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My husband is in the military and I will be the primary parent. At the moment my daughter and I are living with my father but after five months I will be moving back with my husband to live wherever we are stationed. My concern is how I will maintain a household and look after another little one all by myself! I care for my daughter all the time and am still able to get enough rest to function each day but I know that another baby is going to be more than a handful and I wonder if there is any specific schedule that I should make to get through each day. Help! Your advice would be much appreciated. Anybody else have two children 14 months apart?!!

2006-10-03 08:59:06 · 21 answers · asked by Mom_of_two 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

21 answers

My son is now a year and a half, and I am due in 2 weeks with my 2nd. I also have 2 step children with my husband. All I can say is I know after having all of them, working things out with 2 would be easier. Your situation is going to be difficult when you try to go places because you will still have one in the carrier. My only suggestion for getting out is, stick with one carrier. Keep one diaper bag with the things you need inside for both, make sure it has a long shoulder strap. Keep your wallet inside this bag also, and any other items that are absolutly necessary to carry around.
A double stroller would be the best for certain situations, except grocery shopping. Your best bet right at this point would be to find yourself a babysitter that can stick around for as long as it takes you go shopping. At least until your 6 month old gets old enough to sit in a shopping cart herself. Then you can try using a carrying 'pouch' for the younger baby, while the older sits in the cart. This eliminates the carrier and some bulk.
As for a daily schedule, that is really up to you. Find one that works for you and the babies - not someone else. Stick to it on a daily basis, and make sure anyone else you bring into your home sticks to this same schedule. Bedtime, bathtime, feeding time.
Of course you can't determine certain things, but your older baby should be getting into a more regular sleeping schedule soon, which will help out. Try if you can to put the older baby down for naps at the same time the younger one is sleeping...which will provide a bit of a break for you as well. They are close enough that it might work better than you think.
Concentrate on the kids first, worry about normal household stuff later. Not saying let it go lol...just put it more back burner for right now. Once you get into your pattern with the babies...you'll be ok. Hopefully it should help with your husband being there as much as he can.
Just remember..a mother usually is the primary caregiver in the home. Do it your way..the way you are comfortable with. Do what works for you.
Best wishes to you and yours!

2006-10-03 09:11:08 · answer #1 · answered by saintlyinnocents 3 · 2 0

You learn 1 day at a time! I have 3 children-9, 8, and 7. The first two are 3 days short of 11 months apart and the last two are 15 months apart. Therefore, I have already been down many of the roads that lie ahead for your travel! As far as a "specific" schedule is concerned- there is no possibly logical way to try and make one beforehand. Every child is unique, what worked for your daughter may or often times may NOT work for your second. You truly do have to take it 1 day at a time. Go slow, pace yourself, definitely prioritize and even more so than needing a schedule, you will find that "routines" work far more successfully! One important reminder-make sure to set aside time with your oldest to ensure that they still have a very special place in your life! And last, but not least- take a little time for you. Even if it is only for 15 min. in the shower! In order to have a less chaotic life w/ 2 in diapers, alone time is a MUST!

2006-10-03 09:32:32 · answer #2 · answered by PBnJ 3 · 0 0

It's not as hard as it seems I have 2 step daughters who are 11 months and 11 days apart in age. I got with my husband when the littlest was 3 1/2 months old and the oldest was only 15 months old. I would say proabably the hardest part is the lack of sleep at first but like Tiffany said once he/she starts to become mobile it will be a lot easier. We have a son who is 2 1/2 years old and I'm pregnant with a little girl now. Our son and his youngest daughter are only 16 months apart so I know what I'm talking about. Good Luck and have a Blessed Pregnancy.

