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im 17 years old and i found out im 7 weeks pregnant. i still live with my parents and im a senior in high school. im not sure if the father is going to help me out n e more n i have no job. ive heard of lots of wemon who are able to do it n i think i could do it. what do u think??

2006-10-03 07:51:31 · 50 answers · asked by Loveable! 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

My parents know idk if hes do

2006-10-03 08:07:16 · update #1

50 answers

Well, only you can decide. Consult with your family, because you will certainly need their help. As far as the father, oh yes, everyone says he must pay - they make it sound so easy, like you can just reach into his pocket. The guy is probably a kid just like you, what resources does he have. And believe me, "just make him pay" is not as easy as it sounds.

But since you are asking the masses at Yahoo! Answers, I can give my opinion. Just the fact that you are asking people here about such a life changing decision helps me form my opinion - are these people going to carry, birth and raise that child for you? Further, to get a better idea of who you are (other than reading this question) I clicked on your name and read your last few questions here at Yahoo! Answers and now I am sad for you. My vote is no, please get an abortion. It's early enough that this is still a consideration. Adoption is a possibility if you want to give up a year of your life with nothing to show for it other than a vague feeling of altruism (and if you don't know what that is, which I'm guessing, look it up) As for keeping it, based on the limited information we have here, you have a long way to go before you will be ready to be a good mom and a lot of education to get along the way.

2006-10-03 07:58:16 · answer #1 · answered by BabyRN 5 · 2 3

I was 17 when I had my first child. I was pregnant my entire senior year and Alexandria Elizabeth (now 6 years old & big sis to Clayton, Dannicka, & Erynn) was only 4 days old when I walked across the stage & got my diploma. I know that I was the happiest graduate in the whole school because I had 2 wonderful accomplishments under my belt. I was a mommy & a high school graduate! I've never had any regrets & keeping my baby was never a question for me it was a responsibility & something I very much looked forward to.

YES! You should keep your baby. Not, to be rude so please don't take this the wrong way but, if your were "responsible" enough to open your legs & let it happen then you should be responsible enough to take care of your baby. And please stay & school & graduate. Don't use the excuse that its just too hard to go to school & be pregnant at the same time. I did it, its not that hard & you will be proud of yourself if you do!

Good luck.

2006-10-03 09:28:03 · answer #2 · answered by sweetamberwaves 4 · 0 0

This question is one that only you can make the decission about. Think long and hard about this one. It is hard, I am a single mom of 5 boys, and it wasn't easy. I kept all of my sons, but I went through tough times, I cried, I don't have any money, and I don't have much of a life. It is a hard and tough decission to make. I suggest that you get some pen and paper out, and write down all the good things about keeping the baby, and than write down all of the bad reasons, than say to your self, do you want this baby and have a rough and hard life, or do you want to finish school, go to college, and establish a career first. You can always have an open adoption. Which is where you pick out the family you want to adopt the baby, and they have to send you pictures and letters of the baby every so often, and you are always a part of the babies life. She will be allowed to locate you once she is of age. I'd get a journal and write down your feelings about everything and keep on writing in it forever. It will help you with your feelings and stuff. Don't make any hasty fast decission about this, take your time to make sure that you'll make the right decission for yourself. Let me tell you from one mom to another one, that the dad will not help you out at all. So I wouldn't keep your hopes up that he will. Talk to your parents about there feelings to if you where to give up their grandchild. I know you are only 17 years old, but it is a tough decission that only you can decide what is best for both you and your unborn child. My cousin is only 19 and she has a 15 month old and a 4 month old and she is totally stressed out with 2 kids, she said one was bad enough, but two of them is stress city. Just what ever decission you make, please start using protection so you don't have to make another decission like this again.

2006-10-03 08:10:07 · answer #3 · answered by danielle m 2 · 1 0

this decision is yours and yours alone only you can decide and i will be a hard decision to make.
if you think you can do it alone then fair play go for it but remember you are only 17 ask yourself how you will feel when your friends are out enjoying themselves and your stuck at home with a baby. i was in the same position as you i was pregnant at 17 had just started college and my babys dad didnt want to know after a lot of soul searching i finally decided to keep the baby she is 12yrs old now and i also have 3 more children i dont regret having her for one min she is the best thing that ever happened to me and she gave me a turning point in my life which is why i am where i am today living the good life.
you need to talk to the father and see what he wants but at the end of the day its your decision dont be pushed into something that you will regret.
also talk to your parents explain the situation im sure they will stand by what ever decision you decide to make.
and take no notice of people who say abortion is murder and dont make your baby pay for your mistakes.
it is not a mistake and these people are idiots who have never been in your position.
i wish you all the luck in the world what ever you decide
good luck

