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I will NEVER do drugs, but im curious.

2006-10-03 11:42:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

5 answers

First of all, it can't be made at home. Thats the most asiniine thing I've ever read in my whole life. Spoken like somebody who truly has no acutal knowledge of the subject. LSD is one of the hardest chemical on the planet to successfully synthesize. It is not a bathtub drug, or thrown together with household chemcials.

Here is the official tihkal entry, as written by Sasha Shulgin, for the synth of LSD. Hardly something you could do at home, since almost all the main precursors are control I precursors and kept under lock and key... (Also, after my long boring "Synth" paste, there will be more worthwhile reading.)

SYNTHESIS : A solution of 6.7 g KOH in 100 mL H2O, under an inert atmosphere and magnetically stirred, was brought to 75 °C, and 10 g ergotamine tartrate (ET) added. The reaction mixture turned yellow as the ergotamine went into solution over the course of 1 h. The stirring was continued for an additional 3 h. The reaction mixture was cooled to about 10 °C with an external ice bath, and acidified to a pH of about 3.0 by the dropwise addition of 2.5 N H2SO4. White solids started to appear early in the neutralization; approximately 60 mL of sulfuric acid was required. The reaction mixture was cooled overnight, the solids removed by filtration, and the filter cake washed with 10 mL Et2O. The dry solids were transferred to a beaker, suspended in 50 mL 15 % ammonia in anhydrous ethanol, stirred for 1 h, and separated by decantation. This extraction was repeated, and the original decantation and the second extract combined and filtered to remove a few hundred milligrams of unwanted solids. The clear filtrate was stripped of solvent under vacuum, the residual solids dissolved in 50 mL of 1% aqueous ammonia, and this solution was acidified as before with 2.5 N H2SO4. The precipitated solids were removed by filtration and washed with Et2O until free of color. After drying under vacuum to a constant weight, there was obtained 3.5 g of d-lysergic acid hydrate, which should be stored in a dark, sealed container.
A suspension of 3.15 g d-lysergic acid hydrate and 7.1 g of diethylamine in 150 mL CHCl3 was brought to reflux with stirring. With the external heating removed, there was added 3.4 g POCl3 over the course of 2 min, at a rate sufficient to maintain refluxing conditions. The mixture was held at reflux for an additional 5 min, at which point everything had gone into solution. After returning to room temperature, the solution was added to 200 mL of 1 N NH4OH. The phases were separated, the organic phase dried over anhydrous MgSO4, filtered, and the solvent removed under vacuum. The residue was chromatographed over alumina with elution employing a 3:1 C6H6/CHCl3 mixture, and the collected fraction stripped of solvent under hard vacuum to a constant weight. This free-base solid can be recrystallized from benzene to give white crystals with a melting point of 87-92 °C. IR (in cm-1): 750, 776, 850, 937 and 996, with the carbonyl at 1631. The mass spectrum of the free base has a strong parent peak at mass 323, with sizable fragments at masses of 181, 196, 207 and 221.

This base was dissolved in warm, dry MeOH, using 4 mL per g of product. There was then added dry d-tartaric acid (0.232 g per g of LSD base), and the clear warm solution treated with Et2O dropwise until the cloudiness did not dispel on continued stirring. This opaqueness set to a fine crystalline suspension (this is achieved more quickly with seeding) and the solution allowed to crystallize overnight in the refrigerator. Ambient light should be severely restricted during these procedures. The product was removed by filtration, washed sparingly with cold methanol, with a cold 1:1 MeOH/Et2O mixture, and then dried to constant weight. The white crystalline product was lysergic acid diethylamide tartrate with two molecules of methanol of crystallization, with a mp of about 200 °C with decomposition, and weighed 3.11 g (66%). Repeated recrystallizations from methanol produced a product that became progressively less soluble, and eventually virtually insoluble, as the purity increased. A totally pure salt, when dry and when shaken in the dark, will emit small flashes of white light.

DOSAGE : 60 to 200 micrograms, orally

Not exactly something to quick whip up at your house. Stop the virgin-preaching-about-sex syndrome people. If you don't know this stuff, don't answer a question.

