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Afraid I won't fall asleep,and will feel surgery.

2006-10-02 19:56:45 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Alternative Medicine

19 answers

Only Homeopathic Medicines can cure Gallstones without surgery, Here is the Homeopathic prescription for gallstones :-
NATRIUM SULPH 200 once daily along with FERRUM PHOS 6X,MAG PHOS 6X,KALIUM PHOS 6X,CALC FLOUR 6X to be taken together every 4 hours atleast thrice a day if the pain does not subside raise the potency of MAG PHOS to 30X. Report back with your conditions after taking them for a week while continuing with medication. No side effects or complications.
Take care and God Bless you !

2006-10-02 20:48:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

THere is no way to remove them without surgery. But if your friend doesn't have many getting on a strict diet might avoid any discomfort with gallstones. Th surgery isn't bad. They make three small inscisions. Then they put two small cameras through two of the holes and pull the gallbladder out through a hole over you navel. Most doctors send you home the sameday but you can opt to stay at the hospital through the night. Recovery time is about a week give or take a few days.

2016-03-18 03:59:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are 2 non sergical methods I can suggest you:

Cholesterol gallstones can sometimes be dissolved by oral ursodeoxycholic acid. This drug is very expensive, however, and the gallstones may recur once the drug is stopped. Obstruction of the common bile duct with gallstones can sometimes be relieved by endoscopic retrograde sphinceterotomy (ERS) following endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).

A regimen called a "gallbladder flush" or "liver flush" is a popular remedy in alternative medicine. In this treatment, often self-administered, the patient fasts briefly, takes magnesium, and then drinks large quantities of lemon or grapfruit juice mixed with olive oil or other oil before bed; the next morning, they painlessly pass a number of green and brown pebbles purported to be stones flushed from the biliary system. A New Zealand hospital analyzed stones from a typical gallbladder flush and found them to be composed of fatty acids similar to those in olive oil, with no detectable cholesterol or bile salts. Many people find relief from this remedy however.

However in Surgical options you can always try Laparoscopic: 3-4 small puncture holes for camera and instruments (available since the 1980s). Typically same-day release or one night hospital stay, followed by a week of home rest and pain medication. Can resume normal diet and light activity a week after release. (Decreased energy level and minor residual pain for a month or two.) Studies have shown that this procedure is as effective as the more invasive open cholecystectomy, provided the stones are accurately located by cholangiogram prior to the procedure so that they can all be removed.

There is no requirement nowdays for a full anasthesia for gallstone removal. Dont worry. !!

2006-10-02 20:22:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Get Rid of Gallstones in as Little

2016-05-14 19:15:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I had gallbladder trouble about 6 years ago and got over it with a talented naturopathic doctor's help. He put me on a regime of all natural vitamins from the Standard Process Company. Can't recall what all I used but one was AF Betafood.

I'm so glad that I did that. My BF is only 31 years old and he's had his gallbladder removed. What a pain!

There's a naturopathic doctor that can give you advice at www.myhealthstore.com and he carries the Standard Process products. (I buy from him now since the one I was seeing died in a car accident.)

There are alternatives!

2006-10-03 01:52:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No they cannot be removed without surgery.
about twenty years ago attempts to dissolve them with medicine failed because of the toxic affects on the liver.
Now a days they remove them through a telescope (laparoscopy)
It is fast safe and you are usually up and around the same day.
with the new monitors for heart and blood pressure they can tell if you are in pain without you needing to be awake to tell them.
they use new Valium like drugs so when you come out you feel incredibly mellow.
a lot of people fear the lost of control with general anaesthetic.
Just be sure you tell the doctor how you feel
and they will make sure that you don't feel anything

2006-10-02 20:11:33 · answer #6 · answered by stillness 3 · 1 1

Surgery can be dangerous.
This is better

Gall Bladder Flushes and Cleanses
How Your Gall Bladder Works

The gall bladder is a hollow inactive organ supplying bile to the
digestive tract that is mainly used to emulsify fats and oils.
According to some natural health experts who believe in gall bladder
flushes, the gall bladder can be damaged by
· Excessive amounts of fat and oil;
· Large amounts of spice;
· Very cold liquids;
· Cold dairy products
· Drafts
· Planning and thinking ahead all the time
· Stress.
These same writers say the gall bladder can be protected by:
· Pickles
· Good quality vinegar.
According to these writers, gall bladder problems (thus suggesting
the need for a gall bladder flush) are often found in people who are
· Constantly planning
· Hypersensitive to drafts
· Hypersensitive to noises
· Hypersensitive to strong smells.
When the liver is constantly stagnant, sediment often settles out of
the bile and forms accumulations that resemble stones, sand or mud in
the gall bladder.

Symptoms of sediment in the gall bladder:
· Indigestion
· Flatulence
· Periodic pain below the right side of the rib cage
· Tension in the back of the shoulder near the neck
· Bitter taste in the mouth
· Chest pain.
How To Do the Gall Bladder Flush
This is a one-day purge to flush the gall bladder of sediment and
stones. Beginning in the morning, eat only organic apples, at least
five throughout the day. Green apples help soften the stones more
than red. Drink pure water and herbal teas. At bedtime, warm up 2/3
cup of olive oil to body temperature and mix in 1/3 cup of fresh
lemon juice. Slowly sip the entire mixture, and then immediately go
to bed. Lie on your right side with your right leg drawn up. In the
morning, all gallstones should pass in the stool.

This flush should be done only with the guidance of an experienced
health practitioner.

