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they arent really that bad more so topical, but it is quite a few on both arms and they show when i wear shirts w/ short or no sleeves. I've had them forever. what can i use to remove or should i say fade these burns? anybody know of anything? Ive tried coco butter and shea butter, but not consistently or daily

2006-10-03 10:17:47 · 10 answers · asked by Say It Again M'am 3 in Health Alternative Medicine

10 answers

Burns & Sunburns

Burns are the result of damage to the skin by some source of heat, such as the sun, fires, stoves, or also from chemicals.

A mild burn, often termed "first-degree," results in a reddening of the skin. More severe burns, "second-degree," may show blisters in addition to the redness, while severe or "third-degree burns" always show blisters and usually consist of damage to deeper tissue, and present the possibility of scarring.

Herbal Aids
1.Plantain: Burns, scalds, erysipelas. Use the strong tea as a frequent wash, and drink the infusion internally.

2.Bayberry: Slow-healing burns or wounds, indolent ulcers. Dust on powder and bandage; change according to discharge.

3.European Pennyroyal: Bruises, foul ulcers, black eye, facial burns, skin problems, leprosy, etc. Make an apple cider vinegar tincture with the freshly bruised herbs apply as a fomentation outwardly and drink internally.

4.Comfrey: Wounds, bruises, burns, varicose veins, ulcers, boils, etc. Paint the part with pure olive oil to prevent sticking, then saturate a thick layer of cotton with comfrey mucilage and apply to the affected parts. Cover with plastic or waxed paper, bandage, and leave on until nearly dry. Make a fresh application by following the same process. If pus is present, paint the part with oil of garlic instead of olive oil and take 1 teaspoonful of the oil, internally. This will prevent or stop putrefaction and pus formation, which will hasten the healing process. Give fomentation wrung out of a strong decoction.

5.Mullein: Burns. Apply juice of mullein leaves mixed with apple cider vinegar.

6.Chickweed: Boils, scalds, burns, inflamed or sore eyes, ulcerations, mouth or throat, deafness, wounds, etc. Use the decoction warm as a wash and apply the ointment (the ointment may be used externally and internally).

7.Slippery Elm: Drawing and healing poultice (inflamed surfaces, ulcers, wounds, burns, boils, skin diseases, purulent ophthalmic, chilblains, etc.) Add water to the powder to make an application of due consistence (use alone or in combination with other healing agents discussed) and place on the affected part. Stripping the bark straight from the tree and binding the inner side to a bad wound will work.

8. See formula for burns and scalds (after skin is broken) containing slippery elm, white pond lily and olive oil.

9.See formula for burns using slippery elm, horehound, thyme, red clover, yerba santa, lobelia, resin weed, cayenne, blackstrap molasses and glycerine.

10.See formula for bruises using cayenne, golden seal and myrrh.

11.Gentian: Liniment for parasitic affections, infected wounds, vermin, sprains, bruises, burns, inflamed joints, etc. Dip linen or other appropriate material into a strong decoction or diluted tincture; squeeze until the material does not drip; apply to affected area (hot or cold); cover with plastic (or wax paper, etc.), and bandage on.

12.Wheat Grass Chlorophyll: Skin--Burns, skin abrasions, bruises, wounds: The wheat grass chlorophyll has both healing and antiseptic characteristics. The chlorophyll is applied either directly onto the afflicted surface, or, it is soaked in a cloth and bandaged to the area. At the same time, the chlorophyll should be taken internally.

13.Comfrey Paste: The following paste formula can be used for the mildest to the most severe third-degree burns with assurance of success, if used as instructed. This paste has been used by hundreds of people with great success. It is made as follows: to equal parts of liquid honey and wheat germ oil, blend in finely chopped or powdered fresh or dried comfrey leaf or root. When the mixture is the consistency of a heavy spreadable paste it is ready to use. Apply it a half-inch thick or more over the entire area that has been burned, scalded, etc. Cover with gauze and bandage lightly. Observe area from day to day and if paste has been absorbed add more on top of the original application. Do not remove original, just add to it when needed. This paste will keep well for many months at room temperature if kept in a tightly closed jar. Always have it on hand for emergencies. You might want to carry a small jar on trips in case of emergency. If the paste is not available, submerge the burned area in cold water and leave it there as long as possible to take the heat out, or keep cold wet compresses over the burned area. If honey, wheat germ oil, or olive oil are available, use them to saturate the area completely, keeping it well soaked in the honey or oil until healed. The gel from the aloe vera plant promotes the healing of burns. These are all good, but nothing can compare to the comfrey paste.

14.Dr. Christopher's Black Ointment: An excellent drawing ointment. For use externally on old ulcers, tumors, boils, warts, skin cancers, hemorrhoids, excellent for burns and as a healing agent. This is made with chaparral, comfrey, red clover blossoms, pine tar, mullein, beeswax, plantain, olive oil, mutton tallow, chickweed, poke root.

15.Dr. Christopher's Healing Ointment: (CMM) Made of comfrey, marshmallow, marigold, bee's wax, and oils, this is an antiseptic to be used on lesions, eczema (dry), poison ivy, soothes inflamed surfaces, abrasions, burns, hemorrhoids, for bruises and swellings. Good to have on hand at all times.

16.Cabbage Leaves for Burns: Apply mashed cabbage leaves to the burn area to relieve pain and speed healing.

17.Pumpkin and Squash: These can be applied as a poultice for burns.

1.Bone Flesh and Cartilage Paste: (BF&C) We see maimed, crippled, burn-scarred people--who could surely have found a "better way to go" than that which was used on them, in many cases.

