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For that matter Present and Future also. Consider a Globe and think you are standing in THAT. Your past is your back side and your future your front side, and as you walk inside, the Globe also moves with a past and future. (with a back and front) When you take a step in a different direction your backside and front side changes. (probably so with the globe that you walk in). Imagine so many of such small Globes of Individuals put in a Bigger Globe and moving the Bigger Globe with a certain back side and front side or with a certain past and future. So many such bigger globes in The Biggest Globe. When the direction of the Globe changes, so changes the past and future. Is the scenario, the Biggest Globe Itself has Consciousness and hence takes random moves or the individuals inside smaller globes with coscience moving the Largest Globe? or Is it Both together ? The Concept of Omnipresent ( The Past, Future and Mere Present integrated into One ) has any role over here to play ?

2006-10-02 18:44:43 · 14 answers · asked by jayakrishnamenon 3 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

Let me put in a few perspectives more. According to the latest findings in Q.M. the observant or the observed object, the observant and observation are interlinked and a change slight change in anything can have change in the effects. When we observe the past ample examples are ther in past.. Jesus Christ was considered a Bad Man or Satan during his time, now look at the past. Car's mirror can be adjusted in differnt directions. Think of the stars that expired billions of light years back... we are looking at a past that's changeable, had we could move faster than velocity of light we would have observed another thing .. even when i look back my life, that past is not what i thought few years back of it. Past definitely is a percetion, so is present and future and Time with the latest theories of Q.M. is also a perception and hence linked with the perceiver. Imagine the dream state of existence where in Years pass by in just a few seconds, imagine those experiences in Dream....

2006-10-02 22:30:52 · update #1

During the dream state's past and the woken up state's past ? also look forward to future and present the same ? Doesn't that imply globe concept of past, present and future all integrated into one like a bundle, not into the mere present only but into the Omnipresent. when you select one bundle or theme in life its a package of few things, select another bundle now or may be walk another direction, the package is different ... the different interpretations of even immediate history, doesn't they prove the fact that past is not absolute and can be changed... ?

2006-10-02 22:39:07 · update #2

14 answers

The Now is the only reality. The sushumna, or center channel of energy, if you will, is the locus of God. I and the father are One. It has been said in the mystery schools that he who would master love and understand vibration would master the universe. What collapses future potentials into the Now is dependent on the concepts and beliefs that you hold in mind. The mind exists on the background of the void, or pure consciousness/pure potential. It is the movement (vibration)of mind on the background of the void that creates the illusion of separation or individuation.If you still the mind completely (no vibration)the physical world disappears. It is the concepts and beliefes held in the mind that vibrate throughout the void and collapse potentials that are congruent or match your current beliefe structures.

The ego can only exist in time and space, so it is constantly projecting into the past and future. It is this constant projection that creates continuity or the illusion of the flow of time. As you begin to release your attachment to past and future, the sense of time begins to fade and you begin to experience more and more the eternal Now.

You can through quantum entanglement play with the energies that have been experienced in the past, clearing the emotional charges and therefore see the effects in your now which will have effects on your future . But what about what is unconcious and resonating?

This to is effecting your reality in the now through vibration, so in order to completely change the past you must become aware of it. But all of this Lila (play) is just bringing you back to your true Self which is not concerned with any of this, all of the Karmas or counter forces that you created through ego identification when you created the illusion of leaving your peaceful abode, are nothing more than the destructive forces to bring you back to your true Self, which is unconditional love without end. Live in your heart and the fear of the mind(past or future) will dissolve and the ultimate freedom you will experience.


2006-10-03 08:54:27 · answer #1 · answered by Michael K 2 · 2 1

Omnipresent is usually not associated with dimensions of time. It is used as a term to summarize being everywhere at once, in one moment of time. As for the "globe" idea, I do not think it applies to time. There is no circular motion when one thinks of moments in time. If one looks at a desk, within every passing second the desk will be different, and will never be that same exact desk again. The change will vary from the movement of molecules that make up the desk, to dust particles landing on the desk, to an insect crawling up the desk leg. The past has happened, and can never be reproduced or visited again. The present is constantly becoming past, and the future constantly becoming present. We live in fleeting moments, and once the moments pass we can never have that exact moment again.

2006-10-02 20:22:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Globe? I can't be bothered to read everything, and from the entire message I see the word 'globe' everywhere. This is pretty straightfoward, no. But because of that, I shall say yes.

You can change your past, in your dreams, your regrets, you mind... You can even imagine your past was changed. Anyway, mental patients are the happiest people in the world. :) Did you realise that?

I wish to live in a mental hospital for a day. Imagine myself up to be anything I want!

2006-10-02 18:59:50 · answer #3 · answered by Peanut 2 · 1 0

No, but it is possible to change the future by learning from the past. Many do not grasp this simple concept and keep repeating the same mistakes, expecting a different outcome. Which is the definition of insanity.

2006-10-02 19:52:50 · answer #4 · answered by nunya 3 · 2 0

It is not possible to change the past unless one changes the present. And I don't mean a change in behavior or an act of contrition, sacrifice, or gift.

We are only able to see the past with ourselves in it. This is not the past. The past does not exist because we do not exist in it. The past exists because we choose to live in it.

Perception is the kindness of God allowing us to see the view we need to see to allow us to grow in self knowledge.

Do not worry about this question any longer. Leave it to God or karma. Forget the globes and all of the smaller ones as well.

You understand that there is no yesterday. You understand that there is no tomorrow.

I know you understand these simple precepts.

Now practice them.

2006-10-03 11:05:51 · answer #5 · answered by Temple 5 · 1 0

Verdugo's answer is the best. Beacause even if you go in reverse, the future is still what you are looking at.

You can't change where you have been, but you can use it to figure out where you are going.

Time is not equal to physical presence.

Have a nice day.

2006-10-02 19:19:38 · answer #6 · answered by sharrron 5 · 1 0

You can talk about globes all you want,but the answer for me is no. No one's past can be changed,good,bad,or in between,especially the bad.

However,we can change our present by choosing to learn from our past mistakes,and not repeat them,no matter what.That also sets the course for our future.That's where wisdom comes in,by choosing to learn from our past mistakes,bad choices,bad experiences,and not repeating them.

We all get into trouble when we don't learn from them!

2006-10-02 18:55:22 · answer #7 · answered by auntfran8 3 · 1 0

you made it more complicated with your example... here's a simple one... driving a car is the most simplest form of it.

rear-view mirror >>>>> one's past
the road ahead >>>>> your future
the driver himself >>>>> the present

so simple, but true to form.... now, with regards to your question, hypothetically impossible (not without a time machine, i dare say).

now supposing i change my driving sense (driving in reverse) everything reverses... the future becames my rearview mirror, the past becomes the road ahead... the present, of course still the driver. therefore, in a manner of speaking, i did change my past, right? so there.... you want to change your past or your future? try driving a car....

2006-10-02 18:58:55 · answer #8 · answered by VeRDuGo 5 · 1 0

yes,by learning from past and apply it on ur present,then in the future will be a better past.....in that way u change the future past.....sorry for the confusion...lol

2006-10-02 20:27:28 · answer #9 · answered by ink 2 · 2 0

Same question was asked by parikshit to vyasa in ref. to krishna, and was told nothing is worth a change. :)

2006-10-02 19:08:14 · answer #10 · answered by No Saint 4 · 1 0

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