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Pedophilia has been a sexual orientation, established at birth, for 5 years now. Should we wait to see if they act on their impulses and desires, or should they be fixed at an early age to avoid any problems? If we find that we can fix the abnormal DNA, should the same be done for other orientations?

What is a pedophile? Is the young man, who has been having sex with his girlfriend, whose a month younger, but he's now of age? In most states he is a pedophile. Should the man, who is having sex with a girl who appears, and even has a false ID showing she's of age, be a pedophile? In most states he is. Is the Missouri woman, who had sex with five underage boys, while being HIV Positive, a pedophile? In most states she isn't. Neither is the Iowa woman, who posed as a young boy on the Internet, in order to have sex with underage girls.

What to do about pedophiles? Do we castrate them? How do you castrate a women? What about men who are found years later to be innocent?

2006-10-03 06:46:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

In the 90s, a man was convicted of sexual abuse of his 7-YO daughter. Five years later, she began telling people that her mother forced her to make the allegations, and she wanted her father out of jail. Problem is, he had committed suicide in jail. She killed herself the next day.

Over 60% of divorcing fathers are accused of sexual abuse, as it is a simple allegation to make. How many have been falsely accused, and should they all be castrated?

2006-10-03 06:49:52 · update #1


2006-10-03 07:00:54 · update #2

The American Phsycological Association voted it a sexual orientation, in the same manner that they decided homosexual behavior in the 70s. The vote was at their 2000 San Diego conference.

2006-10-03 07:04:52 · update #3

7 answers

This is a tough situation that is not going to be solved in a discussion here.

There is no fair way to identify someone as a pedophile until s/he actually commits the crime. Genetic screening is not good enough, as there is always the chance for a mistake.

As for castration, this is certainly a possibility in some cases but certainly not all. It also may be possible to do some form of "chemical castration," where the person's ability to get an erection is suppressed chemically. It may be possible to implant a device to chemically castrate a man for years, at which point he'd have to report to authorities and have the device replaced.

Pedophilia is a serious crime. However, the cure must not be worse than the disease. I'd hate to be falsely accused of pedophilia, get castrated, then have the child say that s/he was put up to it by an angry parent.

2006-10-03 07:02:45 · answer #1 · answered by pvreditor 7 · 2 0

Fact from fiction, truth from diction. If there is a gene, then it would be a disposition they have no control over. Like being gay. If there were a way to isolate it and treat it. That would be good, but would it be ethical if the same was not applied to say those with the propensity to be alcoholics(before they get behind the wheel)and those likely to be serial killers or mass murders as what has been seen recently in the news?

As for how and who is viewed a pedophile I guess is a lot on what filter you look trough. Around the globe there are more than a dozen nations where the age of consent is 14yrs; Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Brazil, Peru, and Brunei for just a few. Who would go in record and say those are a nation of pedophile? The average age arounf the world, taking all nations into account. Would be about 16.5 years. So, logically no one here can take a moral high ground. Also there are practices here that seem quite normal to the US is an abomination to others. Homosexuality, b****iality, fornication. There are limits to how far out of the line is way far. Having sex with a baby or toddler who do not even know sex from gram crackers would be about the same as having sex with a mentally challenge adult. But when it comes to it. Sin is sin. Some just want to make selected sin worse than what they do.

And part of it is illogical. If 2 people have a relationship in high schoo; and one is a senior and the other a sophmore. They have to break up after the older one graduates or keep the relationship sex free. Almost imposible to do in this sex charge society that places the pulse of a relationship off the sex. But, the law makes no provison for it. The law cast a great net catching tuna and dolphin equally.

And because of the preception that these people are trully evil by their own design. It is the nuclear option in any custody batle or vengence against a former b/f or mate. Because it is so incendiary people will not even wait of official charges. They will just get the boiling oil and the pitch fork out. When someone is called a Nazi they are given more of a chance. Rather than jump to conclusion maybe we all should take a page from ther Amish playbook and have more understanding, compassion, and forgiveness.

2006-10-04 21:08:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Pedophilia is different than what you call "the other orientations" in that it causes direct harm to others--I find it insulting to compare it to adult expressions of sexuality. The dictionary definition of "pedophilia" is "sexual desire in an adult for a child."

There are cases in our culture which complicate the matter, i.e. the teenage boy you mentioned. Is he a pedophile? No--and at least in the state where I live, there are certain regulations about this exact circumstance to prevent a gross injustice against the young man. Is the woman who had sex with underage boys a pedophile? Yes, she is--and if she knew she was HIV positive, she's also guilty of attempted murder. Laws need to be carefully scrutinized, and perhaps there should be different "levels" as in homicides (for example, the man who got duped by a fake id).