As a good example I would like to cite the case of two boys, about ten years of age, who were playing with gasoline and matches. Both of the boys' hands, up to the wrists, received third degree burns. The boys were taken immediately to the hospital where the surgeon pronounced, for both boys, "incurable third degree burns"! He told both sets of parents there was a choice in each case--either removing the hands at the wrist and attaching iron claws both right and left, or, with numerous operations and skin grafts, over a period of about one year in the hospital, the boys could keep their hands, but they would be just like mummified claws and could not be used as hands, but, in a claw-like manner, they would be able to pick up materials but the fingers would not move as would the ones on the metal hand. One set of the parents told the doctor to keep their boy there and, even though it would be a year and the cost very high, to go ahead and work on him as soon as possible. The other couple told the doctor they wanted to see another person first about their boy's condition and then they might come back.

As they had heard of our work, they brought their boy to the building when I was lecturing, to show me the boy's burned hands. The nails, much of the flesh, tendons, etc., had been so badly burned it made one shudder to look at it. The temporary preliminary bandages were put back on while answering their request as to what could be done instead of cutting off the hands or surgery and skin grafting. I gave them a formula to use that is based on comfrey. This is a paste made up of comfrey, wheat germ oil and honey. The paste was to be spread, 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick, over the entire burn area. They were instructed to watch the paste and if it had, in any areas, been absorbed into the flesh to add additional paste in these areas, not disturbing the condition below.

Within the week they returned to the hospital and the same doctor they had seen before examined the boy. He was amazed and told them that where the burns had been third degree burns in these past few days, they were now first degree burns. He asked them what in the world they had used, and they told him it was an old-fashioned remedy. The doctor then told them to continue using it and, further, there now would be no need for any surgery or skin grafting, because it looked as though the hands would heal perfectly with this procedure without any scar tissue. In a few weeks time the boy's hands were completely healed. Later the nails had grown back on, the tendons, nerves, muscles, flesh and skin were all renewed, and the hands were as perfect as they were before the burns.

The other boy was still at the hospital nearly a year later, with continual surgery and skin grafting. The cost was, we understand, well over one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. When he was sent home his hands were two ugly "mummified-type" unbending claws, so sad-looking he wore gloves to hide them from view.

The parents that used the herbs spent approximately ten or twelve dollars for the first materials to apply (honey, wheat germ oil and comfrey) and only small amounts at times to replace the paste that was used.

The paste can be used for cuts, abrasions, burns, bruises, sprains, and an external aid to spread the healing up of broken bones.

If kept in a wide-mouth closed jar the paste will keep in a ready-to-use condition for many months. This is one of the fine emergency first aid helps you can have on hand. It is good to have some in your cars and in various places in the home or where you work, in case of an accident.

2.Third Degree Burns: Most recently, one of our school of Natural Healing staff members (we call him "Professor Cayenne") accidently scalded his hand with burning olive oil during a kitchen fire. He acquired Third Degree burns from this misfortune. There was no one around to properly dress the wound, so he went to the local emergency room to have the toasted, dead flesh cut away. They cleaned the burn and informed him that he would need skin grafting if he wished to regain the use of his hand. He said, "No, thank you. Not unless there is a donor for the skin. I don't want flesh cut from anywhere on my body!" The hospital assured him that the skin grafting was the only route to go. He still refused. But when he got home, he asked a friend to 1) take pictures of the hand for documentation, and 2) make up the comfrey burn paste and apply it to the hand. After a few weeks of using the comfrey paste, he was able to move his hand. The hand is still scarred somewhat, but new flesh has grown in and he has total use of the hand. With dry skin brushing and use of the Cayenne and BF & C Ointments, he began improving the circulation as soon as the skin grew back. The comfrey paste had turned an almost mummified-looking hand to one that is now living again.

2006-10-03 19:00:44 · answer #1 · answered by HEAL ONESELF 5 · 0 1

your best bet is to see a dermagologist. he can prescribe some creams of meds that might help reduce the apperance that are stronger then over the counter. If they are fresh burns let them heal completely first before putting anything on them.

2006-10-03 10:20:24 · answer #2 · answered by tjnw79 4 · 0 0

Hemorrhoids are associated with constipation and straining at bowel movements. How to get rid of hemorrhoids https://tr.im/bnZYF
Pregnancy is also associated with hemorrhoids. These conditions lead to increased pressure within the hemorrhoidal veins that causes them to swell. Other conditions, for example chronic liver disease, may also cause increased venous pressure and may be associated with hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are very common and are estimated to occur in up to one-half of the population by age 50.

2016-05-01 00:11:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2017-02-19 15:58:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Most herbal remedies are meant to heal new wounds quickly. I can't think of anything that heals the sort of scarring you are talking about. Probably a doctor is your best bet.

2006-10-03 10:56:45 · answer #5 · answered by rabid_scientist 5 · 0 0

It would be best if you seek medical attention you don't want to apply wrong thing to your skiing you might be allergic to it

2006-10-03 10:22:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Vitamin E lotion is supposed to be good to reduce scars.

2006-10-03 10:19:34 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

aloe vera takes away stretch marks and that's vitamin e.So maybe it will help your burn scars. good-luck.

2006-10-03 12:36:13 · answer #8 · answered by kipdawneast 3 · 0 0

plastic surgery

2006-10-03 10:19:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you could try this

2006-10-03 12:01:37 · answer #10 · answered by Mondschein! 5 · 0 0

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