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The school violence, kids and grown men bringing guns to school and killing children. This is getting way out of hand. There have been 4 in the past month(that I know of). I just dont get it. Who is protecting our kids? The government spend billions on trying to take care of other countries and their problems. Can't they come up with a way to make school a safer place for America's children? This really upsets me.

2006-10-03 03:16:06 · 19 answers · asked by belinda f 3 in Politics & Government Government

I am not only speaking of the kids who are bringing guns to school. In case you are so uninformed, the past 2 shootings were carried out by grown men. One was yesterday in Pennsylvania, where a man killed 5 kids, and then himself. Then last week a grown man went into a school, just a few miles from Colombine and raped, molested and killed teen age girls. Are you going to tell me the government shouldnt be involved in this, or is this the responsibility of parents as well? As for parents being at fault for the kids doing the killings, how can a parent always know what is in the mind of a child that is so disturbed? People who think that this only goes on in homes where there is a lack of discipline are either ignorant or you have no children.

2006-10-03 03:25:10 · update #1

I can see that you think our kids are safer now in school. I wonder if the "statistics" would make the parents who just lost their children feel better!

2006-10-03 03:31:11 · update #2

19 answers

First teachers are parents !!
But how avoid school violence ? Sure, It's impossible to have a cop behind each kid...
When I see the government spending billions to make safe Baghdad streets… I would prefer that it spends this money to protect our children.

2006-10-03 06:09:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Unfortunately in this day and age, these sort of events happen all too often. There is no way to 100% protect children in our schools. Even putting armed guards around the school would not work, somehow one of the guards would loose it. The world is full of what if's and expecting the government to foresee every nutcase who has a grudge to bear is unreasonable and unworkable. If a gunman attacks the White House the President has a secure area to go to, the best I can suggest is that schools have the same. It's a scary world and you can live in fear of occurrences like these or do the best you can to protect against them. Either of those choices are extreme. Wish I had the answer for you, I am a parent of 3 school age children as well so my choice is to at least keep the violence out of our home, probably the best anyone can do.

2006-10-03 06:27:52 · answer #2 · answered by Bob D 6 · 1 0

You are not alone in worrying and it is an unforgivable monstrosity the way the children are being hurt and killed. School should be a place of safety and where a child can go without fear.

I can not think of what can be done but to have an armed guard at all the schools and metal detectors but that is not the best answer.

I think so much of this violence is due to the violence shown constantly on television. It constantly is showing the way to handle anger is by violence. It seems a lot of these persons learn to deal with fear in a negative way and think shooting and hurting is the answer. If the person is a loner and has just the television for company (and for that matter violent games) this can lead to abnormal ways of thinking and to react. When angered he is going to go with what he has learned .Most people have not been around raising kids a lot the past 5 decades being at work instead of having at least one parent home raising the kid and the end result is angry adults later on who do NOT know how to deal with their anger. I have found too that watching all the violence makes a lot of people immune in their feelings toward violence. There are more shows of violence and vagrant acts of disrespect on television then there are any shows showing compassion, caring and respect.

My prayers are with the families and the communities that are suffering today and the grief is felt by all.

2006-10-03 03:51:11 · answer #3 · answered by The_answer_person 5 · 1 0

The schools are too busy teaching kids a political agenda instead of how to think for themselves. When a kid can use his brain to gather information and make a logical decision, he has self-confidence, and he's a happier person.

Abolish the government run schools and let the private sector take over. We throw billions of dollars at these schools, and they turn out kids who can't read at a third grade level.

You also need to get rid of this silly "gun free zone" thing around schools. Any crazy who wants to shoot up something knows that a school is an ideal target. No one there or anywhere near there is allowed to have a gun, so it will be a while before anyone can even challenge you. In addition, you can take children as hostages. Our schools have a HUGE target on them.

Why did this latest sicko pick an Amish school? Because there weren't even any phones around. They had to run to a neighboring farmhouse to use a phone. What better target could you pick if your goal was to cause such terror?

Get well-trained armed guards at the schools. Guns PREVENT violence far more often than they cause it. You just don't see all of those stories plastered all over the front page of every newspaper.