Find out all the facts as they actually are, hence the word FACTS and not a bunch of message board home DARE officers, real facts on Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 25, from its pharmacology to health effects (which in reality there are no physical side effects from any of the lysergic acid amine subset family of psychedelics,) to legalities, to urban legends to a history of the chemical itself at this site: http://leda.lycaeum.org/?ID=8751 and at this site which includes trip reports from users as well as the best collection of factual information on nearly any illicit chemcal on the planet: http://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=46848

Now for your reading pleasure I have hand selected a trip report from the Erowid vaults and pasted it in. I'd like to make it ultra-clear that this is NOT me speaking, this is an article somebody else wrote which I am including in this answer to give you who have not tried the drug a little reality-based insight from someone who has a better understanding of it, and apparently grasps the positives that this chemical has done for him. I hope you enjoy. ITs still something you can never understand without having done it, but at least this might clear some things up for you.....

Some Backgound

My first LSD trip was a relatively weak fractal blotter taken on the second night of Phish's 'IT' festival over the summer. The emotions, the music, the 70,000 person glow stick war, all were perfect. The LSD heightened, but did not distract me from the incredible experience at hand. My second LSD trip was another weak blotter. Very weak visuals, but a very nice mental change and great music enhancement made for a fun night. My third LSD trip blew the door wide open. During this trip it became obvious that LSD had a lot to teach me, and this first real trip simply outlined the lesson plan revolving around peace, love, friendship, and psychedelia.

My fourth LSD trip was a complete overwhelming of my senses. For a couple hours I could do little but sit in one place absorbing all the sensory input that was flooding my brain. Then I started to draw three dimensional solar systems with my finger in front of my face, flicking the planets around their orbits and setting the system in motion. On the comedown, I was able to let all the sensory input coalesce into the second lesson: Apply the ideals of peace, love, friendship, and psychedelia which are obvious at the height of an LSD trip to my real life. Become a more peaceful, loving, friendly, and individual person.

The Trip

This trip took place almost two months ago, so I may fast-forward through blocks of time if I can't remember anything really interesting happening during that time.

I had two 'eyeball' blotters, one blue and one orange, saved with the intention of taking LSD with my girlfriend for her first real trip. She had one of the weak blotters from my second trip, but apparently got less from the experience than did I.

The eyeball blotters were from the same batch of silver crystal as the flies that blew me away on my third trip (see report above). However, while the flies were said to be 80 to 90 micrograms of silver, the eyeballs were said to be about 160 micrograms. Others who had tried the eyeballs said they were stronger than the flies, so I was ready for an intense experience.

[Erowid Note: Claims of measured microgram dosages for LSD are usually unsupported. Quantitative measurements for LSD are very difficult to do and cannot be done casually. Without further detailed information about how the measurements were derived, it is reasonable to assume that most statements of microgram dosages of LSD on blotter or in microdots are either misinformed or overstated.]

Our decision to trip was a spontaneous group decision. There would be four of us tripping that night: Myself, with an orange eyeball; My girlfriend, Psilosara, with a blue eyeball; My buddy 'T', with 16mg of 2C-I; and a new friend 'M', with about 25mg of 2C-B.

T always takes a long time to feel his 2C-I, so he dosed around 7:30pm. Psilosara and I dosed around 8:30pm, and M dosed around 9:00pm because we couldn't find him for a while. I knew the acid was real after about 10 minutes, because I could already feel the slight mental change taking place. During the comeup, T wanted to boil his pipe clean in the kitchen of our on-campus theme house. Sure, go for it dude. Soon the whole house smelled like boiling resin, and we decided we should keep the weedy smells to a reasonable level while tripping, so we opened some windows and considered the pipe boiling done.

The comeup was strange, because I spent a fair amount of time half-tripping and feeling like I was in limbo. Psilosara apparently felt this even more, and she wanted to go upstairs and listen to some music in my room, so we all went up there and put on some mellow tunes. This was around 10:00pm, and T was just starting to trip, and M wasn't feeling anything except a little 'off'. I told him he wouldn't be peaking on the 2C-B for another hour and a half and that the first 2 hours on 2C-B were usually pretty lame and uneventful. Meanwhile I closed my eyes and let the music absorb me. As I closed my eyes I was greeted with CEVs of my body folding in upon itself over and over again. I meditated on this and it became quite intense until I saw Psilosara pop in to view until her face was in front of mine. I thought I was seeing through my eyelids but when I opened my eyes she was still sitting on the bed to my side.

Around this point I noticed that I was very high.

