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So I have been married to my husband for 5 years. I love him and would never cheat on him. But he has a friend that I have been talking to on the phone a lot and texting. We have sent some revealing photos to each on the phone. He came to visit last weekend and on the way back to his house (it was just me and him), he showed me his penis. Nothing else happened. I do like his friend but I won't let it go any further. What do you think?

2006-10-03 04:49:16 · 52 answers · asked by jacemo 6 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

52 answers

NO WAY, not even close to cheating.... People go to strip clubs all time.... you know the saying. Look but don't touch.
The real question is, Did you like? If you answer YES, then I would be worried about what will come next. Be carefull

2006-10-03 05:21:27 · answer #1 · answered by Lost again!!!! 1 · 0 0

I think that yes, what you're doing is considered cheating. It was okay to speak to him on the phone every once in a while but you say the two of you speak on the phone a lot and you text eachother. You put yourself on the chopping block when you sent revealing photos and vice versa. The only man that should be seeing revealing photos OR your body at that, is your husband. Also, you allowed him to show you his penis. When he pulled it out you should've told him that you are married, you're not interested in seeing that but you didn't. You obviously wanted to see parts of this man because why else would you swap pics?
Honestly, it shouldn't have went any further then a few phone calls a month. You need to tell your husband what took place because if you don't then his friend might use it for blackmail later and if you tell your husband, the two of you can get some marriage counseling (yes, counseling, you're gonna need it) and move on from this mistake you made.

2006-10-03 05:00:12 · answer #2 · answered by ♪Msz. Nena♫ 6 · 0 0

Would you like your husband showing his penis to another woman (or a gay guy, for that matter) or do you think it's OK to go around showing your **** to folks?

No, no, no!! You stepped over the line when you sent revealing photos to that other guy and went WAAAAAAAAAAAAY over the line when you let him show you his penis!

If my boyfriend showed his penis to another woman, I'd cut it off.

You've gone way, way, way too far already and you need to back pedal FAST. Tell the friend it was fun but it's OVER and stick to it. Don't text him. Quit calling or accepting his calls. Never ever be alone with him and just hope he never mentions any of this to your husband because although you say that you "would never cheat on him" you've already betrayed his trust and I'm just glad that my brother never married a skank like you.

2006-10-03 04:55:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Put an end to this immoral act immediately. Let me tell you something that will surprise you: suppose he asks for sex what will you say? No! If he should insist and threatens to text your revealing pictures to your husband do you know what will happen. You will most definitely allow him to have sex with you if gives you that condition. Your husband's friend is a devil sent purposely to destroy your marriage. If your husband divorces you on account of him you will have yourself to blame. If you get to know that your husband is showing his penis around I am sure you will go livid so immediately stop seeing this guy. No more phone calls, texting, revealing pictures. Don't be alone with him in any lonely or secluded area. Give me feedback.

2006-10-03 05:13:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Showing revealing parts of your body is going a step too far. I believe, as a married woman, everyone flirts at times. Simple flirting though. You have taken the time to text him and send him pictures. that time should have been spent with your husband. if you ever feel that it would hurt your husband if he "found out" about something, then that's your brain telling you you shouldnt do it. how would you feel if he did these things with your friend or if your friend showed him her breats? Yes it is cheating because you are giving him your time and emotions that you should be giving to you husband. nobody else deserves that but you husband when you get married. if you like someone other than your husband you should be asking yourself...how can i like someone else when i am married? and asking yourself if you are truly happy with your marriage. my suggestion is to talk about it with him. he should know that his friend isnt being a true friend to him and that's not fair to him.

2006-10-03 06:38:26 · answer #5 · answered by kmc6516 1 · 0 0

I think it's cheating the moment you started to have feelings for this friend. It may be a simple crush, or a fling or whatever you want to call it, but you know it's wrong.
I'm glad it didn't go any further, but are you? What do you want to do?
You love your husband, but is it possible that you very much like this friend too? Think about it! Unless you figure things out, I'd stay away from this friend. Things could go way further.

2006-10-03 06:26:16 · answer #6 · answered by Ange 2 · 0 0

you can call it anything you want but that just isn't right. When you love someone you don't let someone have the impression they just might be able to get into your pants. I think you really have to quit allowing this kind of attention before it comes between you and your husband. How would you feel if one of your friends showed your husband their breasts and text messaged all the time or talked on the phone. Bottom line this is going to hurt your husband if he finds out so it's your call and hopefully for your marriage you smarten up and make the right decision.

2006-10-03 04:56:19 · answer #7 · answered by oldmomma 3 · 0 0

Even though I think what you're doing is not "technically" cheating, it's just as bad. You're leading him on already, with the phone calls, the texting, and especially with the photos.

On the other hand, I think flirting is normal within every relationship. But would you tell your husband about his friend showing you his penis? If you can't- then yeah, I think it is cheating.

2006-10-03 05:03:16 · answer #8 · answered by candy- capped 5 · 0 0

Definately cheating. My wife did similar "innocent things" with a friend of the family. Then I caught her in bed with the "friend". She told me she was sorry that she had never meant "for things to go so far" and that things had started out with them just talking a lot on the phone. I am having a hard time trying to forgive her.

I think you are setting yourself up for a similar result.

It sounds like you are trying to set things up so that when the actual affair happens and your husband finds out, you can say to him " it was just a flirtatious thing and I never meant for it to go so far".

Which is total BS as you know where this is going.

If you really want to be with your husband you are going to have to confess what has happened so far - so that he will sever ties to that friend. If the friend is still around you will be too tempted.

2006-10-03 05:37:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think that maybe you should re-evaluate your relationship with your husband. Is something missing? Is that why you are talking and texting his friend and not him? Sweety you are cheating not physically but you are emotionally. You should weigh your pros and cons of your relationship and see if your husband is really the one you love. Could this other guy just be lust, something you think you want but know you can never have? Think about it. Good Luck. One last thing this man is not your husband friend if he is calling you, texting you and showing you things that he shouldn't be.

2006-10-03 05:36:39 · answer #10 · answered by lighthouse lover 1 · 0 0

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