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Do conservatives even care about international opinion?

2006-10-03 00:53:03 · 13 answers · asked by Villain 6 in Politics & Government Politics

13 answers

Mostly because they do not have a clue, most are dimwits and that can be proved, they voted not once but twice for a coke snorting, alcoholic with no morals. They do not realize that the U.S. is just a part of the world, while we are leaders, and a super power without others help we could be absolutely nothing, our economy is dependent on the rest of the world. If we do not sell to the rest of the world we would not be able to sustain the level of life style that we can afford today. If we do not buy from the rest of the world same thing as we do not have enough natural resources to sustain the population. Many of our citizens have heritage from the rest of the world so to bomb another country could mean we are blowing up relatives. So we are bound by that. The point is we have to get along with the world in order to exist in it.

2006-10-03 01:25:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

You need to cut the Republicans a little slack. You have no way of judging how a Democratic president would have reacted toward 9/11 and the country's outcry for justice.
The terrorists attack on the World Trade Center were outside the realm of sanity. Reaction to insane acts are alien to the mind of a rational person. There isn't a handbook in the Oval Office on how to handle crazy people and insane situations.
This would have been on the job training for anyone occupying the presidency whether republican or democrat. Hindsight is always 20/20. I'm sure the current administration will act to satisfy world opinion as if turns against the U.S.
I'm not a Bush supporter, but I don't think the man is a complete idiot. He knows we are going to need world help to settle things in the Middle-East.
Bear in mind, all these nincompoops here on Y!A are not representative of the Bush administration. They may support him, but they don't have an inside line to the Oval Office. They do not speak for the Republican party, any member of congress, nor the president of the United States. They are simply a bunch of people blowing off steam.

2006-10-03 01:32:47 · answer #2 · answered by Overt Operative 6 · 1 1

Because they are right!! We are neighbours of our bothers the US:) So would u rather be neighbours to Iran :)
i am catholic too and this is a war against our way of living!
We may have our faults but i wouldnt want to be same faults as
countries abroad we live in good society:)
The only problem today is that young people need to go back to church:) Blessed are the peacemakers sometimes there is war
for us to win would bring peace again:) For us to lose we will be slaves or killed by our Enemy (LOVE YOUR ENEMY) dosent mean to take a knife in the back either we have to protect our
Christian brothers and Sisters! Look at the Big picture history repeats itself we have to form self defense against or enemy or we will die from the atttack of sleeper cells our what ever they bring on us! They are just like the nazis hating Jews and infidels
and anyone not of their faith! U should see the Movie oBSESSION IT SHOWS WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW IN THIS WORLD:)
So think what u want about what I have said it is the truth!
The lefties r brain washed and I think allow imoral behaviour( same sex marrige) (prisoners right to vote)ETC ETC They R working for the taliban and would probably be happy to give Canada to the extermists'!
Well God bless u

2006-10-03 01:28:28 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

To an extent, I know many conservatives who DO care. The only thing is, HOW can these people in other countries possibly know everything about our policies? Their media is just as biased as ours is, only in most countries, it's even MORE anti-American.

See, that's my complaint against people in other countries judging us for our decisions. I don't feel that they have that right.

If you're speaking of the war in Iraq, please keep in mind that most of the countries that DIDN'T support us were the ones who were involved in the Food for Oil scandal. They were in Hussein's pocket; of COURSE they didn't want a war with him!

However, as a moderate conservative, I DO respect the opinions of people from other countries. I discuss politics with Germans, Iranians, East Indians, British, Pakistanis, Israelis, Lebanese, Brazilians, Haitians, Canadians, French, ...I have friends all over the world, and I very much respect them. Their opinions have no sway on what we DO, as a sovereign nation, but they can speak them all they want.
Oh, and I'm living in Germany right now. So the idea that most conservatives haven't travelled is BS. My mom and dad lived in Germany in the mid 60s, and they travelled all over Europe. My dad was a conservative Republican to his dying day, and so is my mom.
Both of my parents visited all 48 of the contiguous states, and lived in several different ones while my dad was in the military. I've lived in four different states, and I'm only twenty-five.
My brothers and sister, my aunts and uncles, and most of my cousins have also travelled extensively. The ONLY relatives of mine who haven't travelled are, ironically, Democrats.

2006-10-03 01:09:39 · answer #4 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 2 2

We were attacked, remember?
Why should we give a ratsass what frenchies, or spano-weenies (Thank you AC) say, or think, about the USA?

Our greatest gift to the world is GLOBALISM. We are currently mentoring China and India in how it is done..., and we have to stop everything, (prosperity, economic expansion, higher standards) to put an end to centuries old hatreds borne out of a f'n book! But Islamic fascist psychos, as well as frenchies, spano-weenies, etal., they WANT only for us to be attacked, again and again.
"To be Muslim at the end of a sword."
They'd prefer us to wither, to wane, to cease to be...

But instead, a rewriting of the Koran will be demanded (As was done with the New Testament and even Judaism has been updated) But Islamism has NOT rewritten the Koran to today's realities. To update the Koran to secularist world ideals, so the world can commerce and EVERYONE prosper.
Instead we see so many lslamic countries caught up in the throes of their own misery, Arabs and Persians, who blame western countries for their miseries. What to do? Attack and kill for us... for religious gain?

You should ask, "Why don't WE respect THEM?"

2006-10-03 01:19:32 · answer #5 · answered by Number1son 3 · 1 1

I think some of them honestly don't see the direct impact the world opinion has on our safety and security here. Gizmo posted a question a few weeks back asking why we should care about international views on the US, and I tried to tell him the same thing; he really didn't seem to see the reason for concern. I think Conservatives would care more if they saw it as more of a liability, but many of them don't.

2006-10-03 01:04:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Those in power do...but they rub people the wrong way..and as far as the typical conservative goes hell they don't even care about their fellow Americans let alone foreigners.

2006-10-03 01:10:34 · answer #7 · answered by dstr 6 · 0 3

No they do not.

They take their lead from BUSHCO and as you are aware the effect on the well being of America as a whole has been deleterious.

Misplaced arrogance and also remember not many of them have left their states let alone crossed the Atlantic.

2006-10-03 01:14:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

No, we don't care about international opinion. At least, i don't

2006-10-03 01:10:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

No we don't care. So there. Why should we when they have NO say about how we do things (I know that really pisses off foreigners!)

2006-10-03 00:59:00 · answer #10 · answered by N3WJL 5 · 2 3

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