5-Day Gall Bladder Flush
This is a milder, slightly less effective variation of the one-day
flush. Consume apples and radishes for five days. For five
consecutive days, take two tablespoons of olive oil and two
tablespoons of lemon juice on an empty stomach one time a day.

Gradual Gall Bladder Cleanse
This cleanse takes 21 days and is slower and gentler on the body.
This is the one often recommended for those unsure of how much
sediment or stones they may have. Cleansing two or three times a year
ensures a healthy gall bladder.

During the cleanse, avoid all foods high in fat, meats, dairy, eggs.
Eat unrefined grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes to help clear
the gallbladder.

These foods hasten gallstone removal:
· Pears
· Parsnips
· Seaweed
· Lemons
· Limes
· Turmeric
Radish also remove stones, so, for the entire 21 days eat 1-2
radishes a day between meals and drink three cups of cleavers tea or
five cups of chamomile tea a day.

For every 160 pounds of body weight use five teaspoons of
cold-pressed flax seed oil. Pour the flax oil over your food during
one meal of the day or divide into half and use on two meals. Take
the flax oil six days a week for two months.

When the liver has been stagnant for a long time, sediments form in
the gall bladder, according to some natural health writers, and
that's the time to do a home gall bladder flush.
Chet Day January 29, 2002

2006-10-02 20:07:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

A stone formed in the biliary tract consisting of bile pigments and calcium salts.

Herbal Aids
1.Parsley: Parsley taken with boiled onions is said to be good to remove gallstones although some writers prescribe juniper berries instead of the onions which would also be a great specific for the urinary tract.

2.Juices for Gallstones: Celery & parsley, tomato, grapefruit.

3.Dr. Christopher's Liver-Gallbladder Formula: If gallstones are present and the ducts are blocked, bile may be forced back into the liver and enter into the bloodstream. The skin may take on a jaundiced color. Ultimately, the bile is excreted through the urinary tract. The urine is often dark red or amber color and is very concentrated. Clay color stools are another symptom. During a time of a gall bladder inflammation, heavy eating should not be done. Fruit and vegetable juices are recommended along with the liver-gallbladder herbal formula. The bowels should be kept open and unconstipated through the use of the lower bowel formula...Olive oil (2 tablespoons, 3 times a day) should be taken to lubricate the bile ducts. Our hydrangea root formula, made with 1 quart of apple juice and one ounce of hydrangea root soaked together for three days in a cool place and taken in two ounce doses during the three day cleanse, is capable of dissolving stones anywhere in the body. Light, more frequent meals are preferred over large heavy ones.

4.Parsley: Parsley will work on the gall bladder and will remove gallstones if used properly by taking a pint of the tea daily.

1.Woman Avoids Gallbladder Surgery: During a lecture in Ogden, one of his students, a lady, came to him, saying she was in terrible trouble. She had gallstones so bad and painful that her doctor would give her pain shots. The doctor now refused to give any more shots, but if she had another attack, the stones would be removed.

Another attack was starting, and the doctor told her that an operation to remove the stones would cost $1200. "I haven't got the money," she told the doctor. He said to put it on the medical credit card, which she didn't have either. He said that he couldn't help her until she had the money for the operation.

Then she remembered about the three-day cleanse that goes with the mucusless diet. You use apple juice for three days, as well as olive oil, a couple of spoonfuls three times a day. She decided to try it.

After about a week, Dr. Christopher returned to Ogden. This lady came bouncing through the door, with no pain at all. "Hello, doctor," she said, "I am so glad to see you. We had a rock slide last night."

"A what?"

Her husband, following her in the door, explained that he was in the other room and heard the gallstones hitting the bottom of the toilet bowl as they dropped out. He collected maybe a cup of gallstones that had come out after three days of juice. Instead of $1200 for the operation, it cost them about $12 for the juice and oil. She had no more gallstones, and felt wonderful.

Other herbs used for gallstones are dandelion, golden seal, mistletoe, yellow dock, oak, parsley, and wild yam.

Prevention, however, is the key, and adherence to Dr. Christopher's mucusless diet will prevent the formation of these stones.

2.Passing Gallstones: Dr. Christopher related an interesting story about a patient who suffered a sever gallstone attack. His naturopath would not handle the case, considering it too sever, and an orthodox medical doctor told him to report immediately to the hospital. But the man refused to be operated on, and went back to his naturopath, who referred him to Dr. Christopher.

He was advised to go on the three-day cleanse, using apple juice, the Lower Bowel Formula, olive oil, and the Liver-Gallbladder Formula three or more times a day. He used no other food, but did apply a castor-oil fomentation on the liver.

He immediately improved, the pain left, and he went back to work in a few days! He passed a large amount of bile marbles and gallstones, and he was a very grateful man.

2006-10-03 19:11:07 · answer #8 · answered by HEAL ONESELF 5 · 0 0

Surgery may be necessary but it will not take out the cause of your problems. You are probably suffering from metabolic syndrome and need to have a doctor who understands and can help you work out of it before more of the issues involved wiht it come up.
Doctor B

2006-10-06 09:52:46 · answer #9 · answered by Doctor B 1 · 0 0

Lithotripsy is the only method I know. I just had surgery a week ago and had the exact same concern. The surgeons monitor your pulse, heart rate, blood pressure and brain waves to ensure that you are out cold. I was on the table for 6 hours and didn't feel a thing. Good luck!.

2006-10-06 16:38:10 · answer #10 · answered by Steve R 6 · 0 1

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