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26 answers

Witchcraft is a wide area, depends on what forms of witchcraft you are interested in, whether or not you are just interested in Wicca, Neo-wicca or Pagan forms of witchcraft or other forms.

I'd also say in order to tell you more about Wicca we would need to know what you already know, although we can always give you brief explanations of what Wicca is and work from there if you have more specific questions.

Wicca is a henotheistic religion, which recognises its own specific gods, while not denying the existence of gods and goddesses from other pantheons. Wicca itself is a 'hard polytheistic' religion, meaning that Wicca see their deities as specific individual beings. The gods of Wicca are known as the Horned God and Great Mother, these are outer court references meant to be used as place holders for the real names of their gods until the Seeker is initiated and taught those names.

Wicca was founded by Gerald Gardner in around the 1930's, although the exact date is open for discussion, also open for discussion is whether Gardner founded Wicca entirely or whether it was an already existing spirituality which he merely re-introduced and re-invented, either way he is considered the founding father of Wicca. Gardner brought together Paganism with influences from many sources including the rituals and teachings of Freemasonry and Golden dawn resulting in a unique orthopraxic religion. Wicca embraces it's early Pagan roots in history, the history of Pagan faiths and the gods whom they followed and worshipped, Wicca also introduces eastern philosophy into it's primarily western path, along with this possibly one of Wicca's best known features, that of religious witchcraft.

Wicca is gaining much attention due to a change in peoples approach to religion and the increase in public awareness of the religion through media attention and with this attention there has come much change to the face of Wicca with many forms:

Wicca is an initiate only mystery tradition, or more precisely a priesthood, where one can trace their lineage back to Gardner. Initiation is the only way into Wicca, and is carried out by a Wicca coven, initiation into a coven requires formal training after which initiation and a system of degrees is followed.

Wicca follows a strong set of doctrines, one who takes on the name 'Wicca' is also taking on these doctrines as well as practices and beliefs of Wicca, the title of 'Wicca' implies more than that you are a member of Wicca, but also that you have worked long and hard to earn that title.
Seekers are those who wish to become Wicca however have yet to find a Wicca coven. Wicca covens can be hard to find let alone become a member of, often those whom are without a coven continue to study Wicca and surrounding subjects while seeking a Wicca coven to join.

Often Wicca is described as 'Traditional Wicca' or 'BTW:British Traditional Wicca'.

Neo-wicca is a new phenomenon, which is usually wholly eclectic, however like Wicca there are various different traditions. Neo-wicca often learn on their own terms, from books and other sources, but have little or no formal training and no initiation into Wicca. The beliefs of Neo-wicca are generally similar to that of Wicca however the details can often vary greatly as it follows the new age idea of personal belief/spirituality over formal religious doctrine. Neo-Wicca have varied views of the divine, either following soft-polytheism seeing all gods and goddesses as one god/goddess, polytheism working with gods and goddesses from various pantheons or pantheism working with a single divine present in all.

The 'Neo' in Neo-wicca refers to the New Age approach taken by Neo-wicca that puts emphasis on personal spirituality or belief over the organized religion of Wicca. It also refers to a new take on Wicca, this has less to do with the age of the religion but the idea that this is a belief system which may have come naturally from Wicca if it was allowed to evolve in it’s own time, media influences have brought about Neo-wicca, it develops paralleled to Wicca, but is not part of Wicca.

Often Neo-wicca describe themselves as 'Eclectic Wicca' or 'Solitary Wicca', although not actually Wicca.

Although Wicca is heavily influenced or based upon witchcraft it is not the main belief behind Wicca, the terms 'Wicca' and 'witch' are not interchangeable. The practice of witchcraft fits well with the Wicca way of prayer and ritual, which often involves a highly personal relationship with the divine, the witchcraft of Wicca also works well with how Wicca views the universe as working, however it should be noted that witchcraft can be practiced by many religions as well as by Atheists and Agnostics.

Wicca is not dogmatic, much of the morality and ethics of Wicca are in fact determined by the individuals take on a given situation. Often followers of Wicca will incorporate utilitarianism, which means that an act is carried out for the greater good or elements of their own morality rather then seek to find suitable behavior based on Wicca doctrine.

The rede plays a large part in the morality and ethics of Wicca, there are many takes and much documentation on the rede that can be found in many places, the rede however in itself can be clearly understood by the quote below given by Gardner himself.

