 had not been committed! His Administration gave Rice a comprensive plan in 2001, as well as she was warned by Tenet of the CIA and she did nothing!!

What did Clinton do wrong? Have sex with another adult in the White House? Hate to tell you, but 1/2 of the country has had sex with other than their spouse!

JIDDA, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 2 — A review of White House records has determined that George J. Tenet, then the director of central intelligence, did brief Condoleezza Rice and other top officials on July 10, 2001, about the looming threat from Al Qaeda, a State Department spokesman said Monday.

The account by the spokesman, Sean McCormack, came hours after Ms. Rice, the secretary of state, told reporters aboard her airplane that she did not recall the specific meeting on July 10, noting that she had met repeatedly with Mr. Tenet that summer about terrorist threats. Ms. Rice, the national security adviser at the time, said it was “incomprehensible” to suggest she had ignored dire terrorist threats two months before the Sept. 11 attacks.

Mr. McCormack also said records showed that the Sept. 11 commission had been informed about the meeting, a fact that former intelligence officials and members of the commission confirmed on Monday.

When details of the meeting emerged last week in a new book by Bob Woodward of The Washington Post, Bush administration officials questioned Mr. Woodward’s reporting.

Now, after several days, both current and former Bush administration officials have confirmed parts of Mr. Woodward’s account.

Officials now agree that on July 10, 2001, Mr. Tenet and his counterterrorism deputy, J. Cofer Black, were so alarmed about intelligence pointing to an impending attack by Al Qaeda that they demanded an emergency meeting at the White House with Ms. Rice and her National Security Council staff.

According to two former intelligence officials, Mr. Tenet told those assembled at the White House about the growing body of intelligence the C.I.A. had collected suggesting an attack was in the works. But both current and former officials, including allies of Mr. Tenet, took issue with Mr. Woodward’s account that he and his aides had left the meeting feeling that Ms. Rice had ignored them.

Earlier this week, some members of the Sept. 11 commission said they could not recall being told about a meeting like the one described by Mr. Woodward.

On Monday, officials said Mr. Tenet had told members of the commission about the July 10 meeting when they interviewed him in early 2004, but committee members said he never indicated he had left the White House with the impression that he had been ignored.

and some of her testimony before the 9/11 Comission. She can't emember the lies she has told! Rice needs to resign!

Rice: Dick Clarke (A member of the Clinton Admin) had told me, I think in a memorandum _ I remember it as being only a line or two _ that there were al-Qaida cells in the United States.
Now, the question is, what did we need to do about that?
And I also understood that that was what the FBI was doing, that the FBI was pursuing these al-Qaida cells. I believe in the August 6th memorandum it says that there were 70 full field investigations under way of these cells. And so there was no recommendation that we do something about this; the FBI was pursuing it. (HUH< SHE DOESN"T REMEMBER!!!)
I really don't remember, Commissioner, whether I discussed this with the president. (We have a National Threat and she doesn't tell the President?)

FIELDING: We've all heard over the years the problem between the CIA, the FBI, coordination, et cetera. And you made reference to an introduction you'd done to a book, but you also, in October 2000, while you were a part of the campaign team for candidate Bush, you told a radio station, WJR, which is in Detroit, you're talking about the threat and how to deal with al-Qaida.

And if I may quote, you said, Osama bin Laden, the first is you really have to get intelligence agencies better organized to deal with the terrorist threat to the United States itself. One of the problems that we have is kind of a split responsibility, of course, between the CIA and foreign intelligence and the FBI and domestic intelligence. There needs to be better cooperation, because we don't want to wake up one day and find that Osama bin Laden has been successful on our territory, end of your quote.
Well, in fact, sadly, we did wake up and that did happen.

DB: Never, again I repeat, NEVER does the President say 'that the Iraqi people wanted to a democracy'.

2006-10-03 13:21:20 · answer #10 · answered by cantcu 7 · 4 2

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