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The earths watter sorce came from giant astroids that hit the earth a long time ago, right?, Man evolved from the watter, right?

Mans body is made of, what is it 70 % watter?

With out watter there would be no life on earth, Right?

Watter is an alien substance to the earth, Right?

Our bodies are made up of 70% alien substance.

So isent it a possibility that the bacteria or what ever it was that sparked life here on earth, came from the ice astroids that hit the earth?

Isent it a possibility that life dident start here on earth?

Isent a possibility that the same astroids collided with outher planets and sparked life there as well?

Doesent that prove theres life on outher planets?

2006-10-03 10:06:02 · 14 answers · asked by bob d 1 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

14 answers

I always enjoyed what Carl Sagan once said on this subject. He said, "There are only two possibilities for life in the Universe. Either the Universe is loaded with life and we are just a small portion of it or we are the only life in this entire vast Universe. Either way it is, it is astounding..."

2006-10-03 10:19:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Well we didn't evolve from water really, we just needed it to evolve into what we are.

There are scientists who think that life was brought to Earth on a comet. I've never liked that idea since there isn't much reason for it to develop on the comet (there was SOME water on Earth before the comets added to it), and besides we can trace most of evolution on Earth back pretty well without it.

If the building blocks of life (or life itself) could develop on a comet and more of these hit other planets, life would probably just fail there since life with the same beginnings would need a similar environment to evolve in... other planets are mostly inhospitable. On more friendly ones like Titan or Europa it is quite likely that if life could develope there it has already begun to develop on its own without the help of an impact. Impacts themselves also tend to destroy living things, I might add.

It is, however, well accepted that water and perhaps some other elements that made our world acceptable for life to come about was brought here (at least in part) by comets.

As for other solar systems, life there probably has a similar **early** history but a very different outcome.

2006-10-03 17:06:36 · answer #2 · answered by iMi 4 · 0 0

Water did not come from asteroids. Water came from the combination of hydrogen and oxygen on earth itself with help form the various other factors like temperature and atmospheric conditions.

The asteroids have certain particles in them that when combined with certain other particles and conditions create the possibility of life. The earth just happens to have the correct combinations to support life. The distance from the sun, the temperature, atmosphere and necessary resources. Chances are there could be some form of life on other planets or inter-galactic bodies.

It is like anything else. If done the correct way using the right tools under the right circumstances, it works.

2006-10-03 10:43:43 · answer #3 · answered by worldneverchanges 7 · 0 0

While extra terrestrial life is certainly a possibility, water is not necessarily an "alien" substance on earth. Water is simply a chemical formula (2 parts hydrogen, one part oxygen) and there is lots of hydrogen and oxygen in earth's atmosphere. There is also ice on Mars, another form of water. It certainly exists on other planets as well. Water is not necessarily an indicator of life, nor is it needed for life to exist. It is needed for carbon based life forms (all life on earth pretty much) but theoretically there could be other types of life, such as silicon based, that do not require the presence of water.

In any event, the possibility of the extraterrestrial nature of water is not proof of life on other planets. Possibilities never equal proof in science. Only facts equal proof. Until we have empirical evidence of extraterrestrial life, everything else will be a theory.

2006-10-03 10:40:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That seems like a very complicated way to explain our existance. Here's one for you, we were created by an all-knowing, all-seeing being. I know, I know, I sound like you cliche' Jesus freak directly from the get go. That is not neccesarily true; I take a very scientific aproach to work, play, and life.

More and more science is agreeing with the bible though, I mean, It should when the Creator had to have created science and mathamatics as well. I'm not here for a debate, although they are always welcome, I just wanted to say you ought to surf this website listed below. Be warned it is a christian website, and you really have to be careful what you read from sites like these as most creationist websites are just as bias as the evolutionist sites. The good thing about this site is it uses mostly secular information as well, so its not some pastor siting there telling you how he feels.

There are many important scientific facts you don't learn about in school. For example: normal Homo Sapians have been proven to have lived at the same time as the so called " Neanderthal Man". You can see this on those funny shows on the Science channel and such, although my information comes from more credible sources than that. Now we know that the NM was more heavily muscled than HS, by at least 30 . They were considerably stronger. They also had a 30% larger cavity in their skull where the brain sat, which means they had more brains as well. Hmm, interesting. Well, as most anthropoligical science agrees, A larger Brain, means exactly that MORE BRAINS; i.e. more intelligence......wait did he say more? This means they are falsly portrayed in conventional science. Artifacts have been found along with skeletons showing they had religeon, music, and cared for the sick as well as the dead. Hmmm.

So hears a question for you. What science teaches our children is that we killed NM due to post ice age comptition. How did we wipe out a faster, stronger, more intelligent race? That is a major hole in evolution that a lot of anthropoligist are currently argueing. Don't believe me? Look at the facts. Many good links are attached to this site.

Remember, It takes just as much faith to believe we came from rocks as it does to know we were created.

2006-10-03 10:36:34 · answer #5 · answered by daniel d 1 · 0 2

There is a theory that an asteroid could have brought over life. As far as proof for life on other planets: There are literally more planets then you could ever count. There are millions of those planets that can sustain life. It is inevitable that some of them have some sort of life. That's my thoughts.

2006-10-03 10:20:36 · answer #6 · answered by Take it from Toby 7 · 0 0

This is a hypothesis called "exogenesis of life".

It might be right, and it might not.

The evidence against it is that carbon-bearing meteorites fall to earth in great abundance, but none has ever found to have life, or even some of the more complex progenetors of life.

2006-10-03 10:33:35 · answer #7 · answered by cosmo 7 · 0 0

Just hit the snooze button one more time for luck. Isn't it possible others have already thought about this? Isn't it possible you are an alien asking questions on Yahoo Answers from your own ship? But, than again if you were you would already know the answers. Sooooo, where's your home planet?



2006-10-03 11:33:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is life on other planets...maybe just not in our solar system with the current planets as we know them. I don't think there would be so much money spent on research for looking out and beyond our system unless the community thought otherwise.

2006-10-03 10:15:31 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 1

I've always felt like I didn't belong here. Maybe I belong on an asteroid!

2006-10-03 10:10:37 · answer #10 · answered by blaird 2 · 0 1

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