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22 answers

Mulitiply any other number by 16. The result will be divisible by 16.

2006-10-03 03:54:09 · answer #1 · answered by jimvalentinojr 6 · 0 2

16 x 16

2006-10-03 04:05:43 · answer #2 · answered by deebradley2000 3 · 0 1

Try dividing the number by 16?

2006-10-03 03:59:00 · answer #3 · answered by Alonsofan 3 · 0 1

Times 16 by a big number.

2006-10-03 04:45:34 · answer #4 · answered by bird brain 2 · 0 1

Mulpiply a big number by 16

2006-10-03 05:56:53 · answer #5 · answered by Toy 2 · 0 1

Divide by 4 and if you get a whole answer divide that by 4. If you get a second whole number then the original is divisible by 16.

2006-10-03 04:00:02 · answer #6 · answered by RATTY 7 · 1 0

You just need to see if the last four digits form a number that is divisible by 16. This is because 10,000 is divisible by 16. 10,000 = 16 * 625. So look at a large number like 3450000. It ends in four zeroes, so it's a multiple of 10,000, so it's divisible by 16. Now look at 3451024. That's 3450000 + 1024. You know that 3450000 is divisible by 16. If you add a multiple of 16, the whole number is still a multiple of 16. If you add any number that is not a multiple of 16, you no longer have a multiple of 16. 1024 = 16 * 64, so 3451024 is a multiple of 16. So is 983298398730128. Look at the last four digits; they are 0128, or the three digit number 128. 128 = 16 * 8. Now look at 34789101303420015. The last four digits are 0015, or the two digit number 15. That's certainly not divisible by 16, so this number is not divisible by 16.

Note that 16 = 2^4, and this rule works to check divisibility for all powers of 2, but you have to look at as many digits as the exponent of 2. To check for divisibility by 8, which is 2^3, you only need to check the last three digits. To check for divisibility by 32 = 2^5, you need to check the last five digits.

(The question wasn't how to find a large number that is divisible by 16, but rather to start with a large number and see if it is divisible by 16.)

2006-10-03 03:56:37 · answer #7 · answered by DavidK93 7 · 7 0

Multiply a big number by 16 and that answer can be divided by 16.

2006-10-03 03:54:27 · answer #8 · answered by Drewood 5 · 0 2

Press divide by 16 on your calculator then see if you get a whole number

2006-10-05 04:54:37 · answer #9 · answered by Thesmileyman 6 · 0 0

The last four digits must be a multiple of 16.

And how do you see that?
* Split the last four digits into two pairs:
... 65536 --> 55 36

* Divide the first pair by four;
take the remainder:
... 55 / 4 = 13, remander 3

* The last pair must be a multiple of four.
... 36 / 4 = 9, check.

* Add the remainder to the quotient:
... 3 + 6 = 12

* This must be a multiple of 4.

Additional example:

... 49 88
... rem:1 quot:22
1 + 22 = 23 --> fail

... 82 88
... rem:2 quot:22
2 + 22 = 24 --> success

... 91 04
... rem:3 quot:1
1 + 3 = 4 --> success

2006-10-03 04:57:01 · answer #10 · answered by dutch_prof 4 · 0 1

the best way is to use a modulus computer function

if (mod(big number, 16) ==0) then

it can be divided by 16

(mod divides the 1st number by the 2nd and returns the remainder)

(== is a condition for checking equality)

2006-10-03 05:09:56 · answer #11 · answered by Mike 5 · 0 1

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