As for castration: I think this would fall under the "cruel and unusual punishment" thing. Chemical castration is more humane and equally effective, and is reversible should therapy prove helpful.

2006-10-03 07:01:39 · answer #3 · answered by N 6 · 4 0

Age of consent, I think is a good place to begin. I know and have known, once I was over 18, under 18 was not legal, and honestly, I don't think right, I don't think all younger people are emotionally ready for sex, plus, I think the pedophile thing is more about taking advantage, or having the upper hand. But to be honest, if a 13 year old gets oral from a 40 year old, I think the main harm done to the 13 year old in not be the act, but by society telling him how bad it was. In America, we look at sex as being naughty, which I believe is part of the problem, that we look at a natural act as being bad. So we stigmatize those who have been molested.

2006-10-03 07:17:44 · answer #4 · answered by martin 4 · 1 0

Pedophilia or paedophilia (see spelling differences) is the paraphilia of being sexually attracted primarily or exclusively to prepubescent or peripubescent children. Persons with this attraction are called pedophiles.

In contrast to the generally accepted medical definition, the term pedophile is also used colloquially to denote significantly older adults who are sexually attracted to adolescents below the local age of consent,[1] as well as those who have sexually abused a child.

So - by the defenition of a pedophile, the young man who has sex with his girlfriend who is a month younger than 18 is not a pedophile. They are not pre-pubescent and the attraction to a child is not present. The man having sex with a girl who shows proper ID should be considered a pedophile if the girl is pre puberty. Its not hard to tell that a girl is not of age (despite ID) if she has not hit puberty or has just begun. Societies response to women as pedophiles vs. men as pedophiles is skewed because society views boys to be sexually dominant and are encouraged to have sexual conquest at an early age. Therefore it is not victimization for them to have sex with a teacher - - but a fullfilling of most mens fantasies! Which I strongly STRONGLY disagree with, but that seems to be the general mentality.

In response to the other aspects of your questions - no you can not "fix" them at an early age. That is a whole different can of worms if you begin punishing people based upon genetic profiling and future crimes. As far as what we do about them? We allow the legal system to do what it was meant to do. when they are found guilty they may be put to Chemical castration. I think it is against human rights to physically castrate them. Women should be held to similar standards when it comes to pedophilia - and I assure you that the legal system can work out a way to handle pedophilic women - because it does occur.

Pedophilia is not about teenagers having sex. Its about the victimization of prepubescent children or ones that have just hit puberty and the adults (or young adults) who prey on them. While it has been determined to be a sexual orientation - it can not be viewed in the same light as Homosexuality because pedophilia involves victims. Children too young to understand the manipulation and cohersion of an adult. Homosexuality is between consenting adult participants.

2006-10-03 07:05:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

In the case of established consensual sex between high school age people, the existing relationship should be taken into consideration.
Anyone who gets busted for banging an underage person who was using a fake ID to misrepresent themselves should not be charged, unless the fake ID user just looks too young. If someone is that desparate for sex, then they need to rent a girl for fifteen minutes.
Other orientations...well, if it is consensual, who cares? One would think that homosexuality would not be demonized as the unplanned pregnancy rate there is...nonexistant?
Overall, any adult who wants to have sex with a child is a freak. The idea of a thirty year old wanting to sleep with a twelve year old turns my stomach. Dateline has busted numerous pervs looking for sex with young people. The whole lot should be put in prison with the general population. There is a dude in SC who kidnapped a 14 year old girl and kept her in a bunker for 10 days. He raped her (repeatedly, I am sure) and told her there were traps all over the place so she wouldn't leave. He needs some hard core loving from Bubba in the next cell. Nasty effing freak. Pedophiles, including touchy-feely pervs, need to die. ANY ADULT, male or female, who engages in such actions, should die. The Missouri woman should be charged with attempted murder. Anyone who is knowingly having sex (protected or not) while HIV positive without revealing the presence of that disease to their partner is doing nothing less, and deliberately exposing children to such an illness is beyond contempt.
Castration? If the 'disorder' is genetic, the removal of all sexual equipment isn't going to 'fix' anything. Give them solitary life in prison. No children are in there for them to torture. If they were caught in the act, life in prison in general population with the inmates knowing what they are in for.
Cruel and unusual? Then how, exactly, would you define the rape of a child?

2006-10-03 07:16:27 · answer #6 · answered by iconoblaster 1 · 1 2

I say we place rapist, pedophiles on anthrax island..

A pedophile is a person who manipulates anyone younger and uses them for their pleasure...I know because my father was one.

2006-10-03 06:54:46 · answer #7 · answered by heresyhunter@sbcglobal.net 4 · 1 3

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