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im pregnant and the teacher is the dad and my dad will kill me and him what can i do....??

2006-10-03 04:06:11 · 94 answers · asked by devilz2k6 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

well who ever beleaved me are a bunch of idiots like......

2006-10-04 10:09:42 · update #1

94 answers

Idiot little girl--you are a child, you know absolutely nothing. Your teacher, who is 44 years old, is a pedophile and an abuser. I don't care what he told you or what you believe you are experiencing. He is pure trash and you're going to be messed up for the rest of your life as a result. I pity you. There is no getting through to young girls, which is why the laws are on the books the way they are--the adult abused you, he committed a crime, and when you grow up you'll realize WHY it's a crime. Until then, keep living in fantasyland. Ugg.

2006-10-03 04:08:43 · answer #1 · answered by surfinthedesert 5 · 6 4

Well let's put it this way:
your dad and the dad will find out eventually.
the dad will lose his job as a teacher
your dad will hate the dad and will try to abuse the dad
your dad will try to take you away from the dad to 'stop you from hanging around with the sick person'
your dad may insist on getting an abortion or may be not depending on the circumstances
Since you are 15, I am not entirely sure of the legal consequces of the dad.

My suggested solution:
it is always better if you tell both dads about this before things get out of hands
ask the dad to quit his job as a teacher before he sinks any lower
don't take refuge in the dad's house, but in a friend's/a really cool aunt until your dad understands and finally accepts the dad as a person you are wiing to be with
the baby's innocent in this so I suggest you keep the baby

alternative scenario:
you take an abortion before anything gets through
however, the problem with this solution is that :
a) you need parental consent (18+)
b) you need to talk with your GP
c)the dad has a right in what will happen to the child
d) the child is innocent

or you can call up a samaritain's helpline. There's no easy way around it.

Best of luck.

2006-10-03 04:22:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I don't know whether or not this is a joke,but I DID happen to have a child at 15. She will be 7 years old next month and she is the love of my life. First off I would tell you that you shouldn't worry about your dad killing you but rather him goin after the idiot that got you pregnant. For the safety of you and the baby you need to let someone know that all of your options can be discussed. As far as the "teacher" his *** needs to go to jail. You say you love him, but there really must be a screw loose if this man thinks it's okay to have sex with a student. He took advantage of you and he needs to pay the consequences. Like I said though...you need to go talk to someone and NOW.

2006-10-03 09:09:45 · answer #3 · answered by evrythingnice360 1 · 0 0

What happened to those latex-free condoms honey? This refers to your question "I'm illergic (sic) to latex condoms ..." You chose a best answer which was to use Avanti which is non-latex.
2 days ago you asked another question about being pregnant and scared to tell your parents. Your dad was out of work, right, so he was always angry? You got 52 answers for that and chose gypsy g as best answer. She gave you a very kind reply and you commented, quote:
" ... I've told them and they were not anoid (sic) but they said I was silly and the rest of the cra* ..."
You also informed us all in a separate question that you were "dieing". And now this.
Do you really think everyone on here will just give you an answer from the top of their head without researching some background on you? Usually that research can help to give people something more to base their answers on. And look what I found in your case!
If this is a game you are playing, remember some people can play back; faster and harder than you.
You might love all this attention and think nobody minds replying to your lies because they get points. Probably true.
Can't wait for your next question!
And how come you answered two questions exactly the same as these pregnant ones of yours? xbeccaxcornishx asked both.

2006-10-03 04:50:26 · answer #4 · answered by kiteeze 5 · 2 0

Everyone on here is right the teacher has broken the law with you, and you may think you are in love but I doubt you are. He probably showed you the attention you were needing and that was all it took, however not only has he ruined your life he has ruined his as well. Once everyone finds out he will no longer be able to teach, and will go to jail for statutory rape, and no it does not matter that you consented, because at your age there is no such thing as consensual sex expecially with someone your teachers age. However instead of worrying about him worry about yourself, you are the one carrying another life in you, and the one that will have to decide what to do with this baby once it is born. You need to have counseling and when you do tell your parents you need to have several other adults present that can calm your dad down and help with all the legal issues, because I know your parents will want what is best for there daughter and that means they will want to press charges against this man. Also if I were you I would investigate his past and find out if there are other girls like you. He falls under the category once a pedophile always one, and unfortunatly for you he slipped between the cracks of your school system and legal system.
I feel bad for you,and when I was at your age I would not have wanted to be in your situation. If you are unable to raise the child and feel you should have this child by all means please look into adoption.