2006-10-03 08:03:36 · answer #4 · answered by rosierotweiller 2 · 1 0

As much as you would like to think that you may be able to do this on your own, it really would benefit you and the baby if you had some sort of support system to help you. If my calculations are right you should only have a couple of weeks left of school before the baby is due, so you could look into maybe graduating early. A job, will be a necessity unless your parents or him or his parents agree to pay for everything, including but not limited to medical bills, clothes, food, diapers and not just short term, because quite frankly kids are in no way cheap let alone free. If you plan on going to college some schools provide daycare for free or a very little cost to their students while they are attending classes. You have a lot to think about, but the first thing that you really need to do is to confide in him, your parents and his parents and they may be able to help you make some very difficult decisions that will affect the rest of your life and the life of your child. Best of luck to you.

2006-10-03 08:02:01 · answer #5 · answered by bluekitty8098 4 · 0 1

I was 18 when I got pregnant and 19 when I had her so I know exactly how you feel. You need to talk to the father and his family and talk to your parents. It is the law that he has to pay child support whether he likes it or not and I don't know your parents but if you want to keep the baby then they will most likely help you. You probably can keep the baby as long as you realize that you have to put the baby's interests over yours. And just let me say that I kept my baby and she most definitely did not ruin my life, so don't let anyone bully you into having an abortion if you want to keep the baby. you can do it if you really want to, it will be hard sometimes but I believe you probably can but if that is not an option, there are adoption agencies that will let you pick the family and also be a part of the baby's life so you might also want to consider that.

2006-10-03 08:22:33 · answer #6 · answered by krystal s 3 · 1 0

I was 17 when I found out I was pregnant. I was a senior in high school and I was not working. To be quite honest, I was thrilled. I finished high school early and started working and going to college immediately. I saved every penny I earned unless I was buying something for the baby. I was terrified to tell my mother, but when I did she was there for me. She was mad for a day or two, but she got over it and we had an excellent time planning everything together. My son was born 3 months ago. I am eighteen now. I am still going to college to become an elementary teacher. I have a great job that I love as an aide in an elementary school. And me and my son are doing great. The father did not stick around, but who cares? Me and him are very happy together. And my mom loves him more than anything. Trust me..talk to people and try and you will be able to do this. You and your child will have a great relationship. And if you think about it and it's just impossible, consider adoption.

2006-10-03 08:09:42 · answer #7 · answered by Michelle 2 · 1 1

I think you need to discuss this with your family, the father, the father's family, and a doctor. This will give you all of your options. I think if you feel you can give the child a pleasant life with the help you will get, then by all means love it and keep it. If you feel you can't provide for it, consider adoption. If you can't stand the thought of having part of you out in the world and not knowing what it is like, and if you believe in it, get an abortion. This would be my absolute last advice, but if that is all you can do, do it. Please don't just go and decide something without information on all of your options. Please talk this over with EVERYONE involved and think long and hard about it.

2006-10-03 08:45:49 · answer #8 · answered by jade_d05 2 · 0 0

You need to have a heart to heart with your mom, then you need to talk with the father. I had just turned 18, and was a senior in high school when I got pregnant as well. My daughter is 8 now, I wouldn't have changed a thing. It is really only a decision you can make for yourself. And yes the decision will be life changing either way. Good luck to you. Take care.

2006-10-03 08:09:03 · answer #9 · answered by ♥just me♥ 5 · 0 0

I am not the one to decide that. When I was 18, I found myself in the same circumstances. The father wanted me to have an abortion which I did not agree with. I kept my daughter. It was not an easy road to tow but both of us are grateful that I made the right choice.

If you feel like you aren't up to the challenge I would suggest the following:
1. Carry the baby to full terms and adopt the child out. There are many people who can't have children that would raise the baby and love it.

2. After having the baby, abstain from sex until you marry the right guy. Birth control in any form is not 100% effective. There is still a risk of getting pregnant.

Just 2 months after I had my daughter, a man that I had dated in high school returned to my life and we married. We are still married after 25 years. He has treated my daughter like his own and has even adopted her.

They have proven that at 6 weeks pregnant with 4 D imaging that a baby is fully human. They smile in the womb at 6 weeks.

I wish you the best of luck and will pray for you in the decision you will have to make.

2006-10-03 08:04:53 · answer #10 · answered by rltouhe 6 · 0 1

I don't think we can make this decision for you, but I have been in the same position as you, got pregnant, had her at 18, was a senior in highschool, living with my parents, and the father was not around. Well, I graduated highschool, had my daughter, went to college, got a great job, and 7 years later the father is still not around, $15,000 back in child support, but I accomplished this all on my own. Wouldnt change it for the world.

2006-10-03 07:56:25 · answer #11 · answered by Island_Mommy 2 · 3 0

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