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You're taking a baby's life, for goodness sake! Doesn't that matter to people?
Please help me to speak out to others on this topic, because it is important. Especially if people get pregnant by accident and/or they find out they never wanted children after all. I think adoption is much better, plus lots of love.

2006-10-03 12:12:33 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

24 answers

People don't 'like' abortion, but they are entitled to make the choice that is right for them, not the choice that you think is right for them.

2006-10-03 12:16:04 · answer #1 · answered by harold p 3 · 4 1

Well, I'm not sure anyone actively LIKES abortion, but plenty of people recognize it as an option when a girl or woman gets pregnant unexpectedly. And I do mean girl, as well as woman, since some remarkably young girls get pregnant at times.

Adoption is the better solution in a lot of cases, but not all. There are individual reasons why that might not work, including the pregnant girl being so young that her body is simply not ready for the burden of pregnancy. Sometimes, too, her emotional state is such that if she had to carry the fetus to full term, she would be an emotional mess, possibly even suicidal. If the incident that got her pregnant was rape or incest, you can see the dilemma easily enough.

All of this is part of the very difficult decision to abort. But the idea that it is TAKING a baby's life, rather than PREVENTING it, is debatable. Arguably it is a fetus rather than a baby until it is viable; that is, able to live outside the womb. That takes at least six months, possibly seven.

Now, I know some people cannot accept this analysis, any more than other people can accept your analysis. That's why, in the end, it has to be the decision of the girl or woman who is pregnant. The potential father, if known, certainly needs to be consulted, as his opinion will be important to the pregnant one. Her parents and his parents (the potential grandparents) also should have a chance to voice their opinions and offer their help. For example, if the problems are mostly economic, they might decide to create a trust fund for the child, so that the child and mother can live a decent life. That might very well tip the balance against abortion.

I had an abortion when I was young, and regret it because I never got pregnant again, and now I'm not a grandmother, when most of my contemporaries are. But I did not get all the facts, and explore all the options, because the pressure was on me and I was too emotional to say, "OK, I need to take some time. I need to think. I need to ask questions." That pressure, I feel, is why I do not have any grandchildren, and that is the real evil.

It's a pregnant woman's decision, and everyone else's responsibility to be honest with her, give her the facts about all her options, and respect her right to make that decision. Pressuring her to do what you would do if you were in her shoes is wrong -- they are not, after all, your shoes.

2006-10-03 19:32:00 · answer #2 · answered by auntb93again 7 · 2 1

well a child does not even have a brain or organs when abortions happen. They may only have a heart beat. Also adoption. Thousands of kids age out and literally get turned into the street because no one adopted them and they have no one to turn to and nothing but their clothes. So for some people adoption is not an answer because their child may end up with a horrible life.

2006-10-03 21:47:33 · answer #3 · answered by Big Daddy R 7 · 0 0

I think what needs to happen is more counselling for women and thier options. Alot of times when a woman is pregnant unexpectedly she does not think, she just reacts.
I also had an abortion, it is my deepest, darkest regret and secret. I just reacted naively and did not really think about it.
The day after I felt so empty, I felt very strongly that there was something missing and deeply regretted it almost immediately. I once saw on an activists sign that abortion hurts women and that definitely is a fact.
Afterwards I went into a deep depression (Post Abortion
Syndrome) I wanted to punish myself so I did alot of drinking and drugs, and entered an abusive relationship.
Because of that behavior my friends and family found it hard to be around me and I found myself alone. I would never ever ever do it again. I do have to live with it for the rest of my life and I never ever speak of it.
I do not judge anyones decision, I do wish that there was more information for woman about thier feelings afterwards and the reality of thier decision. It is not just a fetus, it is thier baby.

2006-10-03 19:57:32 · answer #4 · answered by Pro_Dog_Trainer 3 · 2 0

People don't like abortions, but some think it is acceptable and their only reasonable option. For those people I feel so sorry for them because not only are they taking the life of their child, an innocent child, they will live with that haunting memory for the rest of their lives. I have not met one woman yet who hasn't regreted having an abortion and who was not severly depressed for a long time afterward. Some women can eventually move on, others never seem to get over it and are disturbed for life. Rather than judge and condem a woman for her decision, pray for her and be as supportive and positive as you can even if you disagree with her decision. Judging will only make them feel worse. Adoption is a much better option. I am proof of that being an adopted child and I grew up very happy by God's grace.