The LSD 'high' is unlike any other that I've experienced. It does not stone me like cannabis, DXM, or AMT. It doesn't give me a 'buzz' like 2C-I, mescaline, or cannabis. It also doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy like mdma or opiates. Instead, the LSD high is a combination of a feeling of pleasant vibration, a 'pull' upwards that makes me feel light and floaty like I can partially defy gravity, and a great feeling of awe and enlightenment. I can feel the LSD pumping through my arteries. The change in the way my body works under the influence of LSD feels drastic, but fortunately it also feels relatively harmless, especially compared to most of the phenethylamines I've tried.

Everybody was smoking pot, but I only took one hit because pot likes to raise my heart rate, sometimes by a good margin. My heart rate is one of the only things that ever scares me whilst tripping, so I've learned to keep the pot to a minimum, especially on drugs that already increase my heart rate. Anyway the one hit was enough to relax me and synergize nicely with the LSD high.

We went downstairs to Psilosara's room, which is decorated with lots of cool tapestries and strange and colorful lights and lamps. It is a very trippy and cozy room. I leaned back against her bed and looked at the wood grain on her dresser, and watched as the entire image of her dresser repeated in on itself until there were infinite representations of itself within the larger image. This occured right as T and M asked 'what I was seeing'. I was also watching the lights wiggle around, and carpet crawl, and some really bright blue and green lines surround the edges of many objects. As always with LSD, my vision was impossibly crisp and the visuals were of amazing detail and clarity.

We chilled here for a while, talking about random stuff which I can't recall. I remember having a hard time finding a comfortable position on the bed, and thinking my insides were caving in. I realized a few minutes later that this was because of the way I was sitting, and adjusted myself much to my comfort.

At one point I noticed the entire room take on a dark, scary theme. My visuals became eerie, and my 'high' took on an uncomfortable feeling. For some reason I was starting to have a bad trip, but I didn't know why. I tried to hide my fear and work it out in my head as the others continued their conversations. I could feel the life being sucked out of me, and I feared that I would spend the next several hours freaking out. But then I remembered that everything that happens on LSD happens for a reason, and I began thinking back about my last LSD trip and what I had learned. I realized that I had done a reasonably good job applying the teachings to my life, and I did consider myself a better person because of it.

I started to feel a little better...

Then it came to me: Reconcilation. I need not doubt myself in the face of others. I have chosen my path in life, and that is one of love and spontaneity. And that is wonderful. I had reconciled with myself! No longer would I need to feel shame or self-disappointment for small failures.

I started feeling *much* better!

Then I thought, 'Thank you LSD'...

The wave of euphoria that washed over me right as I thought that is indescribable. To have gone through pain and fear, and through a very valuable life lesson come to feel as good and alive as I've ever felt in such a short time span was incredible.

Then the room started to turn dark again, and I looked over at Psilosara and noticed she looked a little sad. I made eye contact with her and smiled, and as she smiled back at me the room lit up with joy. She looked absolutely beautiful. Throughout the night she had been acting with the confidence and honesty that I know she always has in her, but she wasn't holding back and it was wonderful. I looked at her sitting in the chair in front of her desk, and watched as all the objects around her: her computer, her lava lamp, her posters, her keyboard, etc, turned rapidly into different, constantly changing objects. I was amazed, seeing her in all her beauty in a thousand different times and places.

M was enjoying his 2C-B, looking at his hands and laughing about things. Unfortunately communication was difficult for me during this trip, but I felt like we bonded a bit throughout the experience anyway. T was talking about Nirvana and how beautiful and powerful Kurt's music was. It was really great to see how moved he was by the whole thing.

Soon enough T and M left, I guess it was getting late, and besides I like to spend time with Psilosara one-on-one anyway. She went to use the bathroom and I started in the mirror for a while. I was expecting to look into my personality or something like that, but instead the wall around the mirror rotated into a gradual slope, and the image inside the mirror took on a look of a Van Gogh-ish oil painting, constantly in fluid motion. I was amazed at the detail and beauty! Then Psilosara came back in and we tried talking for a while, which was really hard because we both were getting really confused by each other. I said something like 'LSD really confuses you!' and she agreed, so it was perfectly allright. We put the Phish documentary Bittersweet Motel (excellent!) on the DVD player and tried watching that, but we were both too distracted by our thoughts and visuals to devote our full attention to it. Occasionally a part of the DVD would come on where Trey would play an amazing solo, and we'd both watch in awe.

Our trips were winding down by the end of the film, and we had been making out and fooling around during much of the movie anyway (unfortunately sex was not possible for these few days of the month), so as the sun was rising we fell asleep.

