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what has happened so far? can someone give me in details what has happened in each episode (theres only been like two so far this season right?)

2006-10-03 09:45:37 · 4 answers · asked by Christina G. 3 in Entertainment & Music Television

4 answers

Yes there has only been 2 so far..

Season Preimere: The scene opens with Annie in the kitchen, talking on the phone with Ruthie who's decided to extend her stay in the summer exchange program into the fall. She's asking her mother about someone sending her a big bouquet of roses and what it could mean. Annie suggests that Ruthie probably would want to send roses to her herself if she liked them. Eric comes in just as the time on Ruthie's phone card expires; and he's a little upset that he didn't get a chance to talk with her. In the meantime, the rest of the kids have been busy: Matt and Sarah have started their residency as OB-GYNs, Mary and Carlos have taken up a teaching job and have moved back to New York City; Simon is at university for another year. This leaves the Camdens alone with Sam and David and the house is very quiet for a change.

Meanwhile, Martin is spending the weekend with Sandy and Aaron.
He tells her he wants to marry her so they can all be a family, but Sandy tells him she doesn't want to get married -- and, for the record, she's not in love with Simon either. She has been someone else new, someone she met during the summer; and then tells Martin she's switched majors and now wants to study to be a minister.

The opening credits roll; with Eric, Annie, Lucy, the twins, Kevin, Martin, Sandy and Happy.

In the evening, Eric and Annie are sharing a candlelight dinner, taking turns feeding each other and kissing each other over and over. The camera pulls back to show that Kevin is there as well. Lucy had been invited over as well, but she is not present. Annie talks about the fact she only had one load of laundry to do that day, and is actually enjoying herself being -- almost -- an empty nester. She then talks about Mary having called earlier that day and saying she's substituting for a teacher who's on maternity leave; and that she's also heard a basketball coach may be having tryouts and may want to audition Mary to see if she still has her groove. As well, little Charlie is absolutely crazy about his new twin sisters. In the meantime, Annie mentions, she says she had a bit of success during the summer -- with some of the extra money left over from the renovations of the home for unmarried teenage mothers that she and Lucy bought, she bought another house, renovated it and then flipped it for a tidy profit; and liked it so much she's considering going into real estate full time and wants Lucy to help out. Kevin offers to go into business with Annie, but says he's not sure when Lucy will snap out of her funk.

Later in the evening, Sandy comes home to her apartment with her friend David. Martin overhears their conversation outside and their wondering if Martin would mind if he came in. Martin opens the door, says that he would mind, and tries to dispatch David as Sandy shows herself in. David then says he knows all about being jealous, because Sandy had told him she had seduced Martin to make Simon jealous.
Lucy's reading a bedtime story to Savannah as Kevin comes home. She tells him that she and their daughter went out to the movies just so they could get out of the house. Kevin's surprised that he wasn't invited. Lucy says she wasn't sure that her husband would have wanted to come along in the first place. She then asks Kevin to ask the neighbour to stop playing her music so loud, so she and Savannah can sleep. Kevin points out it's only Lucy that's sleepless, the music actually is helping their child sleep. At the parsonage, Sam and David are sound asleep. Eric says sometimes he wishes his and Annie's kids never grew up but Annie says the opposite, that watching kids grow up is the best part about being a parent. She just wishes, however, that Lucy would get over what's been upsetting her. Eric says that he fears Lucy's a ticking time bomb.
The next day, Martin and Sandy discuss what happened the previous night. Sandy's furious that David told him about Simon; to which Martin is mad because Sandy never told him until now about the reason she seduced him. She again rebuffs his advances, saying that it's not enough reason that they had a child together to get married; she wants to be loved for who she is and not just because she's his son's mother. She's not changing her mind about being a minister, and wants to devote her ministry to helping single moms. Martin says he's spent the weekend with Sandy so they could get to know each other a little better, and Sandy's willing to leave it at that for now and agrees to see where things progress from there. He then heads out for groceries so he can prepare a dinner later on for both of them.

After Martin leaves, Sandy calls up Lucy. She asks Lucy for some advice on what to do because she's not sure she wants to have a relationship with Martin. Lucy tells her that at some point she's going to have to figure things out on her own and not just keep calling up asking for a "fixer." She also asks Sandy if she should be focusing on her schoolwork, rather than chasing new boyfriends. After they hang up, Lucy expresses her rage that Sandy's cutting in on her turf. She then tells Kevin she's angry at him for talking to Annie about going into the house flipping business without discussing it with her first -- and she still wants her loud neighbour to shut up. Kevin admits he didn't run the errand that Lucy told him to do. As he heads out, she says that everyone wants to be her -- except her.
Sam and David come downstairs to the kitchen as Kevin and the parents discuss house flipping. Lucy then comes in, to the twins' shock and Annie and Eric's delight. Lucy says she wants to talk to her father alone -- pointedly telling "alone" to Annie. She tells him that she's still upset but has a bunch of things she wants to get off her chest, and wants to deliver the sermon the next day. Eric is a bit surprised and says he's already written up his sermon and tells his daughter maybe she can wait another week. Lucy says no, this is something she has to do and now; that the time for healing is over and having waited four months since she gave her last sermon is long enough -- and she's sick and tired of being talked down to like a child. Reluctantly, he agrees to let her speak.