2006-10-03 03:32:55 · answer #4 · answered by FozzieBear 7 · 1 0

I truly dont know what the answer is, the fact that this person had carried a grudge since CHILDHOOD..is a scary scary thought, I mean he was married, had his own family and was still in his mind harking back to some slight.

I think the Amish attack might have been linked [as in TRIGGERED] by the one last week where the girls were assaulted sexual as well as being shot at..............it seems he has been very quiet at work for the past few days roughly the time that info had been released and then to go to the school, remove / separate boys from girls let the boys go free and shoot at the others......speaks of huge mental issues on his part set off by recent events.

I dont think locking the schools down to one door in one door out will help, when the first lot of kids get burnt to death that will never be thought of again.....................but they do need to step up and protect the little ones a bit more, maybe an active police presence OUTSIDE schools..............

2006-10-03 03:32:22 · answer #5 · answered by candy g 7 · 0 0

That is one of the many reasons I home school.Children deserve to be safe.I agree the school should be able to discipline children more.I don't know what this country is coming to, but when a grown man takes revenge on Amish children for something that happen when he was a kid that is just sick.Children should never have to worry about anything more than the monsters under the bed. Too bad the monsters came out.

2006-10-03 03:27:07 · answer #6 · answered by Melissa C 5 · 1 0

Beware - many of these killers are likely to be covertly programmed assassins acting against their will - anyone can be programmed but some are more susceptible than others. To find the cause look for the motive.

Get rid of government 'special psychological operations units' - The final key in taking total control of the Government from the people is to remove their Constitutional right to bear arms - The more horrifying and frequent these 'attacks' by so called 'deranged people' the more likely the public is to agree to outlawing weapons or increasing their control.

Mind alteration has been used by covert forces including religious groups and governments for centuries - the difference is that it is now far more developed and effective.

Home tution is about the only sure way. Our children's school has a lockable gate and security guards - also we have the benefit of living outside the USA. Get your children to cut down on video games and television watching and avoid repetitive music with beats per minute that equate with a human heart beat.(all can be used for covert mind alteration) Go for more sports and tutors who have a one to one relationship with students and can monitor those with problems.

PS Alik411 - that was the point - but guns don't kill - people do. A killer can use poison, knives, garden implements, vehicles or anything they choose - Are you going to ban everything?

2006-10-03 03:21:18 · answer #7 · answered by Bring back Democracy 3 · 0 1

As sad as it may sound, we live in the culture of violence. There is no way to just "protect" kids from the culture they live in. In our country, not only do we have extra benevolent gun laws, but also mass popular entertainment filled with violence from cartoons to movies to music. Kids bullying other kids is one of the ways our culture manifests itself through our little ones who absorb every inch of it before we realize that it's too late. At the same time, we have religious extremists who cry for lack of morality and yet many of them own guns. They may own weapons for "peaceful" purpose, but they do buy or sell them, and that overall demand spills into a very decent sized weapon black market.

While it is not easy to "fix" moral and attitude problems in human relationships, it is imperative that we fix the gun laws. We cannot have such an availability of guns in combination with so many people who want to shoot. The Second Amendment may have been great in its own time, but it is time to either shield it by other laws or remove it altogether, because it became too detrimental.

2006-10-03 03:34:17 · answer #8 · answered by puckstorm 3 · 0 0

There is hardly any violence in schools and the statistics show that the number of incidents is decreasing every year. There are many millions of people in the US, your kid is safer going to school than just about any other place they could possibly be, including home in their beds. That's right. Statistically it's safer for a kid to be in school then in their own bed. Read the statistics and get some perspective.

2006-10-03 03:20:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

All but one door locked from outside entry. Alarm systems on all doors to notify office of openings of restricted doors. The door that is open must have direct entry to the office where staff can verify the person belongs in the building(metal detecting wands would be nice too). Staff must have mace or pepperspray so they can impede an intruders ability to cause harm should they gain entry.

2006-10-03 03:23:51 · answer #10 · answered by El Pistolero Negra 5 · 0 0

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