We woke up feeling a bit tripped out but overall refreshed and with a whole lot to talk about

peace all-
*name omitted*
Exp Year: 2003
Added: Nov 23, 2005

So, hopefully that answers your question as to what it actually IS (a psychedelic drug derived from natural components starting as a fungus that grows on Rye Bread, and often considered and called amongst the "psychedelic community" as "the perfect molecule" ---- (Also, all those rumors you've heard about LSD, everything from each hit = jail for manslaughter charge, to the kid who thinks he is an orange, to the 7 hits and you're legally insane, to the acid can only be found in a spinal tap rumor.... They can all be dispelled completely and sceintifically when necessary at the Erowid site I linked to above there.)

And then beyond just explaining what it is, you have an elegant and frankly written report of a very hard, powerful LSD experience, and how it felt, acted and affected the user. You can find that link at Erowid as well if you pry.

finally, I encourage yu to go to WWW.MAPS.ORG if this interest you at all. It is the nation's premier non-profit and FULLY TAX DEDUCTIBLE organization dedicated to research into medical and spiritual aspects of many outlawed psychedelics, medical marijuana, and MDMA for use in PTSD inflicted patients as well as those dying of terminal illness. This is one of the most important charities, run by, and operating in unison with universities, scientists, research groups, the governement, and others across the US and World to make one of God's greatest gifts to mankind, the psychedelic experience, legal in some form again in the US. Our nation is in moral decay and spiritually bankrupt because of the increasing prevalence of methamphetamine and other "hard drugs" and the increasing inavailability and continued increase in lies and propaganda from our government regarding the suppoosed dangers of psychedelics. Fact is, they are the single most amazing group of chemicals known to man, and most of you reading this undoubtedly think I'm a wack job because the governement snopw job has been so effective on the general public for 5 decades..... , Psychedelics are chemcials that heal not only the body and mind but the soul as well, and when the governemtn realized this from their tests on the military in the 40s and 50s, the potential scared THEM instead of vice versa, because they are so much bigger and so much more important then anything they can do for us. So, WHAM, lies and falsities to scare childredn and adults a like for the next two generations. Thank God for the 60s and the resurgence during the Dance culture of the 90s, there are still plenty of people out there who ARE aware of the realities of these drugs and their actual status as tools for the mind ..... Some day, things will change, and MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) will be at the forefront of it.

Anyhow, good luck, I have a hunch nobody might decide to read this whole thing. Kudos if you did. I hope you read it with an objective opinion.

Just for the final statement; why would I bother to go to this length to support the real facts about LSD? Because it saved my life from a cocaine habit in the mid nineties, was again, later on, present and fully responsible as THE catalyst for the initial founding experience upon which my lovely wife and I fell in love, and in between those two experiences somewhere was solely responsible for completely shattering my previous self, a stealing, lying, little creep into a caring, morally concerned, loving, trustworthy person. If not for 3 specific trips, 3 different times in my life, I'd be the worst person you've ever met by now. So I have a loyalty to spreading the truth about it, even though I haven't seen any or used it in almost a decade now......

Good evening, all.

2006-10-03 15:07:58 · answer #1 · answered by Psychedelico 3 · 1 1

Lysergic acid diethylamide, commonly called LSD, enhances colours and sounds..
LSD typically induces a general alteration of senses, emotions, time, and awareness for 6 to 14 hours. LSD doesn't produce hallucinations in the strict sense but instead illusions and vivid daydream-like fantasies, in which ordinary objects and experiences can take on entirely different appearances

A frequently experienced effect of the drug is synesthesia, which basically is the relation of something to an atypical sense of the body (smelling red, tasting sound

As for all great drugs.........The government developed it for use originally....

2006-10-03 18:46:55 · answer #2 · answered by tui 5 · 1 0

a so called "mind expanding" drug of the 60's
developed by the US military as possible way of controling/subduing a population...before, during after an invasion.....
google "timothy leary" , "acid trip"

2006-10-03 18:46:29 · answer #3 · answered by Gemelli2 5 · 0 0

It can be made from home, usually dropped onto pieces of paper and dissolved on the tongue, eye dropped, or even spinal "tapped". It creates hallucinations, such as people having butterfly wings that are right beside you, or ridiculous colors. The same can be said for hearing and touch, very distorted.

2006-10-03 18:47:08 · answer #4 · answered by ? 6 · 0 1

Men u should try it thats da shitt

2006-10-03 18:48:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

fedest.com, questions and answers