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A male or female, alone can't make a baby, so why is it just a womens right to choose? I'm for abortion in cases of health of the women, or in cases where they have been sexually abused. But any other cases are absurd. If you can't pay for it, give it away, abortion should not be treated as a last form of birthcontrol. You may say, well a women might be traumtized later if they give a baby up, well think of the way they will be traumtized if they have an abortion. At least giving it away would be more eithical.

2006-10-02 20:18:31 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

21 answers

Like you said, its not a clear case; certain conditions should allow abortion for medical purposes while others not. However, even at that level, it is hard to draw the line. What if giving birth had a 20% chance of killing the mother...should the baby still be aborted? Or maybe the baby is born with a defect that would cost 400,000 dollars to keep alive and the parents cannot afford that kind of money each year.

I am indecisive on this issue but I agree that there are other very absurd reasons people put out.

2006-10-02 20:23:13 · answer #1 · answered by leikevy 5 · 0 1

You know, i has always seemed very strange how people pick and choose when abortion is right or wrong. If you believe abortion is murder, than isn't it still murder regardless of health issues or rape or sexual abuse. If your pro-life..thats it..you believe in life over all else...so how is it that it's ok to blow up an abortion clinic..to preserve life...thats as bad as murder in the name of God.

A women has the right to do what she wants with HER BODY. There are laws as to how far a long a women can go before she doesn't have the right to make that decision. A women should talk to the childs father about it, yes, but the ultimate decision his hers and hers alone.

Yes, there may be some women who abuse the right to have an abortion, those women are likely ill in some way, mentally or uneducated, or drug addicts. And people in altered states of mind may not understand.

All of the people that say to give the baby to people who want the baby...need to rethink their approach. People leave the country to find kids these days. American foster children are not finding homes. Especially not the minority children. And I'm not saying all don't find homes, because of course some do. But many more do not. The ones that aren't thrown into a dumpster, or off of a bridge , will sit in foster care until they are old enough to be emancipated and put out on the street to face llife as an adult. After being shipped around from place to place with a big black garbage bag filled with their stuff. Many will commit suicide before that. Many more will end up being career criminals and addicts.Prostitution is very high amongst foster kids. Now these kids are alive and they made it past the womb, and no one is arguing that they may turn out to have great lives now that they were given the chance to be born. But Please dont say, that people out there want them, because that is a serious UNTRUTH!!!

There will never be a solution to this dilema, and for humanitys sake, I wish there were.

2006-10-02 21:14:33 · answer #2 · answered by RAW29 3 · 0 1

Abortion should only be legal if it is a legitimate health hazard to the mother or other extreme cases (rape, etc.). I am a staunch Democrat but abortion is not a good choice people- for the mother or the baby.
I have friends who have had abortions and now regret them. Is that really so surprising? Not to mention the health aspects of it- your body was never intended by nature to be forced through a process that is supposed to happen naturally.
For years I accepted that abortion should be legal because many people representing my party campaign for it but if you really sit down and think about it, it should not be tied to politics.
Or at least it should be an issue we all work together on-who wants our young girls and women to suffer the abortion process even under the best of medical care?
We need to educate people (especially young) about proper birth control and the consequences of having a baby. And of course a father should have a say! I'm for women's rights 100% but don't say the natural father should have no rights.
Men and women both should have rights and I it's time that men vocalize about it since there is a segment of people who seem to think we shouldn't have any- although plenty of men have bled and died to make as best a world as they could for everybody- !

2006-10-02 20:48:42 · answer #3 · answered by NATE 3 · 2 0

You know I have never completely thought of it that way. But you are right. If a mother can't put a baby up for adoption without the dad's consent then how come they can get an abortion without the father's consent? Mostly I think it is because most people don't consider it a baby until it's born, which of course is rediculous. By the end of the first month the baby has already begun to form facial features. It is a baby a person from day one. I don't believe in making abortion illegal for a few different reasons, mostly because women will find a way to do it if they can't go to a doctor they find out means that are not healthy and actually worse for both the mother and the child. Also right or wrong it should be the parents choice. But I do think that stricter laws should be in place. Such as maybe making sure that the father has a say so, that an abortion cannot be performed on a teenager without the parent's consent, and there are states who allow this. And yes I would rather give a baby up for adoption it's hard parting with a child but I'd rather know my own flesh and blood was living and breathing than that they never had a chance to live. It's not fair that women use an abortion as way out, as a way to escape their wrong doings and not face them. Even men use it to get away from responsiblity by suggesting it to a woman. It is sad. There are a million couples out there that cannot have kids who are just waiting for a baby, those waiting lists are miles long. traumatized, heck, if you love your child so much that it would hurt to give them away then how can you consider killing them instead? It doesn't make sense to me. Anymore than saying that if you move and can't take your dog with you you'd rather run him over than give him to someone else who would love him. Does that make sense? I don't think so, and abortion isn't any different other than it's a human being. I don't understand how if a mother gives birth to a live baby and then dumps it in a trash can it's murder. But if you get an abortion it's ok? Either way that child is getting thrown away is it not? Ok so maybe I went off on a spree with this question but I think abortion is one of those debates that we are never going to hear the end of and everyone has a strong oppinion about it one way or the other. This has been one of the better points someone has made I think.