"[Witches] are inclined to the morality of the legendary Good King Pausol, "Do what you like so long as you harm no one". But they believe a certain law to be important, "You must not use magic for anything which will cause harm to anyone, and if, to prevent a greater wrong being done, you must discommode someone, you must do it only in a way which will abate the harm." Gerald Gardner, The Meaning of Witchcraft, p 127 in the 1982 and 1999 printings

Another aspect of the Wiccan ethical philosophy is that of the 'law of return' often known as the 'three fold law' which is similar to that of western karmic philosophy, that anything you do either good or bad will come back to you. Law of return is often more closely associated with magic ethics rather than the everyday ethics covered by the rede or other Wiccan ethical beliefs, however is often thought of as cause and effect. This is also often referred to as the 'rule of three' or 'law of three'. For the most part these morals and ethics are held more strongly by Neo-wicca, within Wicca these are often only taught to new initiates and Seekers to help them learn responsibility for their actions, for the most part Wicca rely on personal moral and ethical philosophies.


http://amberandjet.spiralpaths.org - Amber & Jet
http://www.cyprian.org/Articles/gardchron.htm - Gardnerian Chronology and Bibliography
http://www.wargoddess.net/index.php - Enyo`s Workshop
http://wicca.timerift.net/ - Wicca: For the Rest of Us
http://www.homecircle.info - Homecircle
http://www.starkindler.org/ - StarFire Rising
http://www.asiya.org/ - Asiya`s Shadows
http://www.whywiccanssuck.com - Why Wiccans Suck
http://www.newwiccanchurch.net - New Wiccan Church International
http://members.tripod.com/~Moonpfyr/gardnerian.html - Gardnerian Tradition
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/2416/wildrose.html - Wild Rose Outer Grove
http://members.shaw.ca/stoneandcauldron/ - Coven Of The Stone And Cauldron
http://www.oldeenchantments.com/coven/ - The Hollywood Coven
http://www.geocities.com/DesertHenge - Desert Henge
http://www.geocities.com/firestonecoven/ - Firestone Coven
http://draknet.com/proteus/proteus.html - Proteus Coven’s Webspace
http://belladonna.hypermart.net/Sage-and-Sickle/index.html - Sage & Sickle Coven
http://paganwiccan.about.com/ - PaganWiccan
http://www.cogcoa.ab.ca/ - Covenant of Gaia
http://www.chasclifton.com/ - Chas Clifton
http://www.ravenwood.com/coven.htm - Ravenwood
http://www.avalonia.co.uk – Avalonia
http://www.rosemoon.com/ - Rosemoon
http://www.geocities.com/k_garber/wicway.html - The Wiccan Way
http://www.wildideas.net/temple/ - The Temple
http://www.candledark.net/silver/ - Pour Down Like Silver
http://www.thewellhead.org.uk/ - The Wellhead
http://dasa.on.ca/qs/ - Quicksilver Site
http://www.gis.net/~nagel/grovepage/ - Page of the Mists
http://www.geocities.com/gwydionfl/ - Pagan Place
http://www.geocities.com/reikihealer2001/ - NFTD
http://www.nectw.org/ - N.E.C.T.W.
http://www.doreenvaliente.com - Doreen Valiente 1922-1999
http://www.boniface.us/CTW/index.html - Compact of Traditional Wicca
http://www.pagansunite.com/ - Witch/Pagan Resources
http://www.geocities.com/thespiraloak/ - The Spiral Oak
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/4177/ - Manor-House For Wiccan Studies
http://www-personal.umich.edu/~sjgavula/wiccahist.html - History of Wicca in England
http://geocities.com/sphinxmuse/wicca/index.html - Wiccan Religion
http://davensjournal.com/index.htm?Header.xhtml&0 - Daven`s Journal
http://www.pangaeasanctuary.org/darkwood/ - Darkwood of PanGaea
http://www.wicca.utvinternet.com/ - Wicca na hErin
http://www.tryskelion.com/ - Tryskelion
http://www.mothersmagic.net/ - Breathless Noon
http://www.religioustolerance.org/witchcra.htm - Wicca, the religion
http://www.faqs.org/faqs/religions/wicca/faq/ - Wicca FAQ
http://www.allonewicca.com/ - All one Wicca
http://www.cuew.org/cffn/index.html - Coven of the Far Flung Net
http://www.sacred-texts.com/pag/gbos/index.htm - Gardnerian Book of Shadows
http://www.paganspath.com/ - The Pagan`s Path
http://www.rantingwitches.com/ - The Ranting Witches
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wicca - Wicca
http://janus.spawnfar.net/ - The Janus Gate
http://www.hiddenmuse.com/ - Hidden Muse
http://www.geraldgardner.com/ - Gerald Gardner
http://beaufort.bravepages.com/index.html - Beaufort House`s TradList
http://www.tradwicca.org/beginnings.html - A Traditional Alexandrian Coven
http://www.waningmoon.com/ethics/rede.shtml - The Wiccan Rede
http://www.glasstemple.com/home/ - Glass Temple
http://www.witchipedia.org – Witchipedia


The Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook - Janet & Stewart Farrar.
The Witches' God - Janet and Stewart Farrar
The Witches' Goddess - Janet and Stewart Farrar
The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft - Ronald Hutton.
Witchcraft Today - Gerald B. Gardner.
Witchdom of the True - Edred Thorsson
Wicca: the Old Religion in the New Milennium - Vivianne Crowley
Advanced Wiccan Spirituality - Kevin Saunders
The Elements of Ritual: Air, Fire, Water & Earth in the Wiccan Circle - Deborah Lipp
What Witches Do - Stewart Farrar


Witch Crafting: A Spiritual Guide to Making Magic - by Phyllis W. Curott
Positive Magic - Marion Weinstein
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner - Scott Cunningham
The Circle Within: Creating a Wiccan Spiritual Tradition - Dianne Sylvan
Book of Shadows - Phyllis Curott
The Second Circle - Venecia Rauls
The Heart of Wicca: Wise Words from a Crone on the Path - Ellen Cannon Reed
Evolutionary Witchcraft - T. Thorn Coyle
The Wiccan Path: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner - Rae Beth
21st Century Wicca - Jennifer Hunter
Witchcraft: A Concise Guide - Isaac Bonewits
Way of Four - Deborah Lipp

General tips would fall into – study study study – with a lot of misinformation about Wicca it is easy for people to fall into thinking they are Wicca when in fact they are not, I have honestly met people who have called themselves Wicca for 10 years without actually realising they are not Wicca as until that point they had been unable or unwilling to step out of their comfort zone to study further into Wicca past their bad sources they had been used to for so long. Don't fall into that trap, Wicca is a constant learning path and it is no good closing yourself off to new information that challenges your current ideas on what Wicca is – although misinformation is hardly a positive there is at least one thing to be said of misinformation about Wicca, it helps determine those serious about becoming Wicca from those unwilling.

With that said there are things to avoid – Wicca is an initiate-only oath-bound priesthood working within a pagan mystery tradition, generally if a book or web site says otherwise they are not a reliable source, there are other signs to avoid such as people who use the spelling 'magick' are often uneducated themselves, people who use mechanical magic (i.e. copying spells from books or each other) – that is not to say these sources cannot teach you something. You will find most people will pooh-pooh people such as Horne, Ravenwolf, Buckland, Cunningham, etc. however valid their complaints are there are often some parts of their writing that are valid, and if nothing else you can use these as a test to your own knowledge as the more you study the more you can tell the reliable information from the nonsense. You need to realise that just because a person says they are Wicca, or a book or website says it is about Wicca does not make it so, as you learn you will start to know the difference, until then take everything with a pinch of salt as there is a lot of ignorance and misinformation about Wicca even from those who claim to be Wicca themselves.

Get yourself into a good forum, you will find many forums are filled with people who look to Wicca as an escape from Christianity or as a fashionable title, however there are some groups around that do have Wicca that have a strong community that can help you study and guide you in the right direction – Amber & Jet being a prime example of this. Another idea would be to find yourself local Pagan contacts or go along to local pagan meetings to form study groups, find a coven, find a teacher, or simply have a community to support you or just chit-chat with (a note here, study should come before training, or else you won't know who is really knowledgeable on the subject and who is not when it comes to finding a teacher or coven).

With that I suppose all I can do is give you some reliable links and books to look through – with books if you cannot afford them try swapping with others online or in your area, and remember you don't have to just stick to books on Wicca but can also get books on related subjects such as paganism, herb lore, mythology, divination, etc.

If you do want to become Wcica in the end if you cannot find a coven locally you will have to find one, many Seekers will actually move locations to find a coven to join so to become Wicca, others simply convert to Neo-wicca if they cannot find a coven.

2006-10-03 05:29:40 · answer #1 · answered by Kasha 7 · 5 3

I have a list of two books for ya to read sweetie, start there. The first one is called "Living Wicca" by Scott Cunningham, its for those interested in the craft but have no real access to covens or others of the craft, its a wonderful starting place. The other is "Wicca, The Complete Craft" by D.J. Conway, Conway is also the author of Celtic Magic by the way. Both of these explain the art and the magic (forgive the pun) of Wicca.

However I can give you a piece of advice hun ok. Wicca is an ever evolving religion. If you do not believe in the goddess, you don't have to, I don't and I'm still wiccan ok. Just so that you know and won't be confused ok.

