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If you're a conservative right now, I already know what you're going to say. 'This is America, if you don't like it then Git out.' Am I right? Well, save it, because I'm not going anywhere. This is where I was born and this is where I will die. What I'm asking you is this. Is there anyway to save our country from the Military Industrial Complex before the neo-cons nuke the entire planet? Can we really vote to change anything, when they rig elections and use fear as a weapon. Can Terror be defeated? Where does Terror live? If we ignore Terror, will it go away? Martin Luther King believed in peaceful protest, but will that be sufficient in these times? Do you really think the Democrats are going to save us? Do you still think it matters if you vote? You don't have to answer all these questions, but more importantly, if you don't think there is a problem, and America is not in trouble, don't answer at all. Just continue shopping and watching mind-numbing 'reality' TV shows.

2006-10-03 04:58:45 · 14 answers · asked by thecrisman 2 in Politics & Government Politics

Liberals peddling fear? You've been watching a little to much Fox News. We're quickly becoming a Police State. I'm just glad that i can still buy a gun. Thanks neo-cons!


2006-10-03 05:11:24 · update #1

I've got news for you Democrats too. Kerry would have been worse than Bush, or exactly the same. It wouldn't have mattered. I say that as someone who voted for the guy, but he voted in favor of the war in Iraq, so whats the difference. These Democrats won't save us.
The Republiacans want to enslave us.

Fu@% the left.
Fu@% the right.
All I want to do
Is fight, fight, FIGHT

2006-10-03 05:15:46 · update #2

So far, cliffpotts2005 has the best response. A very rational and well thought out answer, even though I am sometimes irrational myself. I would like to see a peaceful revolution, but that can only happen in a true democracy. But I've seen the protesters being arrested and held unlawfully at the RNC convention, and I've witnessed the cowardice of the media, who is unwilling to challenge authority. We are losing our grip on freedom my friends, but we can do something about, the people always have and always will hold the power.

2006-10-03 06:21:46 · update #3

14 answers

Much of what you are asking is covered in the work I just released called Theocon Nation. The linking of religion to political ideal has made it impossible for the Right to compromise with the left. They are drawing upon the ultimate authority of God, completely unquestioning, to support repressive and militaristic perspectives. We are in the same mindset as we were approach the 1860 election, and ultimately the Civil War.

They can justify their actions through a process known as Neutralization. This allows for the dehumanization of the opposition. As you can see from some of your answers, rather then address your fears and concerns they chose to attack your character, rationality, and knowledge.

As to will we see Revolution or another Civil War. It has happened in the past more often then we like to see. Are we are at the point where another one will occur. Well ... it depends on what happens this November. If the Democrats do not take the house (which in the political environment is probable) then we will see the Republican Juggernaut continue to move towards a global war. I think that this will eventually trigger a Revolution much the same way that the Russian Revolution was triggered by the event of World War I. In our case it may follow the fall of Washington due to its destruction, and the imposition of what Bush himself called the "Shadow Government."

2006-10-03 05:30:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yes America does have a problem and so does the rest of the world: it all has to come to an end. And as for America to much of a good thing has numbed the minds of most of it's citizens where they think that everything is hunky dory and all is well in the world. It's not only America it's everywhere and the problem is that we as humans can't do anything to fix it because we all make mistakes and nobody is perfect. Who's to say that if you or I where given the power to do something to change the US or the world that we wouldn't F*** it up ourselves.
My advise to you is, since I really don't agree with violence or hell-raising, do as Martin Luther King, like you said, and peacefully protest. Civil Rights was not gained by starting a civil war. I do agree with what your saying though I really don't want to bring my children up in a country that has fallen so far away from what it was meant to be... free.

2006-10-03 05:17:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The democratic party won't save anything, it's as hopelessly corrupt and power-hungry as the republican one. The most we can hope for is gridlock that prevents both parties from following their nuttier ideas.

Elections still do matter. Even if one side cheats (and they both do), cheating can only alter the result by so much. If a candidate gets 55% of the votes, it's awfully hard for the losing candidate to make up a 10% margin by cheating.

Is there a way to save the country? I'm reminded of a friend who once said, "One person, acting alone, can make a difference, if his name is Lee Harvey Oswald". Not that I advocate that solution, mind you.

I do foresee the end of U.S. world domination. I don't know if it'll be brought about by economic collapse or by a nuke planted in Washington DC, but one way or another, our time in the sun is ending. Oh, the United States will still be a power to be reckoned with, just like Russia is. It just won't be dominating the world the way it does today. I just hope our retreat from superpower status is relatively painless, because it could potentially be very painful indeed.

2006-10-03 05:17:44 · answer #3 · answered by Bramblyspam 7 · 0 0

Terror can be defeated, but it will take a unified effort from our country. So until the U.S. can come together and realize the threat is real and imminent, we will continue to struggle. People spewing garbage about rigged elections and people using fear as a weapon is as much of the problem as anything. Instead of pretending to "know" what is really going on and bashing everything because you "read it in a newspaper" or "saw it on t.v. doesn't help. Congratulations on being part of the problem and not part of a solution. We would be right where we are now if a Dem had been elected in the past 2 pres. elections. There was no way out of it. The warnings were there about Saddam and whomever was in office had to do something about him. Clinton had osama bin laden in our country in 93 but let him go. They seem to forget that part of history.
Go do something constructive to help your country instead of sitting at a computer dragging down with you.

2006-10-03 05:09:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We're in deep sh!t, and yeah, it takes one leader in the wrong frame of mind to start a nuclear war, the war on terror isn't gonna get better because people hate america, and the terrorist already know how to hijack our planes so they probably know alot more than that, One World Order has been toyed with for decades, now its becoming reality, its the only way out.

2006-10-03 05:04:32 · answer #5 · answered by marquita 3 · 0 0

Hey, Mike. Sure non violent protest works...just not nearly as well as a violent revolution.

Just look at the numerous examples today of how to get people to see your point of view. The Taliban use guns, bombs and swords to get their point across. This is far more effective than holding a sign and chanting...don't you think?

They will not cave in because you want them to stop. You cannot reason with a mad man. It is very clear that we will not be able to win their hearts...that leaves us with placing a bullet in their brains.

Also remember...poor man wants to be rich, rich man wants to be King and King is not satisfied until he rules everything.

You will only get your point across with the use of weapons...because the people you are trying to convince have weapons and believe they are right.

It is just the way it is...whether you like it or not.

2006-10-03 05:10:06 · answer #6 · answered by An Unhappy Yahoo User 4 · 0 0

I am just starting this book by Derrick Jensen. It's an environmentalist perspective (anarcho-primitivist) but it sounds like it's right up your alley. Has 2 volumes. First one is the problem of civilization. The second is how do we bring it down before it destroys humans and the earth. Also deals with violence and power in America.


Or if you prefer, 2 hour interview about book


2006-10-03 05:03:47 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Slave Masters ? i'm sorry i do no longer comprehend any slave Masters basically complicated working ,tax paying criminal people that are bored stiff ! people from all walks of existence are disgusted and bored to death in whats occurring to this u . s . and something is attainable while people have had sufficient.! That rebellion crosses all socioeconomic and racial strains. Do i wish for a bloody rebellion,for sure no longer yet something is attainable .

2016-10-18 10:11:35 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Your lack of knowledge is really shinging through today

Try reading a history book instead of a bumper sticker

2006-10-03 05:02:57 · answer #9 · answered by John 3 · 0 0

I am beginning to think so. Fear is a powerful tool that brings equality to many minority groups. Sane people seem to be in the minority.

2006-10-03 05:07:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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