The next day, Martin wants to go to church with Sandy and Aaron and has already dressed up. Sandy says she's doesn't like the idea of riding two hours to Glen Oak, especially after she finally managed to put their son to sleep. He then says he might want to give up his athletic scholarship in baseball and become a minister as well. This prompts yet another argument, with Sandy really annoyed he'd want to give up a pro career just so he could be like her.

At the church, Lucy is in the pulpit; thanking the congregation for their support and recalling her very first sermon two years before as Associate Pastor, when the night before Eric told her to look in the mirror. She then talks about what happens when things go right and when they go wrong. When they're right, everyone wants to line up to take the credit for it. On the other hand when things go wrong, people want to shirk the blame -- instead, they point the wagging finger at other people, or even God. She pauses, apologizes for losing her train of thought, then gets it back and continues saying something bad happened to her ...

... and then blames Kevin and her whole family. She says she didn't want to get pregnant, told her husband she wasn't ready, but then she found herself pregnant with twin boys -- then something happened. Kevin is to blame because he's too hot, and besides, who wouldn't want to sleep with him; after all, that's why she married him. She then points to a couple of female parishoners, asking them if they would sleep with Kevin; then starts blaming the rest of the family -- Matt and Sarah had their twins, then Mary and Carlos did, Simon's probably going to get someone else pregnant, and by the time Ruthie comes back from Scotland she might be knocked up too. She even has some rather uncomplimentary things to say about her parents. Only Sam and David aren't to blame, they're totally innocent in this. As she leaves the pulpit, she tells her father sarcastically he knew this would happen.

Later at home, Annie says she now wishes she had a big load of laundry, or there was a big spill on the floor, or a pipe burst so she could fix it; she feels totally helpless to help Lucy. Lucy then discusses the day's events with Kevin. She admits she totally lost it, and is furious for having made the situation even worse. She can't believe she said that Kevin was "hot" in church; to which Kevin points out that it's the fact she thinks of him like that is one of the reasons he married her. Lucy then says she is angry at her family, but not for the reasons she stated at church; rather, she's mad at them for treating her like a thirteen year old all over again. Kevin then asks his wife if she thinks she did something -- or he did something -- that resulted in what happened, that if they had done something different things would have gone differently. She says she's not sure; then says she's pretty sure she doesn't want to try to have another child again -- that she's quite content with him, Savannah and their dogs, Sampson and Delilah.

Sam and David have a hard time sleeping and wish their parents good night. Eric and Annie head down the hallway, agreeing they should call their other kids and wish them goodnight as well. The phone rings at the Kinkirks, as Lucy and Kevin get ready for bed. It's Jane, one of the women Lucy called out in church. Lucy takes the phone from Kevin but the line disconnects. The phone rings again; this time it's Eric and Annie. Lucy puts them on hold, then asks Kevin to go next door and have the woman staying there sing, saying it will help Savannah sleep.

Sandy and Martin are still at an impasse, but they agree it's been nice to see each other again and they should get to know each other better. They kiss each other on the cheek and Martin leaves. Kevin shows up next door and rings the bell. It's opened by the singer Jewel Kilcher, who's staying at the house which belongs to a friend of hers while she's recording a new album in Los Angeles. Kevin asks Jewel, on his wife's request, to sing the new song she's been belting out -- "It's Gonna Be All Right." Jewel obliges and says it was nice to meet him. The scene pans out with everyone managing to fall asleep .. and a FADE TO BLACK -- with the caption, "In memory of Aaron Spelling."

the Second Episode:

Annie is really enjoying her freedom (it includes leftovers) and Eric was extra tired because of him and Annie in the bedroom. Lucy lied to Kevin saying she was apologizing to everyone in the church for last Sunday but she was really going to the movies. the ticket boy, T-Bone, at the theatre hit on her and brought pizza after she got out of the movie, she agreed to have a slice and basically talked none stop, sorting through everything going on, kind of unloaded everything. She went home and had a fight with Kevin because he told Martin to fix Sandy dinner, Kevin meant it as relationship advice but martin took it to sleep with Sandy hoping then she would want to marry him. Lucy and Kevin made up, and he found out about T-Bone, who he went and talked to. Also, Eric found out the twins told their teacher Eric was their grandpa. Apparently their teacher fins Eric attractive. At the end Lucy apologizes to Eric about Sundays sermon. That about covers it I think!

2006-10-03 09:52:21 · answer #1 · answered by sexylittlemisstweetybird83 5 · 1 0

If u want some details go to tv.com I could try to explain but I think tv.com will provide better details.

2006-10-03 15:45:40 · answer #2 · answered by academiafreak 4 · 0 0

This show's been on for 11 years???

2006-10-03 09:56:39 · answer #3 · answered by Lynzee 5 · 0 1

I have never even heard of this show....I only really watch the Discovery, History and Bravo.

2006-10-03 09:51:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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