2006-10-03 05:23:13 · answer #2 · answered by LunaFaye 4 · 4 1

May 24 You'll be amazed at what the ebook you get will inform you, since all of them will inform you approximately it is historical past. THat's additionally what it's--historical past, or a minimum of will have to include a few of it otherwise it'll no longer be an academic Vwiccann ebook, however a few offshoot wiccan concentrating on on black magic--which isn't a variety of Hwiccann. I might reccomend going the duration of your town should you might uncover a used ebook on it, while it might have a lived-in seem and consider to it. But or else, you're going to ought to truthfully have a ebook of it to realise it versus watching across the web for a few information. The price maybe someplace to 22 greenbacks (eighty quarters) and no tax, straight from a wiccan ebook trader. Also, maybe you desire to seem for a wiccan village and discuss with it if one is neighborhood and spot the wiccan elder, (Sydney you are saying?) or a demonstrating Wiccan institution that almost always has this ebook. A little extra approximately this form of ebook is that it's truthfully historical past of the europeans, earlier than kings and castles. It is not anything like halloween, and does no longer resemble halloween in any recognize. It appears like an angel, no longer a goblin. And whilst you get the ebook, and in case your nonetheless scared, go away it in whatever while you can't see it till you do not forget you could have it and desire to learn it. It is real a well thought you could have determined right here!

2016-08-29 08:42:27 · answer #3 · answered by brickman 4 · 0 0

Best thing to do, Read, read and then read some more. One of the best books you can read just to understand what Wicca is would be "The Truth About Witchcraft Today" by Scott Cunningham. Then if you want to continue I would say any or all of the following "Wicca, A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" also by Scott Cunningham, "To Ride a Silver Broomstick" by Silver Ravenwolf, and "Witchcraft From the Inside" by Raymond Buckland.

You also might to look on www.witchvox.com to find information about Wicca and also to find others in your area that might be willing to offer advice, this site will also usually give a good idea of what shops are Wiccan orientated to find others or at least supplies and ideas.

Blessed Be )O(

2006-10-03 05:38:25 · answer #4 · answered by Stephen 6 · 3 1

I suggest read, read, and read some more. One nice thing about Wicca is that it is a very open to your own opinions religion. There really is no wrong way to go about things, so long as what you are doing or what you believe works for you, that's all that matters. What can help you to form your own beliefs and opinions is to read as much as you can about others' beliefs and opinions.

Several authors I would recommend for a wide spectrum of reading to learn about Wicca would be, in no particular order:
Scott Cunningham
D. J. Conway
Patricia Telesco
Margot Adler
Silver Ravenwolf
Raymond Buckland
Ted Andrews
Migene Gonzalez-Wippler
Sandra Kynes

A great fiction series that entertains as well as educates about Wicca is Isobel Bird's "Circle of Three." It basically follows three high school friends throughout their year and a day study to become Wiccans. As they learn about the religion, so does the reader.

Also, be sure to check out http://www.witchvox.com
It is the best site on the internet for info about Wicca and other Pagan religions.

2006-10-03 06:53:23 · answer #5 · answered by BlueManticore 6 · 1 1

Read, make sure you are interested in the craft and are not trying to be trendy- I recommend The Wicca Bible, and Living Wicca.
Then look for a group or coven in your area, or an internet based group.

2006-10-03 06:54:25 · answer #6 · answered by purple_artemis00 2 · 1 0

OK, first, read about the lives of famous occultists:


Then decide if it's worth persuing. If you want to wind up broke and forgotten, go for it!

If there is any truth to the old saying "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.", that truth is found in the occult, and Wicca in particular. Silver Ravenwolf has written close to a dozen books on the subject of "The Craft", and claims she has been studying it since about 1969, which is almost as long as I’ve been alive. She has written a book on how to cast money spells, and includes a chapter on how to do so in her Teen Witch book. But the thing is, she doesn't particularly sound all that prosperous herself. Ravenwolf writes,

" For years I couldn't afford to go to a hair stylist (still can't, it's shop and chop for me). I got pretty good at stying my own hair from looking at magazine pictures" [SOURCE: Teen Witch, Llewellyn Publications, 2003 edition, page 145]

OK, she so rich she can't go to the hairdresser. Hey, get me a copy of that Prosperity Spell book!

Silver Ravenwolf seems to have inadvertently discovered that Wicca makes things worse, but won't ever admit it as such.
In Teen Witch she says

"A lot of people tell me how bad their lives have gotten after casting a spell and tell me they won't do Witchcraft anymore. I tell them their lives would have been much worse for not having cast the spell".