2006-10-03 04:30:48 · answer #5 · answered by Jsess 2 · 0 1

I have read a few of the comments saying to keep your legs closed, etc, which I totally agree with but I don't think is helping you at all now. I don't agree with what you have done, and I think you need to talk to your parents. I have a daughter, and even though I would be terribly upset and hurt I would help her in any way i could because I love her no matter what. You are young and need help, all moms need help regardless of age, and thats what parents are there for, and you need to remember that for your child should you decide to keep it. Remember that adoption is an option and alot of people are looking for kids. 15 is a time to grow yourself and you shouldn't need to have that much responsibility yet. I lef thome early (15) and missed my grad and travelling and friends and all the things that those years bring. I still often think about how my life would be different had I stayed home. You have a lot of thinking to do, and there are a lot resources online for you. I will pray for you and hope that everything works out alright.

2006-10-03 05:23:13 · answer #6 · answered by aurora4 1 · 0 0

i no your haveing sex with him but how adult is your relationship? Are you able to talk to him.( Lets just put aside the fact that you will need to tell your dad, Does anyone else no? If yes are they reliable? I would keep it quiet for now as this will effect you for a long time if not.) How does he feel about the baby. Is he married.You haven't been together that long . To be haveing sex with him already.and you at school still. Talk to your boyfriend.but better than that think deep down if you feel you want ot be a mum think deep down do you think that he loves you also think about why you are in this persition oviously you were very misled or maybe you wanted to be. my advice isn't just to have an abortion and break up with him but is is to think long and hard about your life and how it has changes already. Be strong stand up for yourself do what makes you happy. Then if needs be tell a scholl councilor or better yet out of school counclilor. or ring childline . get some proper help but do it for yourself. Good luck.

2006-10-03 04:18:44 · answer #7 · answered by donna 1 · 1 0

Are you serious.. that is the most twisted thing I have ever heard.. how can you be inlove with someone who is teaching you about life.. Im sorry, but that is just wrong and sweety.. he doesn't love you obviously.. cause if he did.. he would have never gotten you pregnant at the age of 15. What you need to do is call the police and get that teacher behind bars.. so he wont get any other 15 years old pregnant.

2006-10-03 04:24:26 · answer #8 · answered by Zara's Mommy 2 · 0 1

I know you don't want to hear this but your teacher is doing somthing very wrong.
He has the trust of all the parents that he will teach there children and look after them.
my advice is to tell your mum and dad as they will help you to put this into some sense.
help you make the right choice on what you are going to do as well.
What ever you choose it will be the hardest choice you may make in you whole life.
I do hope it all works out for you.
my sister had a child at 16 and she has now gone to collage.

2006-10-03 04:25:49 · answer #9 · answered by richdrury2001 2 · 0 0

Well if thought that you were adult and mature enough to have sex then be adult and mature enough to face up to your responsibilities and consequences.
You have very poor judgment in men thinking that a teacher would a good choice of a partner. You seriously need an an adult to guide you through this. So I would get off the computer and have a nice heart to heart talk to your Mom and Dad.
And if all this is a big lie you need more help than just your parents guidance.

2006-10-03 04:17:56 · answer #10 · answered by rranderson1968 4 · 2 0

When I was 15, I didn't even have sex with my long term boyfriend. I had the fear of pregnancy in me. What is wrong with children these days? You are a child, he is a pedophile. He broke the law, and you and your unborn child are going to suffer for it the rest of your lives. First, go to the police. Second, have the police there while you are talking to your father. If he hits you, they will be there to arrest him. Third, press charges against your teacher. He is just using you. At 15, you have no idea what you have gotten yourself into. And finally, go speak to a youth minister at a local church. They can help a lot with stuff like this. Good luck. And pray that you get through this alright.

Now I really don't get you. I just read your other questions and the first one you asked you told the person that you had told your parents and they really weren't that annoyed. Well, Now I believe that you are just itching for attention.

2006-10-03 04:16:52 · answer #11 · answered by gin 4 · 2 1

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