I'm not a Republican but I don't understand why they shouldn't still be proud of their political beliefs. I happen to be a moderate Democrate, but as a black woman who reads questions here and in other forums that begin with "Why do black people...?" I can understand why these kinds of questions would rankle the nerves, because no matter how you fill in the blanks the message being conveyed here is just how much other people can and will hold YOU responsible for the actions of OTHERS who share something in common with you - whether you are black, Republican, Democrat, homosexual, heterosexual, whatever.
When are people going to STOP holding others responsible for the "bad element?" There are good and bad people within all races, political parties, gender, sexual orientation, etc. etc. etc. Why is that such a difficult concept for people to absorb?
Wow, I bet I could stir up a pot of sh*t too by asking, "Who's proud to be white?" after all of the school killings in the news this week, yet, some of the same people who would jump up and down and get pissed off at a question like that, would turn right around and ask the same kind of question when a black person commits a crime or a Republican turns out to be a pedophile.
When people ask these kinds of questions aren't they really just seeking validation for their own prejudices?
2006-10-03 09:47:41
answer #1
answered by nquizzitiv 5
I'm still here and still proud. What foley did was wrong as well as sick but, it does not change the way I see our goverment or the world. I was a lib untill clinton was proven a liar and a cheat. At least foley is gone, clinton, the dishonest person he is, finished his term.
I stand up for truth and when it comes to that, party shouldn't matter. The dems want to rally around someone like slick willy, that's fine, when the dems show me some honesty, I may change on some points but, there are many that I'll never change on. One being murdering babies and that's just one of many.
The libs want a pre 911 world and I pray they never get in a possition to put us back there. Ignoring these people is not the answer. We need to stay on offence and we need to stay in iraq.
2006-10-03 15:58:24
answer #2
answered by thomasnotdoubting2 3
Foley should go to jail. Anyone who covered up for him, should join him there. If this loses the republicans control of the house, so be it. We will not be able to blame it on the democrats.
This scandal does not however affect my love of the party or is it a reflection of the party. Democrats have their own perverts (Barnie Frank), their own crooks (New Orleans' Jefferson) and so on. Foley's failings were human failings.
This too shall pass.
2006-10-03 17:21:12
answer #3
answered by caesar x 3
I am a proud republican who is in favor of smaller government lower taxes and less government controls and laws ,but so far have not gotten any of that for 26 years since i started to vote .I can always find 50 democrats that have been jailed for sex charges or drugs or anything that impedes the betterment of all man kind .
2006-10-03 15:53:30
answer #4
answered by playtoofast 6
Gosh it takes a guy like Foley to tarnish the pride of the Republican loyalists? How about the Iraq War, the trade deficit, budget deficit, Katrina, Terri Schiavo, Tom DeLay, Jack Abramoff, homosexual prostitutes in the White House and on and on. The Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot daily, the only thing stopping the GOP from disintegrating before our eyes is the massive propaganda machine that attempts to mitigate the damage.
Two stories that you won't see in the in US media; the collapse of control in Afghanistan and the Downing Street Memos. The US population is almost completely kept in the dark about it's own government's actions
2006-10-03 15:53:30
answer #5
answered by markfuller2000 2
I am proud to be conservative. I think Foley did the right thing with stepping down and I am glad they are now investigating.
2006-10-03 15:53:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Hey you are blaming Congressman Foley when all the repuglicans know it was Bill Clinton's fault. You should know that and be real ashamed of yourself for accusing a repuglican of any wrongdoing as they have never done that.
EDIT: Ex congressman. LOL
2006-10-03 15:46:34
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Of course they're still proud. Just because one man does something wrong doesn't mean that the whole party does it. What shocked me though is on the news they were talking about ppl who would still vote for him even though he did those things, just so a dem wouldn't be in office. Real smart you pedophiles.
2006-10-03 15:49:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The enormous pride I have in being a member of the Republican Party is in no way tarnished by one man's misbehavior. Besides, we Republicans deal swiftly with our perverts. Democrats run theirs for President.
2006-10-03 15:58:08
answer #9
answered by Wayne H 3
Its better to be a Republican , who at least expects the perv Foley to resign for sending explicit e-mails then be a Democrat who re-elects a perv like Congressmen Gerry E. Studds who had a sexual relationships with a male page.
2006-10-03 15:47:18
answer #10
answered by bereal1 6