Gee Silver, you would think a lot of people would be saying things like "Hey, Silver Ravenwolf, my life has improved tremendously with Wicca!" if Wicca is as great as they claim. Instead it makes lives much worse, and even Silver Ravenwolf admits she hears this a lot!!!

Why? Because sometimes, things are just as you think they are. Most average people will tell you the occult deals with black magic and demons, and demons are evil beings who wish us harm. This is how it is my friend. The occult is evil, and brings bad happenings into a person's life, and Wicca is an occult religion. When you stop trying to rationalize it with inaccurate data and just use common sense you will realize this. Some occultists are of above average intelligence, and I think part of the problem is they have book smarts but not common sense. There are two forces at work in this universe: the counterfeit and the genuine. Wicca’s source of power is not the genuine. There’s just simply no way Wicca (and thus the copycat Neopagan religions) can be created from the black magic writings of “The Great Beast 666", the bizarre sexual practices of Gardner, the spiritual “guidance” of the Watchers (fallen angels) and still be a source of good!

Adian Kelly wrote a book on the history of Wicca called "Crafting The Art of Magic" in the 1980's. Wiccans had a fit when it was published, and pressured Llewellyn to take it out of print. It was supposed to be the first in a series of books. I think Adian Kelly probably summed it up best when he said this about the Gardnerian "Book of Shadows", the closest thing Wicca has to a sacred book:

" [M]any of the Book of Shadows rituals did not exist in 1954 (when Witchcraft Today was published) but instead were still being written. [T]he major sources from which the rituals had been constructed included: (a) Mather's edition of the Greater Key of Solomon; (b) Aleister Crowley's Magic in Theory and Practice; (c) Leland's Aradia (d) some Masonic rituals akin to those described by Duncan and those of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (aside from those transmitted by Crowley; and (e) Margaret Murray's The Witch Cult in Western Europe. There were also bits and pieces from other works by Leland, Jane E. Harrison, Gilbert Murray, James Frazier, and other great classicists from the 19th century. That accounted for EVERYTHING in the rituals! There was nothing left that differed in any important way from what you can find in those sources- - but that is NOT at all what Gardner had claimed!"

None of the people who have answered your question can make it work either. Don't delude yourself. It's an incredible waste of time and money, and it's spiritual poison.

2006-10-04 00:21:55 · answer #7 · answered by The Notorious Doctor Zoom Zoom 6 · 0 1

Read, study, and read some more.

There are lots of good sites on the Internet, several of which will have Recommended Reading lists. Many of the books are available at local bookstores like Barnes & Noble or Borders, and you may find others there who are looking into similar books.

Look around your community to see if there is a local pagan/Wiccan group - http://www.witchvox.com can be useful for that sort of networking.

Did I mention "read, study, and read some more"?

2006-10-03 05:33:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

best thing you can do right now is read - Wicca does not have a strict set of beliefs, and you will find Wiccans with very different views. You can also try to find a convent near where you live, but some decide to practice on their own.

2006-10-03 05:16:34 · answer #9 · answered by bregweidd 6 · 5 0

try Wilcox, or go to your local bookstore and by a book on Wicca, anything by Scott Cunningham, Amber K, or any of the books on Wicca published by Llewellyn . Please avoid Raven Silver wolf's books though, as some beginners I know have hurt themselves using them.

Remember, magic (real magic, not stage magic) is not a toy,

"an it harm none, do as thou wilt" is a warning to think about your words and actions before speaking or acting to ensure you do as little harm as possible. and the Law of returns reminds us that what is sent out, comes back threefold.

2006-10-05 04:24:29 · answer #10 · answered by fullmoonwolf4real 3 · 0 0

hello and welcome to the path. merry meet. I'm Brian, mournyngwolf is my craft name. i am a solitary practitioner of Wicca and wizardry. there are a lot of amazing books and materials out there on anything craft related. some keywords are Wicca, witchcraft, magick, occult, spells,
now some advice on guidance, be careful of who you read and what you get from it. a good rule of thumb is if any magick or spell or ritual involves someone as a target even for benefit such as healing, your dealing with black or negative magick. the rule of thumb for Wiccans is the threefold law. anything you send out comes back 3 times as powerful. so if you heal someone at a time they needed a lesson from their ailment then when a lesson that is important to your learning will be prevented 3 times more. (classic example is like a woman learning from a man that beats his woman, she will have to suffer 3 boyfriends that hit or hurt her til she learns from it) so do be careful on what spells you want to learn about. i only do spells that are for myself.
blessed be and good luck
solitary practitioner of Wicca and wizardry

2006-10-03 07:17:26 · answer #11 · answered by mournyngwolf 3 · 1 2

fedest.com, questions and answers