I just read over some other people's answer. So a mother should give up a baby instead of being sick for 9 months? That's the worst thing I've ever heard, sick for 9 months is a very small price to pay. That baby did not ask for their mother to have sex, and in the case of rape they did not ask for their father to do that. The mother doesn't have to want to keep the baby but why should a poor innocent child be punished for it? Morning sickness is not an excuse for destroying a life. I'm on my fourth pregnancy, had one misscarriage yes pregnancy is difficult but it is not so horrible that I would ever consider killing my child for whatever reason. And saying that birth control doesn't always work. You're right it doesn't, but you know when you are having sex that that b/c no matter what form you are using is not 100% affective. Sex is not a necessitiy in life when you choose to participate in it no matter how safe you are you are perfectly aware of the things that can come from it. NO child should have to suffer for a decision you made on your own. Abortion is an easy way to run from your mistakes. Rape is not your mistakes it's his, but is not that baby's either. I've never heard a good excuse for abortion except in the case of a severe birth defect that would cause the child to suffer. I know this is long but it just makes me mad to hear that people are so selfish. Every argument I've heard as to why it should be ok is that the "woman has the right", "it's her body." And so many other things all having to do with the "woman". No mention of the baby. If you don't want the baby then at least do the right thing and hand it over to someone else who does.

2006-10-02 20:34:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Would you rather the baby be aborted or found in a dumpster somewhere later because it's 15 year old mother freaked and didn't know what to do? Abortion should be a woman's choice and since every woman is different, has different thoughts, and would have different levels of ability for taking care of a child it should be completely up to her under what circumstances the baby is aborted.

2006-10-02 20:31:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I think its sickening in all cases. If you have sex, you are risking pregnancy and everything that comes with it, even health problems. My mother was told she and I would surely DIE if she tried to keep me becuase her problems were so severe. She spent her entire pregnancy in the ICU fighting for our lives, and well, here we are today! The even more sickening truth is, that with 3,000 abortions occuring every day, its saving us from all sorts of problems like overpopulation and adding to an already crowded and abuse-infested foster-care system. There are too many people out there that DO keep their babies and then just dont care about their well-being. Yes, all those children have the right to life, good or bad. But honestly, abortion is like a necessary EVIL.

2006-10-02 21:27:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Although I dont agree with abortion and would never consider it as an option for myself, I dont think alot of people would agree with you. You being a male, would not have to carry a child for 9 months nor would you have to take care of it. This is a very sticky topic hun and Im not quite sure why you are so perturbed by it? At least you will never be in the situation to make that desicion. I think its one of the most difficult things a woman can go through and you have to respect woman for their desicions whether or not you agree with them. :)

2006-10-02 20:37:48 · answer #7 · answered by Chez 2 · 0 1

I'm pregnant myself, and didn't plan my child. I'm not married and live in a country that consists of 90% muslims and strict traditions... However, I decided to keep my baby... There was not even a moment of doubt in my mind. Nevertheless, I can't judge anyone who wants an abortion, I know it's painful and traumatising and leaves you scarred for the rest of your life. We can't tell people what to do and not to do, it's their life and they know their options better than we do! If they decide to abort, it's because they have no other option, and if they decide not to tell the father then there must be a reason for that.

2006-10-02 22:10:02 · answer #8 · answered by kenanaki 1 · 0 1

Ethics are a very personal thing - a woman's body is her own right, and denying a woman of that right is nothing short of sexism and prejudice. Women do not decide that they are going to be the one's to give birth, if it was men who gave birth then abortion would not be a problem. Pregnancy and childbirth when the child is not wanted is traumatic, both physically and mentally, and can cause serious depression, an illness that is terrible to live with. No woman aborts a baby for the fun of it - all reasons are as legitimate as the next.

2006-10-02 20:28:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

i don't think that it should be just the mothers choice, i am not for abortion either,only if there are good enough reasons ,still i don't think killing another human being is right only GOD should be able to give and take life. i think that laws should change and only change for situations that are really necessary.

2006-10-02 20:37:11 · answer #10 · answered by raiderette 1 · 2 0

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