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15 answers

Catholicism is simply one "flavour" of christianity



RC was NOT the 1st sort of Christianity.

Christianity only became popular in rome when it was adopted by Emperor Constantine in around AD 320 - though he also worshiped pagan gods at the same time.

However it was Constantine who set up the Council of Nicaea, in 325, that set out what was to become modern day christianity.

So you could say he was the first editor of the bible.

2006-10-02 19:03:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In reality there should be NO differance. In the
ways of what "religion" -r- u? There is a lot of differance, unfortunately. There is a very simolistic way to break it all down for you though. The word catholic means: universal. Now, I always found it quite odd, as I was raised a "Catholic", but there were all these rules that excluded all these other people and friends that I made growing up. They weren't allowed to receive communion, unless they were "Catholic", yet as I became a teen, I started my quest and went to a Luthern, Presbyterian, Baptist and so on Church. I just wanted to see what the big deal was and why they were to be excluded. Oh I even went to temple too. That was differant; in that; I had no idea what they were saying. Kind of like when I was an altar boy and the Mass was in Latin. Needless to say, other than the Synoguge, every church seemed to be talking about Christianity and Christianity was centered around Jesus Christ! Perhaps not in the same form, as the Catholic ceramony (Mass) is centered around the Last Supper between Jesus and His disciples. You can also receive the bread and body of Jesus Christ at each Mass in the Catholic faith, but not in the other
practices. The other faiths limit the Eucharist to special occassions. Now the simplist explination I promised is this:
The Catholic faith began with it's (the Catholic's) first Pope, Peter; as Jesus told him: "and upon this rock I will build this church". Hence -St. Peters Square in Rome, where the Pope lives. Peter and Paul, upon Jesus' Acension into Heaven, were split into their interpretation of Jesus' teaching. I did a paper on this years ago and attributed it simply to mankinds faulted being of jealousy. Peter was told he was the rock and Paul must have had issue with that. As the Bible outlines, they went their sepparate ways and hence, the beginning of: Catholocism and "other" religious beliefs, depending on where Paul was teaching and the customs and inhearant ways and such.
I hope this assists, because after (3) three strokes and a whole lot of years gone by ----- I
am shocked that I can remember that KSU paper all these years later.

2006-10-03 02:46:36 · answer #2 · answered by theniteowl16 2 · 0 1

Oh my.... I guess you have to be a bit older to understand the difference. I explain it to my children all the time, probably because they attended a Catholic school in their elementary school years, and now attend public school and meet kids from a variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds.

Christianity started about 300 years after the birth of Christ (so Christians do believe Jesus Christ did live) So, for the past 1700 years or so there have been many branches of Christianity that have evolved -right across the world.

Catholicism is a specific (and largest) branch of Christianity in the world today. Even within Catholicism there are branches: Roman Catholicism, Orthodox Urkrainian Catholicism etc. The Catholic faith believes that Jesus was born as a son of God to a virgin (& that no one else has been born as such). But more importantly, they believe that Jesus was crucified and then resurrected from his tomb 3 days after he died. And that this act, made him extremely special and proved that he was put on earth by God. Easter ,and the belief in the resurrection, is a primary tenet of Catholicism and many other Christian faiths (Presbyterian, Anglican, Baptist etc) Hence the cross on many Christian churches - but not seen on synagoges, temples etc.

However, there are other Christian faiths that believe in the existence of Jesus Christ (hence the name Christ-ianity), however do not observe the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. (eg: Latter Day Saints or Mormons). These faiths do NOT observe Easter & may not consider Jesus as a "son of God". I haven't studied all that much about other Christian faiths that don't observe the resurrection, so I won't comment further .

It is believed that the "New Testament" of the Bible was written after the time of Christ. The "Old testament" of the Bible was written before the time of Christ.

So before 2000 or so years ago, Christianity did not exist. What did man believe in? Do we really know? And, think of North American Natives and their spirtual beliefs - theirs was, and is, very intricate & involved; & revolves around spirits of the earth, nature & sky. I'm sure their beliefs have existed far longer than 2000 years!

And Judiasm has been around a lot longer than Christianity!

Who knows what will be around in 2000 years from now?

