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There is no life after death. Once you are dead, you are dead. Nothing more, nothing less. The key is to enjoy yourself while your here because you wont be getting another chance.

2006-10-03 05:55:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

An Ancient Wisdom saying is, "God has put eternity in the hearts of men" (the Bible book of Proverbs ch. 3 vs 11). The writer could be said to have been a clergyman as he certainly knew a thing or two about theology! We all have this longing for eternity. Suicidal urges come when that natural instinct is suppressed by inner depression and/or outer circumstances. The Bible goes on to show how some people have been raised to life after dying, and although they died later on, the hope of the resurrection from the grave is guaranteed in that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Alas, he warned us that if we don't listen to Moses and the Prophets, we won't be convinced even if someone rises from the dead (Luke ch. 16 vs 31). Moses and the Prophets were also theologians, and Jesus was the one who explained God as no other has done before or since. So, believe those theologians! You'll need to read the Bible to find out what they said and did!

2006-10-04 05:19:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no one around that has been there and back to let us know, the Clergy or otherwise. It is really a state of mind that exists with you. Belief is a very powerful tool. No matter what you believe in, it can have the most profound way of providing you with positive drive while giving confidence in life. So concern your self with living this life first and the rest will be taken care of.

2006-10-03 20:02:18 · answer #3 · answered by Des 2 · 0 0

Believe the Clergy? Why should you? How do they know any better than us if there is life after death? The only people who know the true answer are the ones that have died!

2006-10-03 05:57:18 · answer #4 · answered by jeeps 6 · 1 1

As a clergyperson, I am tempted to say "YES! YOU MUST BELIEVE US!" Unfortunately, education does not always mean wisdom. For example, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, and Fred Phelps are all clergy, and I would urge you not to believe a word that comes out of their mouths.

As for life after death, I believe it is true. This is called "faith." Have faith in God, not in the clergy.

2006-10-03 06:02:22 · answer #5 · answered by Stranger In The Night 5 · 0 0

To find answers to this type of question you need to search out the answer...not ask for it on a platter. Read the New Testament and start in the book of John. Only trust clergy on the level that you know them and have experiance with them...not just because they are clergy. Everyone is human and can be fallible.

2006-10-03 06:01:06 · answer #6 · answered by aarondarling 3 · 1 0

The afterlife (or life after death) is a generic term referring to a continuation of existence, typically spiritual and experiential, beyond this world, or after death..

Most cultures past and present, have contained some belief in an afterlife. Such beliefs are usually manifested in a religion, as they pertain to phenomena beyond the ordinary experience of the natural world. Through the ages, various evidence has been advanced in attempts to demonstrate the reality of an afterlife, but nothing has ever been proven about either the existence or nature of an afterlife so the topic remains highly speculative.

Many religious traditions have held that the afterlife will resolve justice by assigning rewards and punishments to people according to how they lived their lives. This belief can be found throughout the ancient world, especially in Greek and Roman religion, as well as in various Asian religions. To the extent that the afterlife is a form of justice, it is usually restricted to humans, as other animals are not held responsible for their actions.

The afterlife played an important role in Egyptian religion. The believer had to act well and know the rituals explained in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. If the corpse had been properly embalmed and entombed in a mastaba, the defunct would relive in the Fields of Yalu and accompany the Sun god on its daily ride. If, during the psychomachia, the souls of the defunct were found faulty, the demon Ammit would eat them.

While the major monotheistic religions of the world (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and their offshoots) almost universally preach some form of mind-body dualism, many Eastern "religions", such as the many branches of Buddhism and Taoism do not contain any such claims, and may in fact preach ideologies that are opposed to it. Zen Buddhism in particular is famous for koans and parables that are meant to teach that the nature of consciousness is transient and/or illusory, with some schools going so far as to say that even the concept of a "self" is fundamentally flawed.

Another afterlife concept which is found among Hindus, Rosicrucians, Spiritists, and Wiccans is reincarnation, as evolving humans life after life in the physical world, that is, acquiring a superior grade of consciousness and altruism by means of successive reincarnations. This succession is conceived to lead toward an eventual liberation or spiritual rebirth as spiritual beings.

2006-10-03 05:59:46 · answer #7 · answered by Mantra 6 · 0 1

Christianity did believe in rebirth but take a look at the bible....Jesus has mentioned it too.Budhism,Judaism,Taoism all accept it too.The present day Christianity....rather Paulinism......Says otherwise.But there are lot of Miracles of rebirths happening around u and no one can Deny it. Clergy....A true priest is never Prejudiced. He will point you to the truth not what he wants you to believe.
Above all its you who can journey through the vast Sea of Knowledge to discover the truth for yourself

2006-10-03 06:02:12 · answer #8 · answered by Specky 2 · 0 0

I disagree with Monkey above - there is so much evidence to suggest that life goes on after we die. A different dimension or state of being no one knows for sure but I certainly believe that we go on.

I don't think clergy are more clever than me - they're just human like the rest of us.

2006-10-03 05:58:27 · answer #9 · answered by Phlodgeybodge 5 · 1 1

No one has yet returned to confirm life after death. It's a question of belief. Why we are here and what happens after death is conjecture. It could be Mohamed's perfumed gardens, it could be the Roman Catholics' purgatory, heaven or hell. Who knows?
Maybe we come back in a life form which reflects how we behaved during our present life. I see a great increase of snakes in the grass in the future world.

2006-10-04 00:32:56 · answer #10 · answered by cymry3jones 7 · 0 0

While I don't claim that the following book is material proof for everyone, for, as I learned in my 20's, many people outright rejected this book as silly, concocted and pop psychology--yet I find that I believe it's claims and the stories therein and the book played a pivotal role in my psychospiritual development: _Life After Life_ by Raymond Moody. Have a look--decide for yourself.

2006-10-03 06:00:18 · answer #11 · answered by Mark 3 · 0 0

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