2006-10-03 19:33:19 · answer #5 · answered by d4cav_dragoons_wife84 3 · 2 2

Nobody likes it... it's just that people like it to be done by a doctor rather than by a desparate woman or some sleazy person who doesn't practice medicine. It has been shown that outlawing it does not stop it, but just makes it go underground and then when it isn't being done by a physician, the woman receiving it can get an infection or bleed internally and die. So... would you rather have desparate women dying from their illegal abortions, or just let them have a legal one which will hopefully not harm them? Because... unfortunately it's not going to stop.

Personally I would never have an abortion and I think it is killing a life, and so I would exercise my choice to not kill my own child growing inside of me. But that is my choice for me and only for me. I can see how some 12-year-old child would opt for an abortion... or her mother might even support her decision to have an abortion if she were pregnant with her rapist's child... who might be a family member of hers... like her father, uncle, brother, who knows, people are so sick in this world. I can see how they might want to make that decision. I think when abortion is just outlawed, it doesn't leave room for circumstances like that, and so everyone needs to make their own decisions for themselves and that is why people like choice... they don't like abortion, they like choice.

Oh, and as against abortion as I am for myself, I would abort my own child if I knew it had Tay Sachs disease (the child dies at a very young age only after suffering horribly in pain). I would feel justified in doing that because I don't think anyone, especially my child, should have to suffer so much just to die in vain. I'm sure there are a few other horrible developmental and genetic diseases for which I would find abortion justifiable for myself and my child... it is my choice and it would be right for me. Whatever is right for you is only right for you because you don't live those other people's lives.

2006-10-04 02:03:55 · answer #6 · answered by Stephanie S 6 · 0 0

It is a choice. People are in charge of them selves and if it is somthing they choose, then let them do it. I'm not saying it is right or wrong, but it is a person's choice. Some people want to forget that it happened. If you give a child up for adoption, they will try to find you whne they get older and they will ask you why. But it is a choice, and people are allowed to choose. Do you think that taking the Morning After Pill is bad?

2006-10-03 20:59:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i think it is an awful thing as well, there is no right in taking a child's life and what's worse is the women who do it in like the 6 or 7month and a partial birth abortion is done and that is really awful. I feel that if you didn't want to get pregnant then don't have sex, there is always alternatives such as adoption like you said. I feel that the doctors who do this should be convicted of murder.

2006-10-03 21:09:10 · answer #8 · answered by littleangel_20002003 3 · 0 1

You sound like someone who has never been in this position before. (neither have I) Having said that, what gives you the right to judge others? Do you actually think the only reason people have abortions is birth control? I would have been perfectly happy if Saddam's mother had an abortion or Hitler's mother.

2006-10-03 19:19:07 · answer #9 · answered by TRUE PATRIOT 6 · 4 0

What a ridiculously naive question. Obviously, nobody LIKES abortion. I guess its safe to assume that neither you nor anyone you love has ever carried to term a child who is the result of rape or incest. Or for that matter, been pregnant at the age of 13. Abortion is a last-ditch solution. It is nobody's first choice. And people who pose questions like the one you just asked are far too uninformed to waste anyone's time discussing the topic.

2006-10-03 19:21:35 · answer #10 · answered by BoardingJD 4 · 3 1

what it really boils down to, is this, its the last and a terrible stand for personal rights. how much should we make our goverment write laws about thus controlling what we can and cannot do? how many laws restricting us from the personal freedoms that our fore fathers fought so hard to protect? we are already not allowed to own property that cannot be taxed even though in the original constition we could. before the social security act we could own our car with out state license. we could own a house deed now we are title leased to the state that the house resides in. sure it is wrong to kill life. but its just as wrong to restrict it unnecessarily and we do need to wake up and see that. let people make their own choices instead of demanding our goverment to control people the way we wish them to be controlled. its pretty simple, if your for abortion you want your goverment to tell you what you can do, when you can leave your house, where you can live and work, who you can talk to, etc. because that is where its going.
if your pro choice, you still may not like that girls kill the life inside them but you see the need to let them have a personal choice and stop the goverment from controlling all the aspects of our life. the only reason i am pro choice is that i am not a girl. i have no right to tell any girl what she can and cannot do to herself or her body. if i were a girl i would probably be against abortion cuz i couldnt see killing a part of myself. and if i were to become pregnant then i would at all possible cost try to take it to term. but i dont know what goes on in the heart or body of a girl that becomes and is pregnant. so i have no right to say. sorry but that is how i feel about it.

solitary practitioner of wicca and wizardry (and a person still fighting for the freedom our forefathers gave us (with 6 months service in military sent to saudi arabia for desert storm to protect our oil freedom.)

2006-10-03 19:40:51 · answer #11 · answered by mournyngwolf 3 · 2 1

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