2006-10-03 02:38:22 · answer #3 · answered by signingstore 2 · 0 1

Catholocism and Christianity is not the same thing. Catholics pray to Mary who was Jesus' mother. Christians believe what the Bible says, i.e. there is only one way to the Father and that is through His Son Jesus Christ. There are many more such differences.

2006-10-03 02:13:00 · answer #4 · answered by shakespear 3 · 0 1

Dear God, not again!
Catholicism is the original Christianity: the name means the Universal Church
Beginning with Martin Luther and Henry VIII of England, certain groups peeled away: these are protestants.
Still others went in a different direction, later on, when nice man named Joseph Smith told them about these wonderful gold tablets he had transcribed: these are LDS (Mormons)
Others still felt that wasn't far out enough, and went into a religious fervor in the early 20th century: these are the Pentacostals, and other evangelicals.

Then there are those who've had enough: those are Athiests.

2006-10-03 02:14:12 · answer #5 · answered by ericnifromnm081970 3 · 0 1

We don't pray to a guy in a box. We pray directly.

We don't worship Mary. There is no holy family.

We take our bibles to church and dont follow preprinted missles.

Jesus warned against lengthy prayers (rosary)
calling others Father

No they are not at all the same.

When you go into a Roman church its all gothic. with all the robes, and incense, and quietness, and you cannot feel the spirit of God.

When you go into a true Christian church it is excting, there is love everywhere and people are happy to see you. People are jumping up and down filled with the spirit.

There are no pictures or crosses of a dead Jesus because he is risen.

The vatican is extremely wealthy while others are so poor. It is by being blessed that you can bless others. The pope rides around in a bullet proof car. Would Jesus? He is considered God on earth. Says who?

Celebacy is a choice between God and his ministers but if they cannot then they are to cling to their wife lest they be brought to temptation. The church cannot kick you out

No eating meat on Fridays. Where is that in the bible?

On and on about rules and regulations of which NONE are in the bible. Baptism of babies, communion, confirmation, redundant impersoanal prayers.

I would tell the pope to kiss his own ring. I bow to no man but Jesus.

2006-10-03 02:20:04 · answer #6 · answered by digdugs 3 · 0 1

Catholicism is a subset of Christianity. A major subset, I might add. Many people clump all the protestant sects together and refer to "protestants and Catholics," because if you don't count the Eastern Orthodox (who were way off in their own little corner of the world at the time), the first big division in Christianity came with Martin Luther posting his objections to Catholic doctrine on the door of a church. After that, all divisions were from the protestant side -- that is, those who protested against Catholicism.

2006-10-03 02:12:58 · answer #7 · answered by auntb93again 7 · 0 1

Having experience with both the best way I can explain this is like this....
Catholicism believes in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that Christ died on the cross for our sins and rose from the grave three days later. Yet there is a lot of emphasis on works to get to heaven and much prayer done to Mary and the saints. Also praying to Mary to speak for you to Jesus. Confession of sins must be done in confessional with a priest.

Christianity on the other hand also believes in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that Christ died on the cross for our sins and rose from the grave three days later. But no work needs to be done to get to heaven because Jesus Christ paid the price for our sins on the cross. They do not believe in a go-between for Jesus, you can pray directly to him and confess your sins. If you Accept Jesus died on the cross for your sins then Believe he was raised from the dead on the third day and Confess your sins (wrong choices and bad behavior towards others) you will be saved.
There are many Catholics who are Christians.
Consider the site below.


2006-10-03 02:26:26 · answer #8 · answered by Yodawise 2 · 0 1

Catholics are christian LOL
Roman Catholic was the first christian religion. Next came eastern orthodox, then Lutheran and so on. Every christian religion is drawn from the Catholic religion. Catholics are very strict. Some religions go against the Bible where as Catholics follow it.

2006-10-03 02:05:00 · answer #9 · answered by Somechicknamednicole 3 · 0 0

Catholic believe that Mary was very holy and that people need to pray to her because god chose her to be Jesus's mother, Hence the hail mary. They also believe that some people, priests, are chosen and that they are the only ones that can talk to God, hence confession. Christians believe that Mary was still human and we don't need to worship her. They also believe that anyone can talk to god, not just priests. In lamens terms. That is how it was explained to me.

2006-10-03 02:06:21 · answer #10 · answered by crchase16 3 · 0 1

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