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23 answers

When you present me with a viable female candidate, I would be thrilled to vote for her. Until then, I'll continue to make my choices based on who is best for the job, not based on their sex.

2006-10-03 09:33:04 · answer #1 · answered by Goose&Tonic 6 · 0 0

Yes we should have and definately need a female president. As to being better off, HHeeeckkkk yeah. Women think more analytically and not from a "shoot first, ask questions later" point of view. Without the male ego in the way, the whole world would be a better place. I know I'm a man, but women couldn't make as much of a mess as men have over the centuries.

Thumbs up to you, April T. I wish I could give you ten points for asking that.

2006-10-03 09:00:02 · answer #2 · answered by dlobryan1 4 · 1 0

do you notice other things being better off when women run them? Have women presidents in other countries made the world a better place? How about female CEOs? Do they make the world a better place? Do any male CEOs ever make the world a better place? Do you believe women are inherently superior to men in some way?

2006-10-03 08:57:00 · answer #3 · answered by Sufi 7 · 0 0

Depends on the person doesn't it? I mean in history their have been good female leaders and bad ones. Elizabeth I was a great leader but her sister, Queen Mary was pretty bad. Margaret Thacher was a pretty good leader. Tougher then most men during that time. I do think it is funny that Pakistan had an elected female Head of State and the US hasn't.

I do question Hilary Clinton being President as she was implicated in that scandle, somethinggate, can't remember. Although she seems like a tough lady. Anything has got to be better then that wackjob you guys have now.

2006-10-03 08:55:48 · answer #4 · answered by Constant_Traveler 5 · 0 1

There's no reason a woman shouldn't be President. Who knows, the world might be a better place. I know one thing, I wish we had one right now in the place of what we have!

2006-10-03 09:27:47 · answer #5 · answered by carpediem 5 · 1 0

Sure, if she's qualified, why not? There have been some powerful women in history. Golda Mierr (sp) and Margaret Thatcher were 20th century leaders of world powers. Better off? No, not really. As long as humans possess greed, lust and envy in their hearts, man or woman, world peace can't exist.

2006-10-03 09:00:22 · answer #6 · answered by JuJitsu_Fan 4 · 0 0

If this country is ever going to have a woman president I do believe the next election is the best shot for it. Just ask yourself this. Would Hilary becomming president really be that bad? I doubt any worse than what we deal with now

2006-10-03 08:59:08 · answer #7 · answered by Joey R 5 · 1 1

the world would be a little better off even though i am a boy i still support a woman president.

2006-10-03 08:57:16 · answer #8 · answered by mhsportsfan 2 · 1 1

I think it would be great to have a woman president. Also I don't think we will see it in our time. It's the congress we have to worry about if there was a woman president.

2006-10-03 08:57:04 · answer #9 · answered by aimstir31 5 · 0 0

There will never be a woman president. Only males can become presidents, because presidents are elected ONLY by THIS secret and evil, male-dominated group that's been in control of everything for far too long!...

2006-10-04 03:53:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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