2006-10-03 09:09:18 · answer #3 · answered by rochelle s 3 · 0 0

:) I'm due any day now and I have a 14 month old. Got pregnant when she was 5 mos old and I also have a 6 1/2 year old. While my boyfriend is still at home to work and all he's not very helpful because he's exhausted from work. Make sure you do little things before baby is born- like I've taken the bottle away from my daughter and also she doesn't use a pascifier anymore. you're going to be tired and run ragged but try to get into a routine... especially with your little one now. Get her a set bath and bed time and a time to wake up. And also what I've done in preparation was made sure that everything is as organized as it possibly can be. Let your dishes pile up for a day if you need to rest and spend some time with your kids. It will be hard to get settled- I have a best friend who had her son in July. LOL She had him July 18th and her daughter's first birthday was on July 16th. She calls me all of the time on the verge of a break down but she's a good mom and very strong and I'm sure you will be too. Good luck to you. :)

2006-10-03 09:06:38 · answer #4 · answered by momofthreemiracles 5 · 1 1

You will simply find a way. I know that sounds like over simplifing, but it is the truth. I have three children. My first two are 21 months apart. When my third child was born my girls were 5 and 3. There is nowhere I won't or can't take them. They all three know how to behave and we all work together. When the babies are very small, your best friend was a snuggli. You can wear the baby on your chest, put the oldest in the grocery cart and go about your business. You will amaze yourself with your ability and your creativity. You'll do wonderfully. Good luck.

2006-10-03 09:05:52 · answer #5 · answered by Mom of 3 3 · 0 0

I have 2 boys Damien 3 Caleb 1 and half and Blake 3 months and also my husband is active duty in the army, and its more simply than u think, if ur oldest takes naps try laying them down around the same time so u can get some time to urself,honestly i grocery shop with my 3 boys ever two weeks i was scared to death at first but then u get use to it after a while,specially if ur grocery store has the carts where ur child can sit and drive and ur infant can still be in the carseat up on the cart, and u still have 2 free hands to grocery shop. also get ur oldest to help u with the baby my oldest loves helping me with his new brother always try and get ur oldest involved it will make everything easier in the long run, hope i was some help

2006-10-03 09:31:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My girls are two years apart, so I can understand your concern. You must always remember that you are doing it right now, so why can't you do it when the baby is born. It's going to be hard, at times you may feel as though you can't do it. But ask yourself this, if you don't do it, then who else will. Those are your babies and I know that you may be scared, but you must have faith. When they sleep, you sleep. Stay on a schedule. Include your oldest child as much as you can when you are caring for the new baby. Let your oldest feel that they are mommy's BIG helper and that will keep them going for a while, at least until you get all the way in your grove.
Please know that you have been warned, it won't be easy! But it's a job that you've got to do. As long as you are doing the best you can, HE will meet you half way. They always said that GOD takes care of babies and fools. Good luck and you and your family are in my prayers.

2006-10-03 09:36:22 · answer #7 · answered by wilsonhutchison04 3 · 0 0

Are you working or stay home mom. I was fortunate to stay home for all 3 of my children. Mine was 3,2, and a new born 5 years ago. A hand full some said. You just learn and take it one day at a time. What I did was do some activities w/ them to get them going, then either have them play game together or watch some TV, during that time i take care of the newborn. When they nap, I nap, too. Otherwise you don't have the energy to go on.
Try to do groceries on the weekdays when it is not crowned, and buy bulks like others had mentioned. Good luck on everything.

2006-10-03 09:20:41 · answer #8 · answered by TheOne 4 · 0 0

Everyone has given great advice, but since your husband is in the military, check out what services they offer that can help you. I know for sure that if your husband is in the field they have some respite and daycare type facililties that would help you when you need a break. Also, see if there are support groups where you will be staying for mothers. You are so blessed to have children. Never think of this situation as a hardship, you will adapt just like you adapted for your first child.

2006-10-03 09:15:09 · answer #9 · answered by jjodom1010 3 · 0 0

I am a military dependent and the mother of 4 grown children. You will do just fine as many other military wives have. I had 3 children under the age of 5 and my husband was gone 3 times for 1 year at a time before our 5th year of marriage. I relied on others. We swapped babysitting. I would go shopping for groceries and the people around me would sit and then I would do the same for them. I also attend church so I could rely on many at church to help me and I would do the same for them.
The reason you are so tired is because you have a baby and you are pregnant. The first trimester you will be pregnant. And because you are so tired everything looks impossible. You need to rely on the people around you now to help you.

2006-10-03 09:10:08 · answer #10 · answered by rltouhe 6 · 1 0

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